This is my Regenerative Agriculture recommended reading list
For those who don’t know me, I like to read A LOT!! I have personally read and rated all of the books below. Use the filter tool to view books by category, interest, difficulty etc. You can also print the table or open in an excel or csv file. (Please note: some functions may not be available when viewing from a mobile phone).
**Coming Soon**
I am currently in discussions with Acres USA to bring a similar bookstore, which would be based in the UK, to sell a lot of the publications described in the book list below. Making them more accessible to people in the UK and less hassle with the cost of shipping and Import duty etc.
wdt_ID | Book title | Author | Pages | Audio Book Available? | Interest (1 - 5.5) | Difficulty (1 - 5) | Notes | Category |
1 | A Short history of farming | Ralph Whitlock | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | Old book, author from the field magazine - worth a reading tracing agriculture through the ages until the 1960’s | Soil |
2 | Building soils for better crops 2nd edition | Fred Magdoff et al | 214 | No | 5 | 1 | Like this book, well set out, easy to read, enjoyable and a good insight into regen ag in a really good well written order *must read! | Soil |
3 | Call of nature | Richard Jones | 274 | No | 5 | 1 | A UK based book about the secret life of dung, how it is produced and then how it is recycled, a truly fascinating book and so relevant in the search of complete recycling. | Soil |
4 | Chemistry of soil Analysis | D Storer | 68 | No | 4 | 3 | Book looking at how and how to replicate soil nutrient testing | Soil |
5 | Comeback Farms | Greg Judy | 275 | No | 4 | 2 | Rejuvenating soils, pastures and profits with livestock grazing management, a follow on from ‘No risk ranching’ Based on Allan Savoury’s work of holistic management. | Soil |
6 | Cultivating reality | R Sutterfield | 113 | No | 2 | 1 | A look at agrarianism, how theology and soils can interact. | Soil |
7 | Dirt | David Montgomery | 245 | No | 4 | 2 | Prequel to Growing a revolution | Soil |
8 | Dirt to soil | Gabe Brown | 201 | Yes | 5.5 | 1 | Great book, Great introduction to regen ag. I met Gabe back in 2016 on his farm in North Dakota - the most fascinating farm and the most incredible soil! All built by him and his family | Soil |
9 | Food power from the sea | Lee Freya | 193 | No | 4 | 2 | 1977 book in need of modification because at this time the sea was being utilised for land fertility, through seaweed, fishmeal, sea water and/or all the energy stored within it - a worthy read | Soil |
10 | For the love of soil | Nicole Masters | 271 | Yes | 5.3 | 1 | Right up there with the essential reads, a very modern 2019 book, based in New Zealand, but absolutely essential reading. | Soil |
11 | Foundations of natural farming | Harold Willis | 346 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good book explaining the principles of regenerative agriculture - highly recommended | Soil |
12 | A soil owners Manual | Jon Stika | 79 | Yes | 5.5 | 1 | Short concise book, with pretty much every fact and figure needed to understand Regen ag and soil, how so much information is found in such a small book (and audio) is nothing short of genius | Soil |
13 | From the Soil up | Donald Schriefer | 268 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A John Kempf recommendation - need I say more? The reason why soil is the answer to agriculture and how to make best use of it. | Soil |
14 | Fundamentals of soil ecology | David coleman | 312 | No | 5 | 2 | A text book/reference book for graduates on all aspects and descriptions/diagrams of life that occurs in the soil - very expensive resource! | Soil |
15 | Good soil | Brade Birks | 276 | No | 3 | 2 | 1946 Wye college book looking at how to assess soil for texture, structure and how to farm it. | Soil |
16 | Grow your soil | Diane Miessler | 155 | No | 5 | 1 | A well illustrated, top facts, concise introduction into how a soil works and why it works like that, designed for gardeners, but a useful addition to any farming bookshelf. | Soil |
17 | Growing a revolution | David Montgomery | 284 | yes | 4 | 1 | Great author and read, 2 other books highly recommended (Dirt) (The hidden half of nature) | Soil |
18 | Healthy soils, sick soils | Margareth Sekera | 136 | No | 4 | 2 | Very good book, modern book of work done in Germany in 1943 overall v good book | Soil |
19 | Holy shit, managing manure to save mankind | Gene Logson | 195 | No | 4 | 1 | Great little book, does exactly what is says in the title! | Soil |
20 | How Soil Works | Paul Syltie | 137 | No | 5.3 | 1 | An incredible book, detailed knowledge but demonstrated in a way that explains it easily, certainly in my top 10 of books to read. | Soil |
21 | Humusphere | Herwig Pommeresche | 209 | No | 5.3 | 2 | A John Kempf recommendation - A great book that looks at the tricky subject of humus and its role in the humusphere in the soil and yet explains it extremely well. | Soil |
22 | Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes | P M Huang | 585 | No | 2 | 5 | AN almost impossible read? aimed I guess at serious soil scientists, can’t think of anyone else that could read it? | Soil |
23 | Albrecht on Calcium | W Albrecht | 278 | No | 5 | 4 | 278 pages dedicated to Calcium! No wonder S Townsend finds it so important | Soil |
24 | Introduction to soil Physics | Daniel Hillel | 320 | No | 3 | 5 | An introduction if you are already a Physics genius! Otherwise a book that gives all the formulas required to work things out accurately such as evapotranspiration rates. | Soil |
25 | Life in a bucket of soil | Alvin Silverstein | 93 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A reprint of a 1972 Book, different and a worthy read because it focusses on the macro animals rather than the micro fungi and bacteria of which there is so much written. | Soil |
26 | Life in the soil | R Jackson | 59 | No | 4 | 1 | A useful books in old methods to measure the life within soils | Soil |
27 | Managing soils without using Chemicals | Jo Readman | 43 | No | 3 | 1 | Very basic, but a useful quick read, mainly focussing on gardens, tillage and mulches. | Soil |
28 | Mother earth (Letters on soil) | G W Robinson | 201 | No | 4 | 2 | 1937 book UK based, useful read (explains here the difference between soil organic matter and humus) | Soil |
29 | Nitrogen and soil organic matter | MAFF | 166 | No | 3 | 4 | 1969 when UK ag research was best in the world. A very scientific led book looking at how to feed a crop amongst other. | Soil |
30 | No Tillage, Agriculture principles | R Philips | 319 | No | 4 | 2 | 1984 book on No till (very few books or publications written about no till) based in Netherlands so more relevant to a UK climate than those books written in the Americas | Soil |
31 | Pioneers of fertility | Crichton Porteous | 125 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An old book tracing the history of the understanding of soil fertility from the mid 14th century to the early 20th century. | Soil |
32 | Ploughing a new furrow | Malcolm Smith | 215 | No | 5.1 | 1 | 2018 UK book - looking at BREXIT and the interactions between nature and farming - loved this book and needs promotion | Soil |
33 | Ploughmans Folly | Edward Faulkner | 142 | No | 5 | 1 | 1945 book questioning the use of plough, fantastic look at cover crops and the primitive understanding of soil biology. | Soil |
34 | Albrecht on Pastures | W Albrecht | 235 | No | 5 | 4 | More pastureland advice | Soil |
35 | Radical Regenerative gardening and farming | Frank Holzman | 198 | No | 3 | 3 | US book, not the easiest of reads, much better books written on the subject. | Soil |
36 | Remediation engineering of contaminated soils | Donald L. Wise | 979 | No | 2 | 4 | Essential reference book, for those looking at solving contamination of soils with researched science. | Soil |
37 | Sea energy agriculture | Maynard Murray M.D | 104 | No | 4 | 2 | 2003 US book looking at the research of Maynard Murray, who studied extensively the minerals found in sea water would benefit plants and animals | Soil |
38 | Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture | W A Stephenson | 193 | No | 4 | 2 | A 1960’s? book based on Seaweed and its applications, not the easiest of reads, but useful for understanding the role of seaweed and improving plants. | Soil |
39 | Secrets of Fertile Soils | Erhard Henning | 170 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book outlining and detailing how soils work and their importance (translated from the original German book of the same name) originally written in 1995 | Soil |
40 | Secrets of the Soil | Peter Tompkins | 329 | No | 4 | 3 | Claimed as a sequel to ‘silent spring’ by Rachel Carson? A much more difficult read because of typeface, I wouldn’t rush to read it again! | Soil |
41 | Sewage solutions | Nick Grant | 177 | No | 5 | 2 | 2005 UK book, not the easiest typeface and the book could be bigger for ease of use, but very informative and some good ideas | Soil |
42 | Soil | Charlie Ryrie | 58 | No | 3 | 1 | A very basic understanding of soil written on behalf of the soil association. | Soil |
43 | Soil Analysis | Keith Smith | 504 | No | 2 | 5 | A look at the instrumental techniques and related procedures to making soil analysis - not sure this is meant to be read or used as a reference, but doing the latter! | Soil |
44 | Soil and Sense | Michael Graham | 264 | No | 4 | 2 | 1941 Rothamsted book delving into a huge bank of knowledge that has been mostly forgotten and now needs relearning - well worth the read | Soil |
45 | Albrecht on Soil balancing | W Albrecht | 216 | No | 5 | 4 | How to make nutrients available | Soil |
46 | Soil and your health | Beatrice Trum Hunter | 111 | No | 2 | 1 | Much like Albrecht’s book, the link between how you grow something and your own health - worthy of a quick read | Soil |
47 | Soil care and management | Jo Readman | 45 | No | 4 | 1 | A nice little UK booklet, albeit dated now | Soil |
48 | Soil Chemistry | D Strawn | 392 | No | 4 | 3 | V good soil chemistry text book ref | Soil |
49 | Soil chemistry and its applications | M Cresser | 208 | No | 5 | 2 | 1995 UK book, very good, well structured and informative book | Soil |
50 | Soil Conditions and Plant Growth | E Walter Russell | 658 | No | 5 | 3 | A huge resource (9th ed) UK based, but looks at all aspects of soils from around the world and what’s in them and how to manage them. | Soil |
51 | Soil Conservation | N Hudson | 300 | No | 3 | 1 | 1971 really a look back at how sticky plasters were advised as a way of controlling erosion. | Soil |
52 | Soil Ecology | Ken Killham | 211 | No | 5 | 2 | A small text book style book written in 1994 and a surprising amount of information and accuracy when looking at the functionality of the soil. A worthy read. | Soil |
53 | Soil Erosion and Conservation | RPC Morgan | 164 | No | 3 | 2 | Another A level text book, some useful parts in it if required. | Soil |
54 | Soil Fertility & Human and Animal health | W Albrecht | 283 | No | 5 | 4 | Final book of the series, linking a healthy soil, to a healthy plant, a healthy plant to a healthy animal and in turn healthy human. | Soil |
55 | Soil fertility and animal health | W Albrecht | 187 | No | 5 | 4 | self explanatory | Soil |
56 | Albrecht’s Enduring vision | W Albrecht | 297 | No | 5 | 4 | Pastures and animals and connection with soils | Soil |
57 | Soil in their souls | Rex Sly | 160 | No | 3 | 3 | A history of Fenland farming in the UK | Soil |
58 | Soil management | Bryan Davies et al | 245 | No | 3 | 2 | 1972 look at ploughing, when ploughing was still a very different thing than it is today | Soil |
59 | Soil Mechanics | R F Craig | 77 | No | 2 | 5 | If you need formulas to work out how soils will behave on a slope for instance, this is your book! | Soil |
60 | Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry | Paul Clark | 327 | No | 2 | 5 | Scientific book, aimed at graduates minimum, but a useful resource when needing to look at scientific evidence. | Soil |
61 | Soil organic matter | P Bjorklund | 137 | No | 4 | 5 | World scientific view on the role and need to rebuild soil organic matter | Soil |
62 | Soils and Environment | S Ellis and A Mellor | 316 | No | 5 | 2 | Written by one of my University lecturers, a book aimed at graduate students that need to understand the principles of soils and a changing environment. | Soil |
63 | Sun, soil and survival | K Berger | 371 | No | 2 | 2 | 1972 USA book and introduction to soils and how and why they are so important | Soil |
64 | Teach yourself farming ‘good soil’ | S G Brade-Birks | 295 | No | 4 | 2 | 1944 UK book (Wye college) good explanations of soil basics and formation from rocks and weathering | Soil |
65 | The Biological Farmer 2nd ed | Gary Zimmer | 360 | No | 4 | 1 | Good book, hard to get hold of, now been updated and expanded by his follow up book. | Soil |
66 | The biology of soil | Richard Bardgett | 189 | No | 5 | 2 | V good general soil book, Good technical knowledge explained pretty well throughout. | Soil |
67 | Albrecht’s foundation concepts | W Albrecht | 507 | No | 5 | 4 | The source of much of Neal Kinsey’s work | Soil |
68 | The Drought resilient Farm | Dale Strickler | 176 | No | 4 | 1 | Good read, useful diagrams and tables to backup data claims. Like most books US based and livestock taking a large chunk of the book, but very useful all the same. | Soil |
69 | The Farming Ladder | G Henderson | 170 | No | 5 | 1 | Farming ‘bible’ of the 1940’s lots of great information on livestock, cropping and the value of mucking and manures | Soil |
70 | The Greatest Invention Dung Beetles & a cowman’s profits | Charles Walters | 186 | No | 4 | 1 | A fascinating look into the importance of dung beetles, what they do, how they work and the necessity of them in the soil food web to contribute manure into smaller parts for the soil biology to work on. | Soil |
71 | The Humannure handbook | Joseph Jenkins | 270 | No | 4 | 1 | A book that looks into making the most of human ‘bi-products’ urine and faeces and describes how best to utilise this precious commodity. | Soil |
72 | The Ideal Soil v2.0 A Handbook for the New Agriculture | Michael Astera | 171 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An acres US book, that everyone should own for a great point of reference. | Soil |
73 | The Independent Farmsead | Shawn and Beth Dougherty | 303 | No | 3 | 2 | A smallholding growing soil, biodiversity and nutrient dense food with grassland animals and intensive pasture management | Soil |
74 | The Nature and Properties of Soil | Nyle Brady, Ray Weil | 900 | No | 5 | 3 | V expensive, excellent text book style guide and understanding of soils | Soil |
75 | The Soul of Soil | Grace Gershuny | 100 | No | 5 | 3 | 1986 Canadian book, looking at all aspects of soil health in need of updating in a better typeface and pictures/tables/diagrams | Soil |
76 | The Story of the Soil from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life | Cyril Hopkins | 267 | No | 2 | 3 | Not the greatest read… | Soil |
77 | Albrecht’s hidden lessons | W Albrecht | 385 | No | 5 | 4 | follow on from above | Soil |
78 | The Study of the Soil in the Field 2nd and 3rd Additions | G Clarke | 188 | No | 3 | 2 | 1941 book, notebook size, defining the parameters of measuring soils (nothing new today!) US | Soil |
79 | The waste products of agriculture | Albert Howard et al | 125 | No | 4 | 1 | Albert Howard - just read it! | Soil |
80 | The worlds greatest Fix | G J Leigh | 220 | No | 5.1 | 2 | Not the easiest read, but a fascinating journey through the role of nitrogen, it’s history, it’s manufacturing and the current understanding. | Soil |
81 | Understanding Roots | Robert Kourik | 187 | No | 5.1 | 1 | US book, but is worth of a read, so much knowledge about what happens under the surface! | Soil |
82 | Water in plain sight | Judith Schwartz | 224 | Yes | 5 | 2 | Here Judith uses the works of Alan Savory to explain how areas of desertification can be converted back to green and prosperous lands | Soil |
83 | World Soils | E.M Bridges | 164 | No | 4 | 2 | Geology under graduate text book about the soils from around the world, what they consist of and their management and formation. | Soil |
84 | An agricultural testament | Sir Albert Howard | 258 | No | 5 | 2 | Essential reading from the godfather of soil health, of which much of modern day understanding is based | Soil |
85 | The World of the Soil | John Russell | 227 | No | 5 | 2 | First published by the lead scientist of Rothamsted research in 1957, John Russell, looks into the life of the soil and shows just what we did know 70 years ago - fascinating read | Soil |
86 | Food 5.0 How we feed the future | Robert D Saik | 233 | No | 5 | 1 | Great book on the future of food combining technology and the environment and the awesome authors Rob’s rants throughout the book. | Soil |
87 | Soil Biology Primer | Soil and Water conservation society (USA) | 47 | No | 5 | 1 | A very simply put together booklet and well illustrated about the life found in the soil, very hard to get hold of, and not sure if it’s worth the hassle! | Soil |
88 | Cultivation Systems at Drayton | MAFF | 12 | No | 4 | 1 | 1977 booklet, looking at various cultivation trials conducted by MAFF at their Stratford site. | Soil |
89 | Basic Soil Mechanics | R Whitlow | 531 | No | 2 | 5 | A reference book and more to do with construction industry and the way soils behave, rather than from a biological point of view. | Soil |
90 | Massey Ferguson 797 Reversible plough | MF | 15 | No | 4 | 1 | Plough manual, how to set up etc | Soil |
91 | No Till seeding in Conservation Agriculture | C J Baker et al | 300 | No | 5 | 2 | An essential book for those looking at going in to No Till farming, a collection of papers by various authors put in a very easily and well guided book through all of the research (download of the book available FOC) | Soil |
92 | Manures and Manuring | MAFF | 99 | No | 3 | 2 | 1937 book, interesting enough looking at the use of artificial fertiliser to compliment the use of manures. | Soil |
93 | Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture | Graham Stirling | 234 | No | 5.3 | 1 | Essential reading for anyone starting along the soil health or regenerative agriculture route - that simple! | Soil |
94 | Regenerative Soil - The Science and Solutions | Matt Powers | 270 | Yes | 5.4 | 1 | Brand new book at the time of writing (Nov 2020) and the best diagrammatic explanation of soils ever written, absolutely essential reading and point of reference. | Soil |
95 | 7 Myths about Aquaponics | Michelle Booth | 102 | No | 3 | 1 | A simple instructional book focussing on the main reasons people do not subscribe to aquaponics. | Livestock |
96 | Equine Nutrition and Feeding | David Frape | 505 | No | 3 | 4 | Graduate level of equine nutrition, first few chapters useful for nutrient requirement. | Livestock |
97 | Feed your Horse like a Horse | Juliet Getty | 392 | No | 3 | 3 | Not the easiest (US) read, nor the most informative about paddocks and what to plant/grass etc. | Livestock |
98 | For the love of land | Jim Howell | 462 | No | 5 | 1 | World case studies of grazing alongside nature and how it work, answering the question often asked, it works there, but never would here! | Livestock |
99 | Grass Productivity, an introduction to rational grazing | Andre Voisin | 481 | No | 5 | 1 | Essential reading by the godfather of grass - must read | Livestock |
100 | Grass-fed nation | Graham Harvey | 254 | No | 3 | 1 | Pro grazing/livestock book | Livestock |
101 | Grassland ecology and wildlife management | E Duffey et al | 244 | No | 3 | 2 | Dated book, pretty much does what is says on the title | Livestock |
102 | Grassland restoration and management | David Blakesley | 231 | No | 4 | 2 | Essential reading for those looking after grassland with the intention of enhancing all aspects of biodiversity. | Livestock |
103 | Happy pigs taste better | Alice Percy | 216 | No | 4 | 1 | A complete guide to organic and holistic pasture based pork system. Great read and information on how to include pigs in an holistic management program. | Livestock |
104 | Healthy Land, Healthy Pasture, Healthy Horses | Jane Myers | 245 | No | 5 | 1 | Another Australian book out of the top drawer for equine nutrition and using pastures, nature and the understanding of evolution to provide equiculture solutions | Livestock |
105 | Herdmanship | Newman Turner | 157 | No | 3 | 2 | The fourth of his works, looks more at animal husbandry. Read the other 3 first! | Livestock |
106 | A Healthy Horse the Natural Way | Catherine Bird | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | An Australian book that goes far on from nutrition, but explains how health can heal many ailments - I enjoyed this book | Livestock |
107 | Holistic management Handbook 3rd ed | Jody Butterfield et al | 245 | No | 3 | 4 | Using Allan Savory’s work and using the handbook to work alongside his Holistic management book (not to be confused) pretty useless without the text book | Livestock |
108 | Holistic resource managment | Allan Savory | 508 | No | 5 | 2 | “The bible” of regenerative ag. Allans work in the former country of Rhodesia saw him oversee the culling of 40,000 elephants due to perceived ‘overgrazing’ the problem worsened and led to the great revolution that animals were the solution rather than the problem. | Livestock |
109 | Horse Feeding and Nutrition | Tony Cunha | 423 | No | 3 | 2 | Hard work for a 2002 printed book (US)! | Livestock |
110 | Horse Nutrition and Feeding | Sarah Pilliner | 176 | No | 3 | 1 | Another UK book (mid 1990’s) about basic horse nutrition of mainly grass! | Livestock |
111 | Horse Pasture Management | Paul Sharpe | 367 | No | 4 | 2 | A good book (Canadian written, mainly based in North America) but gets to the grips of achieving correct nutrition in pastures rather than relying on bought in amendments. | Livestock |
112 | How to not go broke ranching | Walt Davis | 312 | No | 4 | 1 | A great look at 50 years experience in the US of learning that biological farming would enhance his livestock - no running seminars across the world | Livestock |
113 | Humane livestock handling | Temple Grandin | 217 | No | 2 | 1 | One of those books by a great author who has written so much about livestock management and handling that at least one of his books is worth reading, especially when considering regen ag | Livestock |
114 | Managing pasture | Dale Strickler | 266 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Despite being US based, yet again Dale has written a fantastic (published 2019) modern book on all aspects of sustainable grazing - a must read! | Livestock |
115 | Meat a Benign Extravagance | Simon Fairlie | 300 | No | 3 | 1 | A look at why we should lower our meat consumption because of the way our meat is produced and its effect on the planet. | Livestock |
116 | No risk ranching | Greg Judy | 231 | No | 3 | 1 | A USA based book looking at making a profit on leased or rented grazing land. Useful read | Livestock |
117 | Aquaponic Gardening | Sylvia Bernstein | 208 | No | 4 | 2 | A really informative book, a little more investment in the quality of paper, typeface, pictures and diagrams would have made it a much more interesting and captivating read. | Livestock |
118 | Nutrition and Feeding of Horses | Beth Maloney | 202 | No | 3 | 1 | Fairly straight forward (now dated) UK boo on horse nutrition | Livestock |
119 | Practical Horse and Pony Nutrition | Gillian McCathy | 255 | No | 3 | 1 | UK book, plenty of others, most better! | Livestock |
120 | Salad Bar Beef | Joel Salatin | 346 | No | 5 | 2 | A 1995 book by Joel, showing that small beef operations can be profitable and then how this can be extended in later chapters. | Livestock |
121 | The art and science of grazing | Sarah Flack | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book, where the integration of livestock needs to be far more understood by the the agronomist, I would consider this as a bible to grass and soil health. | Livestock |
122 | The Forgiveness of Nature (The story of grass) | Graham Harvey | 333 | No | 4 | 2 | A History of grass, In need of modernisation, because it is actually a really good read. | Livestock |
123 | The Horse Nutrition Bible | Ruth Bishop | 177 | No | 3 | 1 | 2003 UK book, look at the feed requirement and nutritional needs of the horse - better books written on the subject! | Livestock |
124 | The Horse Nutrition Handbook | Melyni Worth | 211 | No | 3 | 1 | More modern (2010) book and therefore easier to read book on the basics and principles of equine nutrition (USA) | Livestock |
125 | The Marvellous Pigness of Pigs | Joel Salatin | 257 | No | 3 | 1 | As a typical Joel book, the ethics of animal keeping within his firm Christian beliefs, means the book is as much about faith and the bible as is about farming, processing and purchasing food. | Livestock |
126 | The Miracle of Milk | Bernarr Macfadden | 204 | No | 2 | 2 | 1924 book, highlighting the benefits of milk in your diet and even the whole milk diet - useful read when debating dairy farming etc. | Livestock |
127 | Aquaponics systems | Bowe Packer | 77 | No | 3 | 1 | Simple introduction to aquaponics with very easy to follow diagrams and pictures. | Livestock |
128 | The Secret Life of Cows | Rosamund Young | 136 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Fringe book, good read | Livestock |
129 | The vegetarian Myth | Lierre Keith | 271 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Looking at the case of a once vegan which documents a personal life but also one of politics in a food system at the point of breaking. | Livestock |
130 | Big Chicken | Maryn McKenna | 308 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Only a 3 as its slightly off subject, however a great read about how antibiotics created modern agriculture and changed the way the world eats | Livestock |
131 | Cure your own cattle | Newman Turner | 77 | No | 4 | 1 | A look through Newmans experience of how to treat all of the cattle aliments, without needing to rely on antibiotics and medicines. | Livestock |
132 | Defending beef | Nicolette Hahn Niman | 241 | Yes | 4 | 2 | why livestock is so important! | Livestock |
133 | Electric fencing handbook | Ann Hansen | 93 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book and useful resource for those looking at including livestock on any kind of mob grazed system and how to plan and get the best out of it. | Livestock |
134 | Epic Impact journal 2017 | Various | 111 | No | 3 | 1 | A book that gives an overview of animals, case studies and region ag, different from many of the other books and well worth a quick read | Livestock |
135 | The Aquaponic Farmer | Adrian Southern | 259 | No | 5 | 1 | A very well laid out book detailing the whole process and business of aquaponic farming - best book on the subject so far in my opinion. | Livestock |
136 | Nourishment | Fred Provenza | 325 | No | 5 | 2 | A book that looks at how and why animals choose to balance their diets and then looks at humans and their ability to still do this. | Livestock |
137 | Where do Camels Belong? | Ken Thompson | 223 | No | 3 | 2 | A look at the story and science of invasive species and what it means in terms of history and the future. | Livestock |
138 | Dirt Hog | Kelly Klober | 304 | No | 4 | 2 | US produced book looking at all aspects of raising pasture reared (Range-produced) pigs looking at all aspects of the pigs natural husbandry | Livestock |
139 | Complete Guide to Raising Animals Organically | Paul Dettloff | 411 | No | 4 | 3 | Pretty much does what it says in the title! US based book, focusing mainly on cattle, but does look at all animals, from soil health right through animal biodynamics, DC voltage and reading animals through to natural treatments. | Livestock |
140 | The Art and Science of Shepherding | Michel Meuret | 404 | No | 5 | 1 | An book originally written in French and based in that country, it is a fascinating resource that delves into the depths of the animals, diets, nutrition, reading the signs as well as the social and economic implications | Livestock |
141 | Natural Sheep Care | Pat Coleby | 195 | No | 5 | 1 | Fascinating and well written book looking at the more natural husbandry of sheep care to give a much better understanding of how and what to do to manage sheep in a more holistic way. | Livestock |
142 | Chicken Tractor | Andy Lee & Patricia Foreman | 293 | No | 5 | 1 | Love this book - all about chickens, chicken tractors, great illustrations, how to make, build (US based figures for the economics) building soils etc etc | Livestock |
143 | The Lean Dairy Farm | Jana Hocken Mat Hoken | 396 | No | 4 | 1 | A book thats quite hard to review, it’s a great manual for those looking at managing a dairy and making sure things are done right with minimum of waste, waste being time, management as well as waste products | Livestock |
144 | Natural Horse Care | Pat Coleby | 152 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Pat Coleby book, like all the books in his series on natural animal care, the simplest of approaches learning from lessons of days gone by. | Livestock |
145 | Natural Cattle Care | Pat Coleby | 199 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Pat Coleby book, like all the books in his series on natural animal care, the simplest of approaches learning from lessons of days gone by. | Livestock |
146 | Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding | Wilson Pond et al | 558 | No | 3 | 4 | Scientific based book however useful as a point of reference | Livestock |
147 | Pig Feeding and Management | MAFF | 66 | No | 2 | 4 | 1963 Book, not the easiest read and not that relevant to anything regenerative - a timing really when animals were seen as nothing more than meat! | Livestock |
148 | Anatomical and Physiological Models of the Horse, Cow, Sheep, Pig and Chicken | N/A | 32 | No | 5 | 1 | An incredibly detailed short book showing the inside of the most common farm animals, an excellent reference book. | Livestock |
149 | British Breeds of Livestock | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 146 | No | 3 | 2 | 1913 book showcasing everything that is good and the characteristics of all of the UK native breeds of livestock - a useful reference. | Livestock |
150 | Fertility and Animal Breeding | MAFF | 44 | No | 3 | 2 | Interesting read to understand how reproduction and breeding in farm animals is detailed and understood to get the best out of an animal - including a useful section on AI | Livestock |
151 | Hybrid Chickens | MAFF | 39 | No | 3 | 2 | 1959 booklet looking at the commercial side of hybrid chickens and how they provide more economic gain, yet again designed in a time where science ruled and nature was something that was ignored | Livestock |
152 | The Culling of Poultry | MAFF | 17 | No | 3 | 2 | The process of preparing, catching and dispatching of chickens 1950’s style - useful for home producers looking to cull a few of their own poultry for consumption | Livestock |
153 | The Shepherd’s Life | James Rebanks | 293 | Yes | 3 | 2 | Better to listen than to read, as much as biography, but good and the interactions between the social, farming and environmental life that all become intertwined. | Livestock |
154 | Green Meat? | Ryan M Katz-Rosene | 224 | No | 5 | 2 | The scientific look at how meat production can be green in regenerative systems compared with the awful environmental footprint that is meat production currently. | Livestock |
155 | The Illustrated Herdwick Shepard | James Rebanks | 171 | No | 3 | 1 | The Life of the author taken through the lens of a camera - beautiful pictures and short passages | Livestock |
156 | Sheep husbandry and diseases | Allan Fraser | 339 | No | 2 | 2 | Useful resource book on husbandry of sheep and how to keep them healthy before resorting to medicines in a vibrant pasture system. | Livestock |
157 | Aquaponics for Beginners | Brian Ian | 60 | No | 4 | 1 | Simple book, looking into aquaponics | Livestock |
158 | A Biodynamic manual | Pierre Masson | 299 | No | 3 | 2 | A french based book where the author has practiced, then demonstrates and explains what and how he farms - a very good book on the subject. | Biodynamics |
159 | The Anatomy of life & Energy in Agriculture | Arden Andersen | 107 | No | 5 | 1 | A great introduction into energy and agriculture and how a different kind of focus on the right energy can provide healthy, sustainable crops. | Biodynamics |
160 | The water wizard | Viktor Schauberger | 211 | No | 5.1 | 3 | Another John Kempf recommended book so essential reading looking into the force and energy contained within water, a tricky read at best, but essential | Biodynamics |
161 | The wizard and the prophet | C Mann | 462 | No | 4 | 1 | Fringe but essential reading for anyone, the look at 2 scientists in the 1960’s-70’s their vision for feeding the planet as relevant today as it was then - shame its not available as an audio book (yet) | Biodynamics |
162 | Water Spirits of the world | Alanna Moore | 129 | No | 1 | 2 | Far to weird and mostly irrelevant! | Biodynamics |
163 | Biodynamics in practice | Tom Petherick | 127 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely illustrated UK book following tablehurst and plaw hatch - a worthy and easy read. | Biodynamics |
164 | Biophilia | Edward Wilson | 145 | No | 3 | 2 | A very left field book, looking at the bonds between humans and other species and how we interact or effect each other. | Biodynamics |
165 | Fertile Earth | Victor Schauberger | 193 | No | 5 | 3 | Book 3 of the excellent work by Victor, here he looks at trees, biodynamics and energies in nature | Biodynamics |
166 | Gardening and planting by the moon | N Kollerstrom | 60 | No | 2 | 1 | An obvious fringe book, however a useful insight into previous cultures and what they believed and the results they saw | Biodynamics |
167 | Paramagnetism | Philip S Callahan | 90 | No | 4 | 1 | An interesting insight into the fascinating world of paramagnetic (something that is included in many products sold in S Africa) | Biodynamics |
168 | Pfeiffer’s guide to Biodynamics | Ehrenfried Pfeiffer | 84 | No | 4 | 1 | A nice short introduction before taking on some of his larger books and information about the concepts, principles and practice of biodynamics. | Biodynamics |
169 | Sacred Medicine | Linda Star Wolf | 217 | No | 2 | 3 | Very left field, looking at the Shamanic teachers of the install medicine wheel to understand insects and their role with ‘mother earth’ | Biodynamics |
170 | Social farming | Karl kong | 224 | No | 4 | 2 | Hard to describe what this book actually is! looking at the connections between biodynamics, animals and farming. | Biodynamics |
171 | The Invisible Rainbow | Arthur Firstenberg | 392 | No | 4 | 3 | A History of electricity and life, a book that has as many references as it does pages! The book fascinatingly looks at how electricity has changed the planet. | Biodynamics |
172 | The Earths Face | Ehremfried Pfeiffer | 123 | No | 4 | 2 | Another great book on biodynamics by the author who 40 years ago predicted the way modern ‘big ag’ was and is destroying the planet. | Biodynamics |
173 | Living Rainbow H2O | Mae-Wan Ho | 281 | No | 4 | 4 | A tricky read, and sequel to the Rainbow and the Worm where the author looks in to the latest science and evidence based around the most simple thing - water! | Biodynamics |
174 | Cosmos Earth and Nutrition | Richard Thornton Smith | 260 | No | 4 | 3 | A very useful book on biodynamics and well explained to the beginner, a complete introduction and explanation into how all things from the original Steiner concept are linked. | Biodynamics |
175 | The Secret Teachings of Plants | Stephen Buhner | 272 | Yes | 3 | 4 | A book I struggled with to be honest, I am yet to listen to it on audiobook where it might be an easier read | Biodynamics |
176 | The Lost Language of Plants | Stephen Buhner | 288 | No | 4 | 3 | A fascinating read about the disconnect we now have from plants as natural healers, chemists and all sorts of things in favour of the artificial pharmaceuticals and pesticides that we so much more rely on now. | Biodynamics |
177 | The Rainbow and the Worm | Mae-Wan Ho | 250 | No | 3 | 3 | Another book by the author which is highly unusual and a book that requires time and space to read and ingest. It looks at the simple sentence - what does it mean to be alive? and tries to answer it. | Biodynamics |
178 | A Buzz in the meadow | Dave Goulson | 252 | No | 4 | 1 | A wonderful insight into the secret lives of insects and the importance of their protection. | Farm Nature |
179 | Farming in natures image | Judith Soule et al | 229 | No | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest read! but good and looking back in the 1990’s at the USA and how many were looking at the organic/regen model for improving soils and health etc | Farm Nature |
180 | Farming on the wild side | Hayden N | 240 | No | 3 | 1 | Informative book about the evolution of regenerative small holding and nursery (based in the US) Biodiversity and perennial plants | Farm Nature |
181 | Farming the Woods | Ken Mudge et al | 400 | No | 5 | 1 | Understanding the role of forestry and its products as part of a regenerative plan across not only arable land and grazing, but also woodlands and forests. | Farm Nature |
182 | Farming, Forestry and Natural heritage | Richard Davison | 304 | No | 4 | 2 | Printed in 2006 and in need of an update as the world is ever changing, but a very good albeit not the easiest read into the integrated future of policy, farming and natural capital | Farm Nature |
183 | Feeding and Greening the world | Derek tribe | 258 | No | 4 | 3 | An interesting perspective from a scientific point of view of how the starving of scientific funding is preventing the research that needs to be done to change non sustainable habits | Farm Nature |
184 | Feral | George Monbiot | 268 | No | 3 | 1 | Rewilding, keep your friends close and enemies closer! Tiny typeface so a hard read! but looking at how we farm, the way we farm and how re-wilding should be implemented | Farm Nature |
185 | Fields | Bill Laws | 219 | No | 3 | 1 | The importance of the very thing we grow our crops in, looking at different fields from around the world, what role they play, what their boundaries mean to wildlife etc. | Farm Nature |
186 | Fifty plants that changed the course of history | Bill Laws | 217 | No | 3 | 1 | Interesting book, mainly not directly relevant, but shows how plants and some weeds have shaped history. | Farm Nature |
187 | Flowers of the field | Steve Nicholls | 453 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of meadow, moor and wood, a beautifully illustrated and informative book about all things wild flowers of the UK. | Farm Nature |
188 | Folks, this ain’t normal | Joel Salatin | 351 | No | 3 | 3 | A good book where Joel looks at how far removed from nature the farming process is. It’s not an easy read (typeface etc) so would recommend waiting for the audiobook! | Farm Nature |
189 | A sting in the tale | Dave Goulson | 241 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The story of Dave’s passion to reintroduce the short-haired bumble bee back into the UK after going extinct. | Farm Nature |
190 | Foot loose | Jane Holmes | 122 | No | 3 | 1 | A lovely look through the diary of nature in Wiltshire from 1936 - 1950, the photographs really do bring it home. | Farm Nature |
191 | Givendale a farm in harmony with nature | Richard Fuller | 143 | No | 3 | 1 | A mainly photograph book - as its title suggests | Farm Nature |
192 | Green and prosperous land | Dieter Helm | 268 | Yes | 4 | 1 | The problems associated with UK ag, well worth a listen/read a blueprint for rescuing the countryside | Farm Nature |
193 | Hidden Nature | Alick Bartholomew | 270 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Essential reading by the Austrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) way ahead of his time of how nature works and how to address sick water, ailing forests and renewable energy. | Farm Nature |
194 | How to catch a mole | Marc Hamer | 240 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Another great read about how molecatchers learnt so much about the soil, the countryside and the environment. | Farm Nature |
195 | How to read the landscape | Patrick Whitefield | 216 | No | 4 | 1 | UK book! looking at how to understand how the landscape and its functions interact together to look at a whole ‘landscape’ understanding of the environment, rather than individual farms. | Farm Nature |
196 | Invasive aliens | Dan Eatherley | 296 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Only a 4 as slightly off topic, but fascinating insight into the UK species that have invaded and thrived, how, when, where and what are the consequences to the UK | Farm Nature |
197 | Moles | Rob Atkinson | 130 | No | 4 | 1 | The best book written and illustrated (that I have found) on the mole and its life in the soil. Are they are indicator of soil health? | Farm Nature |
198 | Natural Capital | Dieter Helm | 247 | No | 4 | 2 | The critically acclaimed author of many books, but this in particular looks to balance the economic v environment trade off | Farm Nature |
199 | Nature as a measure | Wes Jackson | 226 | No | 5 | 1 | Here Wes publishes a series of essays where he seeks to integrate food production with nature in a way that sustains both | Farm Nature |
200 | Bee Quest | Dave Goulson | 220 | No | 4 | 1 | A book which traces Dave’s travels around the world and also closer to home in search of all species of bee and where and why they are found where they are | Farm Nature |
201 | Natures architect | Jim Crumley | 189 | No | 3 | 1 | Beavers, the answer to flood management if allowed to do what they do naturally. | Farm Nature |
202 | Natures Matrix | Ivette Perfecto et al | 248 | No | 5 | 2 | Linking agriculture, biodiversity, conservation and food security. A really good book, but just something I found hard to read, not sure why? | Farm Nature |
203 | Playing God In Yellowstone | Alston Chase | 375 | No | 2 | 2 | Based in 1987, this book is a critical overview of everything that is wrong with the management of Yellowstone national park, it is important to understand that this has somewhat changed since it was written. | Farm Nature |
204 | Rebirding | Benedict Macdonald | 226 | No | 4.5 | 1 | Essentially a look at rewilding the U.K with emphasis on bird species which have been huge decline over the previous 2 centuries due to human interference. | Farm Nature |
205 | Rewild the art of returning to nature | Nick Baker | 271 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK based book 2017 about the need to re-wild and what it would mean to the UK to allow nature to return as it would want to. | Farm Nature |
206 | Rewilding | David wood fall | 270 | No | 3 | 1 | A lovely book based int he UK on what species do and how best to preserve them. | Farm Nature |
207 | Seventy Summers | Tony Harman | 255 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of Tony and is farm in Buckinghamshire, where in 70 years Tony went from hand milking and horses through the huge green revolution, here he explains the changes he has witnessed. | Farm Nature |
208 | Silent fields | Roger Lovegrove | 301 | No | 4 | 2 | An incredibly well researched book, look at the persecution of UK wildlife since Tudor times using history of taxes and game books to use this information to demonstrate how these animals have been driven from the UK countryside. | Farm Nature |
209 | Silent Spring | Rachel Carson | 363 | Yes | 3 | 2 | Needs little to no explanation I hope! However in any debate, reading both sides of the story makes you educated I believe | Farm Nature |
210 | Soils, Vegetation, Ecosystems | Greg O’Hare | 194 | No | 4 | 2 | Pretty sure this was my A level geography text book, a useful resource and worthy of ownership. | Farm Nature |
211 | Britains wild harvest | Hew Prendergast | 82 | No | 2 | 1 | Looking at the uses of native plants and how to live off the land in the UK | Farm Nature |
212 | Songs of Increase | Jaqueline Freeman | 170 | No | 3 | 2 | An interesting book, looking at working with honey bees, rather than maximise them for their output (honey farming) | Farm Nature |
213 | Talking with nature | Michael Roads | 151 | No | 3 | 1 | A quite fascinating book (v left field) about an Australian man who literally ‘talks’ to nature | Farm Nature |
214 | The Ecology Book | Tony Juniper | 331 | Yes | 5 | 1 | I have given this a 5, not so much farming related (totally) but a wider look at the planet and the effects all sorts is having on it. | Farm Nature |
215 | The ecology of hedgerows and field margins | J Dover | 272 | No | 2 | 2 | Obviously fringe, but highlights through science the nature of biological pest control contribution backed up with science. | Farm Nature |
216 | The Eurasian Beaver Handbook | Campbell-Palmer | 118 | No | 3 | 1 | For those estates looking at going above and beyond the realms of regen ag, the introduction of the beaver sits as a high priority, this handbook sets out a complete understanding of the beaver | Farm Nature |
217 | The Farm as an Ecosystem | Jerry Brunetti | 317 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A modern (2014) Acres published book, which is essential reading for agronomists and farmers as well as policy makers to understand the whole ecosystem approach to farming. | Farm Nature |
218 | The Golden Spruce | John Vaillant | 239 | No | 2 | 2 | A book written in BC Canada about the sabotage of one of its greatest assets (A huge spruce) the understanding of the connection and then the mysterious disappearance of the saboteur. | Farm Nature |
219 | The history of British Vegetation | Winifred Pennington | 138 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1969 UK text book looking at how vegetation has changed and established over millennia, until man had a huge influence over it in the past 5000 years. | Farm Nature |
220 | The Molecatcher says | Henry Tegner | 146 | No | 3 | 1 | UK book from 1964 when soils were ‘stuffed’ with moles….. but a book much more than moles, bats, hedgehogs, badgers and weasels | Farm Nature |
221 | The Moth Snowstorm | Michael McCarthy | 246 | Yes | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface, a useful reference to the decline in the UK natural capital, the authors relationship with nature and what we might be able to reverse the decline. | Farm Nature |
222 | Buzz | Thor Hanson | 216 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The nature and necessity of bees and how 125 million years ago, a wasp began the process of feeding pollen to it’s offspring - a great read | Farm Nature |
223 | The Natural History of Moles | Martyn Gorman | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | Useful reference and pictures of the work of moles, what they eat, how they live and impact on society. | Farm Nature |
224 | The Spirit of Rewilding | Peter Taylor | 271 | No | 3 | 4 | A tricky read, with Isabella Tree or George Monbiot’s writing, far more understandable. | Farm Nature |
225 | Three against the wilderness | Eric Collier | 286 | No | 3 | 1 | Great book, based in BC Canada, where a beaver trapper reintroduced beaver dams and tuned back into nature and were able to farm when the land had been restored. | Farm Nature |
226 | Tuning in to nature | Philip Callahan | 220 | No | 4 | 3 | A tricky read, but looks at the reasons and experiments as to why insects are attracted to crops and plants, through infrared, solar energy, insect communication systems and hormones. | Farm Nature |
227 | Where the birds sing | The game conservancy trust | 62 | No | 4 | 2 | A booklet looking into the first 10 years of the Allerton project, using conservation and farming hand in hand. | Farm Nature |
228 | Wild flowers of Britain | Michael W Davison | 439 | No | 3 | 2 | reference book (readers digest) with lots of colourful illustrations of all the wild flowers in the UK. | Farm Nature |
229 | Wilding | Isabella Tree | 384 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A look at the re-wilding experiment at the Knepp castle estate, interesting as an understanding to how re-wilding works and what they aim to achieve. | Farm Nature |
230 | Creating a flower meadow | Yvette Verner | 121 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely read documenting the creation of a wild flower meadow and beyond in the UK | Farm Nature |
231 | Eager The surprising secret lives of beavers and what they matter | Ben Goldfarb | 243 | Yes | 3 | 1 | A great and thorough book and knowledge behind beavers, chapter 9 about the UK. The natural hydrological engineers. | Farm Nature |
232 | Farming and Birds | R O’Connor | 244 | No | 4 | 2 | 1986 UK book, looking then at the then realised decline in Births birds in farming and how to conserve them! | Farm Nature |
233 | Farming and Birds | Ian Newton | 573 | No | 4 | 3 | 2017 much more detailed of the book with the same title, typeface is incredibly small which is a real shame! | Farm Nature |
234 | On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin | 427 | Yes | 5.2 | 2 | Not sure this needs any introduction? | Farm Nature |
235 | Insects (A Comprehensive Guide) | Paul Brock | 507 | No | 3 | 1 | Reference book looking at all of the UK insects and how to identify them. | Farm Nature |
236 | Wild Flowers of the Meadows | National Audubon Society | 64 | No | 3 | 2 | A fairly god book, but printed in the days when colour photos were expensive, so a lot of black and white means tricky for identification. | Farm Nature |
237 | Some Beneficial Insects | MAFF | 26 | No | 4 | 1 | 1939 MAFF booklet, nice illustrations and useful information of the main beneficial insects. | Farm Nature |
238 | Beneficial Insects | MAFF | 11 | No | 5 | 1 | Old book with a new cover, pretty useful guide of the main UK beneficial insects | Farm Nature |
239 | Insects of Britain & Western Europe | Collins | 307 | No | 4 | 1 | Pocket identification guide as much as it says in the title. | Farm Nature |
240 | The Serengeti Rules | Sean B Carrol | 201 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Much like chasing the red queen book, this is an essential early reading book, looking at the bigger picture of biology on earth and how things have come to being - very thought provoking | Farm Nature |
241 | The Nature Fix | Florence Williams | 258 | Yes | 4 | 2 | The author looks at the connection between nature, the natural world and our health an wellbeing, why nature makes happier, healthier and more creative as well as have better relationships. | Farm Nature |
242 | Farming with Native Beneficial Insects | The Xerces Society guide | 233 | No | 4 | 1 | A very useful book (would have been a 5 had it not been USA based) but very applicable to the UK | Farm Nature |
243 | Rewilding | Paul Jepson | 170 | Yes | 4 | 2 | Scientific look at the purpose, creation and ideas behind rewilding proving full support and scientific knowledge. | Farm Nature |
244 | Wild Mammals and the Land | MAFF | 56 | No | 4 | 1 | 1951 book looking at all of the common mammals found on farmland, the positives and the negatives of their impact | Farm Nature |
245 | A potted history of vegetables | Lorraine Harrison | 117 | No | 4 | 1 | A great book showing the historical location and habitat of vegetables which would be essential knowledge the trying to understand the bacterial fungi relationship of their ideal soil | Plants & Trees |
246 | Farm Woodland Management | John Blyth | 169 | No | 3 | 2 | UK book, now dated (1991) but a good resource for trees, planting, management and their uses on the farm | Plants & Trees |
247 | Farm woodland practice | BG Hibbered | 101 | No | 3 | 2 | 1988 book, describing the then farm woodland scheme and how to use it, full of good information | Plants & Trees |
248 | Fortress plant | Dale Walters | 175 | No | 5 | 2 | UK 2017 book, how to survive when everything is trying to eat you book! How evolution continues to allow plants t defend themselves through their own chemicals, insect allies or advanced communication systems. | Plants & Trees |
249 | Gathering Moss | Robin Kimmerer | 162 | Yes | 5 | 1 | An essential read to understand one of the fundamental parts of soil and biology. | Plants & Trees |
250 | Good Companions | Josie Jeffery | 126 | No | 4 | 2 | An interesting ‘flip’ book layout that didn’t work for me to be honest | Plants & Trees |
251 | Grazing ecology and forest history | Frans Vera | 425 | No | 4 | 3 | A v expensive book (north of £100) but looks into the mind of Frans Vera who is synonymous with the wilding project of the Oostvaardersplassen, who first looked at livestock as a way to properly re-wild part of the Netherlands | Plants & Trees |
252 | How to grow Great Alfalfa | Harold Willis | 44 | No | 4 | 2 | More and more people in the UK are looking at growing Lucerne for soil health, this is a US book that focuses exactly on this aspect. | Plants & Trees |
253 | How to grow potatoes | R.J Ruppenthal | 20 | No | 4 | 3 | Awful typeface (tiny) but a small concise US book about the joys of growing potatoes | Plants & Trees |
254 | Managing cover crops profitably | Sustainable ag network (USA) | 162 | No | 5 | 2 | Explains every type of cover and how and what they do, although written for US audience. | Plants & Trees |
255 | New roots for agriculture | Wes Jackson | 148 | No | 4 | 2 | Wendell Berry acclaimed book on the faults of previous agriculture and how to put them right in a sustainable system | Plants & Trees |
256 | Agroforestry in the UK | Forestry commission | 118 | No | 4 | 2 | 2000 UK book, dated but well researched with plenty of data and science. | Plants & Trees |
257 | Nutrition of the oilseed rape crop | M R J Holmes | 141 | No | 4 | 3 | 1985 book, well researched book with lots of science taking each individual element and discussing its role in Oilseed rape. | Plants & Trees |
258 | Pollination of Fruit crops | Hort Ed Ass | 53 | No | 5 | 2 | 1969 UK book - essential reading if you are looking at understanding the role pollinators make to orchards and what to do to enhance them | Plants & Trees |
259 | Roses love Garlic | Louise Riotte | 221 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at Companion cropping and biodynamics, how garlic prevents roses rust, marigolds drive away nematodes and hot peppers drive away virus carrying insects. | Plants & Trees |
260 | Silvopasture | Steve Gabriel | 288 | No | 5 | 1 | An excellent introduction into the integration of trees, grazing and livestock in a mutually beneficial way | Plants & Trees |
261 | Spade, skirt and parsnip | Bill Laws | 205 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of vegetables, a great look at their origins and husbandry | Plants & Trees |
262 | Straw for fuel feed & fertiliser | A Staniforth | 143 | No | 3 | 1 | Interesting book looking back at the use of straw back in 1982 and way before the eventual ban would come into place. | Plants & Trees |
263 | Sunflower for food fodder & fertility | E F Hurt | 149 | No | 4 | 2 | Another old, but UK book, looking at sunflowers and how to grow them on a farming scale here in the UK, looking at all aspects of their husbandry. | Plants & Trees |
264 | The A-Z of Companion Planting | Jayne Neville | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | A more gardening book but with greta tips on how to get the best from more than just companion crops. | Plants & Trees |
265 | The Agroforestry handbook | Ben Raskin | 141 | No | 5.2 | 1 | Essential reading from anyone that is looking to do any form of agroforestry in the UK | Plants & Trees |
266 | The apple grower, a guide for the organic orchardist | Michael Phillips | 320 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good fruit book, showing how holistic management can be used to mange orchards, the book is US based, but can be extrapolated. | Plants & Trees |
267 | Carrots love tomatoes & roses love garlic | Louise Riotte | 441 | No | 3 | 2 | US book, not the easiest of reads with all of the other selection books available on the subject. | Plants & Trees |
268 | The Biodynamic Orchard Book | Ehremfried Pfeiffer | 95 | No | 3 | 1 | A USA based book looking at the growing of orchards through a year, the expected problems and the organic mixtures that can be used to combat these issues. | Plants & Trees |
269 | The complete book of Potatoes | Hielke De jong | 252 | No | 5 | 1 | A more modern approach (compared to most) 2011 about the growing, cultivating and management of potato crop | Plants & Trees |
270 | The Holistic Orchard | Michael Phillips | 340 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Tree book, but based in the US do not all relevant to the UK, but essential reading all the same, very well illustrated. | Plants & Trees |
271 | The Potato in Health and Disease | Whitehead Mcintosh Findlay | 591 | No | 4 | 3 | A huge resource (this edition printed in 1953) and first printed in 1927 an essential reference book looking at every aspect of potatoes, growing, weeds, disease, pests, harvest, breeding and storage. | Plants & Trees |
272 | The Value of Weeds | Ann Cliff | 123 | No | 5 | 1 | UK based book on weeds, worthy of a read and understanding, what they do for the soil, environment and wildlife. | Plants & Trees |
273 | Weed Control | G H Bates | 215 | No | 3 | 2 | 1955 helps explain weeds on pasture, cultivated and uncultivated land as well means to control them. | Plants & Trees |
274 | Weeding without chemicals | Bob Flowerdew | 110 | No | 5 | 1 | Interesting read, looking at all types of weed and what they indicate, do for the soil and how to eradicate them | Plants & Trees |
275 | Weedless gardening | Lee Reich | 184 | No | 4 | 1 | Great book, based on gardening but nothing really preventing a lot of the ideas and concepts being scaled up and being applied to farms. | Plants & Trees |
276 | Weeds, Guardian of the soil | Joseph Coannouer | 128 | No | 4 | 1 | If this book was written in the UK it would have made the top 10 of my books to read, it looks at all aspects of why, what and how help soils function and why we should use them on a farm to our benefit. | Plants & Trees |
277 | Community Orchards | Common Ground | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | A book dedicated to setting up your own community orchard, benefiting everyone for fruit and nature. | Plants & Trees |
278 | Companion planting | Richard Bird | 137 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking from a UK gardeners perspective, a look into the world of using plant diversity to benefit and synergise each other. | Plants & Trees |
279 | Companion planting | James Paris | 62 | No | 3 | 1 | Handy little companion crop booklet | Plants & Trees |
280 | Companion planting | Bob Flowerdew | 101 | No | 4 | 1 | 2010 UK book, describing so much more than just companion plants, but plants that will attract predators to their companions too and so much more | Plants & Trees |
281 | Companion planting | M. Grande | 177 | No | 4 | 1 | A straight forward to use manual looking at companion crops and how each plant could be assisted by another, what are good and bad neighbours. | Plants & Trees |
282 | Establishing farm woodlands | DR Williamson | 39 | No | 3 | 1 | 1992 now dated book, but good all the same with plenty of information, diagrams and pictures on how to establish farm trees. | Plants & Trees |
283 | Farm Weeds | NF Young Farmers | 47 | No | 4 | 1 | 1950 booklet (In a series of booklets written at the time for young farmers) Some great wisdom and even a chapter titled ‘the battle’ and gives the choice of ‘weapons’ against the weeds | Plants & Trees |
284 | The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov | Peter Pringle | 311 | No | 4 | 1 | A name that everyone should be aware of and the history explained so well in this book of a man desperate to feed the world, but political upheaval in under Stalin led to his premature death. | Plants & Trees |
285 | Grow your own drugs | James Wong | 213 | No | 3 | 1 | How and what to grow and mix to make medicines, lotions and various repellents. | Plants & Trees |
286 | Atlas of Weed Mapping | Hansjorg Krahmer | 461 | No | 4 | 4 | A highly well organised collection of Hansjorg’s work looking at the detailed science of weeds. | Plants & Trees |
287 | Weeds of Arable Land | MAFF | 139 | No | 4 | 2 | 1929 Book, a fascinating introduction into weeds, seeds etc before a very good field identification guide | Plants & Trees |
288 | Grow for Flavour | James Wong | 217 | No | 4 | 1 | Another of James’s books looking at all aspects of improving/changing flavours and how best to grow various fruit and vegetables to achieve the desired flavour. | Plants & Trees |
289 | Homegrown Revolution | James Wong | 265 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking at growing all aspects of fruit/veg and salad on a garden scale, some excellent tips on growing the more exotic species. | Plants & Trees |
290 | When Weeds Talk | Jay L McCaman | 138 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An essential book (based in the USA) however relevant to the UK, what do weeds do, why they occur and how to use them as a beneficial, what controls them, what are their properties. | Plants & Trees |
291 | Trees of Power | Akiva Silver | 254 | No | 5 | 1 | An agroforestry essential, taking the most important 10 trees in a permaculture environment, how to grow, propagate and manage each, what benefits they bring to humans, animals and the environment. | Plants & Trees |
292 | The Forest Unseen | David Haskell | 245 | No | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface, but a fainting read whereby the author visits the same 1m square of forest every day for a year and describes and explains what he see. | Plants & Trees |
293 | Endophytes: Crop Productivity and Production | Dinesh Maheshwari | 286 | No | 4 | 3 | As it says in the title, a scientific book, looking at the latest (2017) understanding into the roles of endophytes and how they might be used in agriculture. | Plants & Trees |
294 | Grow the Best Asparagus | Michael Higgins | 32 | No | 3 | 1 | A very traditionalist leaflet about the growing of asparagus, but also gives reasons why those methods have been adopted. | Plants & Trees |
295 | Tree Crops A Permanent Agriculture | J Russell Smith | 357 | No | 4 | 3 | A book showing that agroforestry is nothing new! written almost a century ago, this book describes the early ideas of permaculture, although not the easiest typeface! | Plants & Trees |
296 | Orchard A Year in Englands Eden | Benedict Macdonald | 243 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A fascinating diary looking at organic, rewilding of orchards, how these ecosystems now so rare can support such a huge abundance of biodiversity. | Plants & Trees |
297 | Good Grassland | Robinson | 178 | No | 3 | 2 | 1949 book, interesting content albeit re written in easier to read formats. | Plants & Trees |
298 | How to Grow more Vegetables | John Jeavons | 199 | No | 4 | 2 | Getting dated, although maybe newer versions of my own copy? (9th ed) a useful look at how to maximise vegetable production | Plants & Trees |
299 | Taming the Truffle | Ian R Hall | 229 | No | 4 | 1 | A fascinating read about the latest research into cultivating truffles, it is a great book outlining everything about this most prized fungus and the attempts and failures to ‘grow your own’ | Plants & Trees |
300 | Grassland and Grassland Products | Stephen J Watson | 193 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1951 book on all aspects of pulling together the latest scientific research of the day into a comprehensive grassland book | Plants & Trees |
301 | Agroforestry an Ecological Tool | Prabha Shastri Ranade | 181 | No | 4 | 3 | A book of science and global uses of agroforestry, on a social level, food security and how it benefits the environment. | Plants & Trees |
302 | Grassland Management for the Practical Farmer | W R Peel | 175 | No | 4 | 1 | 1938 book, well set out for its age although the more ‘herbal’ elements are cast aside somewhat in favour of clover and grasses for high biomass productivity. | Plants & Trees |
303 | The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables | Ben Hartman | 198 | No | 4 | 1 | An easy to follow book with great pictures and diagrams, however the title farm is yet again designed towards a more market gardener or ‘microfarm’ good for those keen on organic gardening. | Plants & Trees |
304 | Grass and Grassland | MAFF | 109 | No | 4 | 1 | 1966 Book, useful information on the Forbes and Herbs that can be added to herbal leys including ideal soil types etc | Plants & Trees |
305 | Grassland Husbandry | H I Moore | 136 | No | 4 | 2 | Really interesting 1950 book describing the importance of grassland, their formation, the breaking up of grassland and the problems associated with it. | Plants & Trees |
306 | Kick the Hay Habit | Jim Gerrish | 218 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A great book, looking at the huge cost of producing hay and housing livestock during the winter and how this can be avoided by grassland management. | Plants & Trees |
307 | The Organic Backyard Vineyard | Tom Powers | 169 | No | 5 | 1 | A really well written and set out easy to read book expelling everything in the title. | Plants & Trees |
308 | Cereal Diseases their Recognition and Control | MAFF | 36 | No | 4 | 1 | 1948 booklet - All of the major diseases noted, but interestingly enough, of no economic importance is Septoria, what have we done to wheat/environment whereby septoria is now the number one disease? | Plants & Trees |
309 | Ensilage | MAFF | 60 | No | 3 | 1 | The days before plastic sheeting was used to cover silage clamps and more than just grass/maize was used for silage - a useful read for those interested in ensiling anything other than maize or grass. | Plants & Trees |
310 | Hay and Silage Conservation | MAFF | 47 | No | 4 | 1 | Quite a useful book on grass based on some simple case studies - a worthy read for those involved in Grassland 1974 work | Plants & Trees |
311 | Crops and Cropping | H I Moore | 260 | No | 4 | 2 | 1949 book, looking at and well explained all the different crops grown in the UK - interestingly buckwheat was gown commercially then and yet we seem to be only growing it again in cover crops now! Same with sainfoin. | Plants & Trees |
312 | Crop Husbandary | J.A.R Lockhart | 256 | No | 4 | 2 | The bible that was given to me 25 years ago as I started my Agronomy career, a text book I am sure Lockhart and Wiseman that most agricultural students have studies from. | Plants & Trees |
313 | Fruit bud development | MAFF | 12 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely series of photographs showing how the fruit buds of many trees develop | Plants & Trees |
314 | Disease of Cultivated Plants 1957-1968 | MAFF | 302 | No | 3 | 2 | A useful reference book for plant diseases of the UK agriculture/horticulture world. | Plants & Trees |
315 | A Precautionary tale. How one small town banned pesticides, preserved its food heritage and inspired a movement | Philip Ackerman-Leist | 199 | Yes | 4 | 1 | An Italian town, that did exactly what it says in the title, a worthy read. | Chemical Inputs |
316 | P is for Pesticides | Tim Lang | 233 | No | 4 | 3 | 1991 dated UK book, reference mainly for what can be sprayed on various plants, what LD50’s are and how and when they are measured | Chemical Inputs |
317 | Pesticides and Pollution | Kenneth Mellanby | 203 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK book written in 1967 of the early warnings to land, water and air the problems created by all forms of pollution including pesticides and what they would likely cause in the future (and he was spot on!) | Chemical Inputs |
318 | Poisoned Harvest | Christopher Robbins | 313 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1991 UK book, looking at all aspects of pesticides which can be understood. What they do, effects on environment, testing procedure, politics, legislation and a now dated approval of current active ingredients and crop clearances. | Chemical Inputs |
319 | The world according to Monsanto | Marie Monique Robin | 329 | No | 3 | 1 | Follow up and modern book to ‘silent spring’ a useful look from the ‘other side’ into GMO and the company that was Monsanto | Chemical Inputs |
320 | World according to Monsanto | MM Robin | 372 | No | 3 | 1 | Definitely not balanced, looking at pollution, corruption and control of the food supply! | Chemical Inputs |
321 | Banned a history of pesticides and the science of toxicology | Frederick Rowe Davis | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | Modern update really of ‘silent spring’ | Chemical Inputs |
322 | Basic guide to pesticides | Shirley A. | 283 | No | 3 | 3 | A mainly reference book that follows up Rachel Carsons book ‘Silent Spring’ which documents all the known pesticides and explains their effect on the environment. | Chemical Inputs |
323 | Chasing the red Queen | Andy Dyer | 192 | No | 5 | 1 | A quiet excellent book that anyone involved in ‘conventional’ agriculture needs to read. The race between ag pests and poisons. | Chemical Inputs |
324 | Circle of poison | David weir | 72 | No | 3 | 2 | A US book 1962 almost a very early predecessor of extinction rebellion! | Chemical Inputs |
325 | Food Inc, Mendle to Monsanto the promises and perils of a biotech harvest | P Pringle | 272 | No | 3 | 1 | Fringe book, useful read and balanced! | Chemical Inputs |
326 | Interactions between herbicides and the soil | R.J Hance | 311 | No | 3 | 4 | A tricky read at best, but UK research (1980) a series of papers looking at the interactions of herbicides and the soil. | Chemical Inputs |
327 | Monsanto vs the world | Jason Louv | 42 | No | 1 | 1 | An absolute battering of Monsanto! | Chemical Inputs |
328 | Not on the label | Felicity Lawrence | 340 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK book written in the wake of the ‘horse meat’ scandal, that goes on to discuss salad, chicken beans, asparagus, coffee, bread and fruit | Chemical Inputs |
329 | Whitewash | Carey Gillam | 248 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Glyphosate… The story of a weed killer, cancer and the corruption of science (as the full title of the book) interesting read about the ‘Monsanto papers’ | Chemical Inputs |
330 | Fertilizers for the Farm | MAFF | 77 | No | 3 | 2 | 1963 booklet, when it seems the answers to everything in farming was bought in a bottle or a bag! | Chemical Inputs |
331 | The Alchemy of Air | Thomas Hager | 278 | Yes | 5.3 | 2 | Essential reading of the story behind the 2 men that took air and turned it into plant food and explosives! | Chemical Inputs |
332 | Are Chemical Fertilizers Ruining our Soil and Our Health | Organic Gardening Magazine | 8 | No | 5 | 1 | Great little pamphlet 1950’s talking about soil health | Chemical Inputs |
333 | Advancing Biological farming | Gary Zimmer | 236 | No | 4 | 2 | Update and expands on his earlier book biological farming | Biological Farming |
334 | Crop and seed improvement a history of NIAB | PS Wellington | 292 | No | 2 | 3 | Not the most dynamic of reads! however a useful insight into the UK plant breeding program throughout history and how we are where we are today! | Biological Farming |
335 | Crop Nutrition and fertiliser use | J Archer | 255 | No | 4 | 2 | 1984 ADAS a very good book, well written and easy to read despite the science, looking at all aspects of crop nutrition and fertilisers in an orderly way. | Biological Farming |
336 | Crop Nutrition, principles & practices | R Prasad | 259 | No | 5 | 2 | Very good book, well written and well structured, discussing chapter by chapter the role of each of a plants critical nutrient, what it does and how they work, backed up with science. | Biological Farming |
337 | Darwinian Agriculture - How understanding evolution can improve agriculture | R Ford Denison | 215 | No | 5 | 3 | A book that takes “chasing the red queen” to a scientific level - very good but read the above first! | Biological Farming |
338 | Eco-Farm | Charles Walters | 415 | No | 5.3 | 2 | Essential reading from an author that contributed to so many great books (John Kempf reading list too) | Biological Farming |
339 | Enduring seeds | Gary Nabhan | 197 | No | 2 | 2 | Overview of the philosophy of the need for conversation ag | Biological Farming |
340 | Fertility farming | Newman Turner | 231 | No | 5 | 1 | One of a series of 3 books written by one of the founders of ecological farming UK based and another essential reading book | Biological Farming |
341 | Fertility pastures | Newman Turner | 185 | No | 5 | 2 | An old book of the 1950’s bought back to life with the support of some of the most revered people in the regen ag world - well worth a read | Biological Farming |
342 | Hands on Agronomy | Neal Kinsey | 380 | No | 5 | 5 | Incredible book, needs to be read 3-4 times, there are inaccuracies, however a real insight into the works of Albrecht. Must read! | Biological Farming |
343 | Management of nitrogen and water in potato production | A.J Haverkort | 309 | No | 3 | 3 | 2000 Netherlands printed book, a complicated read at best, but essential for those growing potatoes. | Biological Farming |
344 | Agricultural Botany | John Percival | 818 | No | 5.2 | 2 | UK 8th edition (1949) of a 1900 book of essential reading on the understanding, diagrams and a really well thought out layout and easy to follow - despite the age, it is a great read and would if reprinted today, be the top of my reading list! | Biological Farming |
345 | Micro Organisms in the soil | Alan Burges | 173 | No | 4 | 2 | 1958 UK book, describes in detail, soil organisms and where they are found in the soil | Biological Farming |
346 | Microbial control of weeds | D TeBeest | 272 | No | 3 | 5 | A Hard read, very science based, but a useful fringe resource. | Biological Farming |
347 | Microcosmos | Lynn Margulis | 276 | No | 5 | 2 | A thorough investigation of 4 billion years of evolution, how the microbial ancestors developed into the diverse species we have and see today - a fascinating read. | Biological Farming |
348 | Mineral Nutrition and plant disease | Lawrence Datnoff | 259 | No | 5.2 | 3 | For a book based on Science, it is well laid out, by each individual element and pulls together well all of the latest research (v expensive!) | Biological Farming |
349 | Mineral nutrition of crops | Zdenko Rengel | 363 | No | 4 | 4 | A much more scientific and citations aplenty look at crop nutrition. | Biological Farming |
350 | Moth and Wasp, Soil and Ocean | Sigrid Schmalzer | 30 | No | 3 | 1 | A very simple book, looking at the Chinese professor Pu Zhelong combining nature and farming in China | Biological Farming |
351 | Mycelium Running (How mushrooms can help save the world) | Paul Stamets | 302 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A phenomenal book about Fungi of all types, in the soil and above ground and their remarkable ability to save the planet! | Biological Farming |
352 | Mycorrhizal planet | Michael Phillips | 200 | No | 3 | 1 | A look at AMF, more from a gardeners point of view, lots of photographs and illustrations, a useful background read. | Biological Farming |
353 | Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm | Stephen Buhner | 464 | No | 3 | 3 | A tricky book to read and comprehend about the fact all living things on earth have intelligence if we spend enough time looking for it and understanding it. Wouldn’t want to read it again! | Biological Farming |
354 | Plant nutrition and crop production | E J Russell | 115 | No | 5 | 2 | 1926 book, I love this book, despite its age is timeless, looking at Broadbalk, manure, soil organisms and much more at the dawn of chemical fertilisers. | Biological Farming |
355 | Agricultural Botany 1 Dicotyledonous Crops | Gill & Vear | 235 | No | 4 | 2 | 1980 book UK based looking at all of the Dicot crops grown in the UK, how they function and perform best. | Biological Farming |
356 | Plant nutrition and soil fertility manual 2nd ed | J Benton Jones Jnr | 231 | No | 5 | 3 | A v expensive book (£70+) excellent in describing the interactions between elements and crops (basically a full explanation of the Mulder chart) | Biological Farming |
357 | Principles of Soil-Plant Interrelationships | VV Rendig | 238 | No | 4 | 4 | 1989 (US) book showing the modelling for understating the relationships, plenty of tricky maths/physics, but in a more readable and understandable format than a lot of high end scientific books. | Biological Farming |
358 | Science in agriculture | Dr. Arden | 350 | No | 5.1 | 3 | John Kempf advising this to be read, so should be a priority, a tricky read though, so don’t make this a first read! | Biological Farming |
359 | Soil plant relationships an ecological approach | David W. Jeffery | 276 | No | 4 | 3 | 1997 style textbook for under graduates, written in the US but applicable to the UK, plenty of graphs, data and supporting evidence to back up the claims and information. | Biological Farming |
360 | Stress tolerance through plant, Mycorrhizal associations | Sawsan Addellatif | 91 | No | 3 | 2 | Interesting little study looking at plant interaction examples from around the world and how AMF through experiments show to aid the plant. | Biological Farming |
361 | Teaming with fungi | Jeff lowenfels | 154 | No | 5.2 | 1 | One of a series of 3 ‘teaming’ books which is essential reading to understand the role of fungi and especially Mycorrhizae. | Biological Farming |
362 | Teaming with Fungi, the organic growers guide to Mycorrhizae | J Lowenfels | 154 | No | 4 | 1 | Author also of Teaming wit microbes, explanation of the importance of AMF in all types of systems and soils | Biological Farming |
363 | Teaming with microbes | Jeff Lowenfels | 198 | Yes | 5.2 | 1 | Quite simply amongst the other 3 in the series - essential reading. | Biological Farming |
364 | Teaming with Nutrients | Jeff lowenfels | 227 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Essential reading along with the other 2 of the ‘teaming’ books | Biological Farming |
365 | The biochemistry of Energy Utilization in Plants | Dennis | 131 | No | 4 | 5 | A book written for degree level chemists and biologists - but an important one all the same looking at the energy and transfer of energy within a plant and what id does with it. | Biological Farming |
366 | Agricultural Botany 2 Monocotyledonous Crops | Gill & Vear | 228 | No | 4 | 2 | 1980 book UK based looking at all of the Monocot crops grown in the UK, how they function and perform best. | Biological Farming |
367 | The chemistry of Soil Analysis | Donald Storer | 58 | No | 4 | 2 | A text book style look at the ways and science behind how soil samples are analysed. | Biological Farming |
368 | The Fourth Phase of Water | Gerald Pollack | 341 | Yes | 5.2 | 1 | Absolutely essential to understand the chemical and physical properties of water, it is simply taken for granted that it is a benign substance - how wrong! | Biological Farming |
369 | The Hidden Half of Nature | D Montgomery | 257 | Yes | 5 | 2 | Part of the trilogy of Davids work, a look into the root zone of soil and plants, a great read. | Biological Farming |
370 | The Revolutionary Genius of Plants | Stefano Mancuso | 202 | Yes | 5.1 | 1 | Read it! | Biological Farming |
371 | The Soil and Water Balance | GW&CT | 89 | No | 5 | 1 | A really nice simple booklet, showing the results from Loddington and the Allerton project when it comes to soil conservation practices and the more traditional practices. | Biological Farming |
372 | Agriculture in Transition | Donald Schriefer | 234 | No | 5.2 | 1 | US based book, but essential reading from an author that should have already explained the soil, air, water, decay in previous book, moves on to plant and soil interactions. | Biological Farming |
373 | Ask the plant | Charles Walters | 256 | No | 5 | 3 | Another very good book, covering all aspects of a plants requirement for nutrients, carbon and water and how to measure them | Biological Farming |
374 | Biological Ionization as applied to farming and soil management | Dr A F Beddoe | 196 | No | 5 | 2 | V good book explaining amongst lots of things, the roles of plant nutrients, brix, fertilisers and biology. | Biological Farming |
375 | Botany for Gardeners | Braian Capon | 245 | No | 5 | 2 | Excellent diagrams and pictures explaining the process of various plant functions, a really useful reference book. | Biological Farming |
376 | Call of the reed warbler | Charles Massy | 446 | No | 5 | 2 | Modern look at regen ag (2017) should be on audiobook! | Biological Farming |
377 | Fertility from the Ocean Deep | Charles Walters | 164 | No | 5 | 1 | A fascinating book on the works of Dr Maynard Murray and all of his work looking at solids, liquids and plants from the sea and using them to improve plant and animal health. | Biological Farming |
378 | Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope | Usborne | 91 | No | 4 | 1 | A great start and introduction into the world of microscopes, what to look for when purchasing one, how to use and get the best out of it and what you are likely to find when you peer through the lens. | Biological Farming |
379 | Nutrient Disorder Guide | Schering | 134 | No | 4 | 1 | Reference book provided by Schering agriculture back in the day! | Biological Farming |
380 | The Future-Proof Farm | Steve Groff | 178 | No | 5 | 1 | A very modern book - here Steve (followed on Twitter) dedicates many chapters to many questions asked when talking about regenerative farming, such as d cover crops pay? | Biological Farming |
381 | Regenerative Agriculture A Practical Whole Systems Guide to Making Small Farms Work | Richard Perkins | 734 | No | 5.3 | 1 | An incredible resource book that everyone should have, ultra modern in its layout, full of photos, diagrams and explanations on almost everything a regenerative farm needs to know and understand, from building soils, ponds and agroforestry to slaughter house and compost facilities. | Biological Farming |
382 | Quality Agriculture | John Kempf | 270 | No | 5.2 | 1 | The Godfather of modern regenerative agriculture interviews a host of experts to explore all aspects of regen ag. | Biological Farming |
383 | Nutrition Rules | Graeme Sait | 297 | No | 5.3 | 1 | A book of great interviews by the nutritional regenerative specialist that is Graeme Sait from all the major nutritional consultants from around the world. | Biological Farming |
384 | Seaweed and Plant Growth | T L Senn | 165 | No | 5 | 1 | The science behind the use of seaweed in agriculture 1987 book in real need of updating but very useful all the same. | Biological Farming |
385 | Healthy Crops | Francis Chaboussou | 209 | No | 5.3 | 2 | An essential book for anyone looking at regenerative agriculture | Biological Farming |
386 | An earthworms life | John Himmelman | 22 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s illustrated worm book. | Children's Book |
387 | The Life Cycle of an Earthworm | Bobbie Kalman | 31 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book, well illustrated. | Children's Book |
388 | Food & farming | Heinemann | 29 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book tracing food over 2500 years | Children's Book |
389 | Fred the Chaffinch, the history of farming | John Miles | 32 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book about the Chaffinch and it’s interaction with farms. | Children's Book |
390 | Microlife that rots things | Raintree | 26 | No | 3 | 1 | Children's book, great illustrations of microbes! | Children's Book |
391 | Scary Creatures of the Soil | Gerard Cheshire | 30 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, great illustrations of all things in the soil | Children's Book |
392 | Seed soil sun | Chris Peterson | 24 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, showing how crops are produced using the soil and the sun | Children's Book |
393 | Soil | Robin Nelson | 22 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book explaining soils in a very simple typeface. | Children's Book |
394 | Soil (see for yourself) | Karen Bryant-Mole | 23 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, yet again playing soils and their importance. | Children's Book |
395 | What’s in the soil ? | Martha E.H Rustad | 21 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, well illustrated aimed at 5 years old | Children's Book |
396 | Farmer Phil’s permaculutre | Phil Williams | 18 | No | 3 | 1 | Children's book explaining in a very clever way, the idea of permaculture | Children's Book |
397 | There’s a Hair in my Dirt | Gary Larson | 36 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book (slightly older) of a tale of a worm with good fun illustrations. | Children's Book |
398 | Fun Facts about Carbon | Baby Professor | 36 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, nice facts, useful resource | Children's Book |
399 | Fun Facts about Nitrogen | Baby Professor | 36 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, nice facts, useful resource | Children's Book |
400 | Under the Microscope Earth’s Tiniest Inhabitants | Baby Professor | 38 | No | 4 | 1 | Nice Children’s book, lots of good information. | Children's Book |
401 | The Simple Science of Dirt | Emily James | 29 | No | 3 | 1 | Children's book, very basic, good illustrations as usual for a child’s book. | Children's Book |
402 | Enid Blyton nature books Springtime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Springtime | Children's Book |
403 | Enid Blyton nature books Wintertime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Wintertime | Children's Book |
404 | Enid Blyton nature books Summertime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Summertime | Children's Book |
405 | Burn - Using Fire to Cool the Earth | Albert Bates | 236 | Yes | 5 | 1 | A great book looking into future solutions for pulling carbon down from the atmosphere and returning it to the soil - focuses on biochar as an example | Wider Farming & Environment |
406 | Drawdown the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. | Paul Hawken | 225 | No | 5.2 | 1 | Brilliant book (text book layout), looking at sectors, their contribution to Co2, what are the options and solutions to get greenhouse gas accumulation to start declining | Wider Farming & Environment |
407 | Ecovillages | Jonathon Dawson | 87 | No | 2 | 2 | A look at villages from around the world, where eco design has made for a more sustainable future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
408 | Enough why the worlds poorest starve in an age of plenty | Roger Thurow | 283 | Yes | 5 | 1 | I guess i have included this book if you believe we need to produce more and more food for a growing world population, we don’t! | Wider Farming & Environment |
409 | Family Friendly Farming | Joel Salatin | 388 | No | 2 | 2 | I actually loved this book, not that important when it comes to a learning resource, but reminds the reader to enjoy what to do, involve the family and making the most of a wonderful life. | Wider Farming & Environment |
410 | Farmer’s Glory | A G Street | 221 | No | 3 | 2 | The author, bought up on a farm in 1911 UK moved to Canada during the green revolution, only to return to the UK and start farming again. | Wider Farming & Environment |
411 | Farmers of 40 centuries | F H King | 464 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at how the orientals have managed to continue farming through 4000 years, whilst many of the other civilisations | Wider Farming & Environment |
412 | Farming and Gardening for health or disease | Albert Howard | 274 | No | 5 | 2 | An essential read, purely because it is written by the godfather of soil “Sir Albert Howard” a book of an age that is not the easiest read due to the lack of pictures, drawings etc - but essential to anyone that wants to know about growing food. | Wider Farming & Environment |
413 | Farming for better profitability | W J Davies | 205 | No | 4 | 1 | Friend of mine from west wales, interesting read and really interesting tips written down as he has learnt them, sometimes the hard way. | Wider Farming & Environment |
414 | Farming for the long Haul, Resilience and the lost art of agricultural inventiveness | Michael Foley | 217 | Yes | 2 | 1 | Personally found this book rather dull, interesting as a a recap I guess to what farmers have done through the ages? | Wider Farming & Environment |
415 | Fast Food Nation | Eric Schlosser | 289 | No | 3 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface to read, looking at the UK as the largest food consumers in Europe and goes on to explain the true cost of the food rather than the price paid off the menu. | Wider Farming & Environment |
416 | Carbon Finance, the financial implications of climate change | Sonia Labatt | 239 | No | 4 | 1 | 10 years old and in the world of climate, that means the book is becoming rather dated. | Wider Farming & Environment |
417 | Feeding Britain | Tim Lang | 469 | No | 5 | 2 | Post Brexit and now post Coronavirus, this book looks at why policy makers need to look at food security differently than they currently do. | Wider Farming & Environment |
418 | Feeding the ten billion | L T Evans | 227 | No | 3 | 2 | History of food development and domestication over the history of mankind. | Wider Farming & Environment |
419 | Food and drink in Britain | C. Anne Wilson | 376 | No | 2 | 3 | Tracing food and drink in the UK from the stone age to recent times - in need of modification! | Wider Farming & Environment |
420 | Food Farming and Society | Soil Association | 56 | No | 4 | 2 | Papers published proceeding the soil association conference of 1993, various contributors and a worthy read of their vision for the future back then. | Wider Farming & Environment |
421 | Forty chances | Howard Buffett | 411 | No | 3 | 2 | Fringe book about world food security | Wider Farming & Environment |
422 | French dirt | Richard Goodman | 203 | No | 2 | 2 | The story of a garden in the south of France and its development by an Englishman | Wider Farming & Environment |
423 | Grain by Grain | Bob Quinn | 230 | No | 5 | 1 | A quest to revive ancient wheat, rural jobs and healthy food - a worthy read of correcting mass produced food in all sectors of the industry. | Wider Farming & Environment |
424 | Grass, Soil, Hope, a journey through Carbon county | Courtney White | 225 | No | 5 | 2 | A book describing the process by which an increase of soil carbon storage could save the planet. | Wider Farming & Environment |
425 | How to make soil and save the earth | Allan Shepherd | 98 | No | 2 | 2 | Not sure what the point of printing such a small book? perhaps for ones pocket? Odd at best! | Wider Farming & Environment |
426 | In search of cheddar man | Mich aston | 149 | No | 1 | 2 | Looking at the 9000 history of the cheddar man skeleton and comparing it to an ancestor of the same region | Wider Farming & Environment |
427 | Climate change and trade, taxing carbon at the border? | Daniel Gros | 101 | No | 4 | 2 | Understanding of the EU’s ETS and then arguing whether this places the EU at a disadvantage and whether carbon tax should be implemented at the border | Wider Farming & Environment |
428 | Iron-age farm | Peter Reynolds | 109 | No | 2 | 2 | A book looking at the history of Iron age farming in the UK | Wider Farming & Environment |
429 | Let them eat Carbon | Matthew Sinclair | 300 | No | 4 | 1 | How governments are failing the climate change policy agenda and how big business are profiting from these failures | Wider Farming & Environment |
430 | Making Charcoal and Biochar | Rebecca Oaks | 167 | No | 5 | 1 | UK best book written on the subject, easy to follow, plenty of photos and diagrams showing how to make it and use it. | Wider Farming & Environment |
431 | Predicting the price of Carbon | Richard Clarke | 235 | No | 5 | 1 | A really interesting read on how to measure and then ultimately trade carbon in a carbon price mechanism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
432 | Pricing Carbon | A Denny Ellerman et al | 328 | No | 4 | 2 | Understanding and explaining the EU ETS | Wider Farming & Environment |
433 | Pure white and deadly | John Yudkin | 188 | No | 3 | 2 | Typeface of my book is awful making it a hard read, but a very useful insight into wondering where all disease stems and it’s not animal fat/protein etc - but sugar! | Wider Farming & Environment |
434 | Seasons and prices | E. L Jones | 187 | No | 5 | 2 | UK book, far more interesting than the title suggests! written in 1964 the book explains the influence of the weather on farming and how to try and combat these. It finishes with a great history of weather from 1728 by year in the UK of farm life. | Wider Farming & Environment |
435 | Slow money | Woody Tasch | 204 | No | 3 | 2 | Invest as if food, farms and fertility mattered! | Wider Farming & Environment |
436 | Storing carbon in agricultural soils | Norman J Rosenberg | 115 | No | 3 | 3 | series of papers describing how and why carbon should and could be stored in the soil, later driven by policy | Wider Farming & Environment |
437 | Terra Preta | Ute Scheub | 202 | No | 5 | 1 | A far more in depth look into the Amazon and how they created highly fertile soil with biochar and what this could mean to the world and climate change. | Wider Farming & Environment |
438 | Climate change From science to sustainability | Stephen Peake | 264 | No | 2 | 2 | Text book style educational learning of climate change and mitigation ideas - 10 years old and becoming dated! | Wider Farming & Environment |
439 | The Biochar solution | Albert Bates | 196 | No | 4 | 2 | Using Charcoal as soil replenisher | Wider Farming & Environment |
440 | The carbon crunch, how we are getting climate change wrong and how to fix it | Dieter Helm | 246 | No | 5 | 2 | Looking at how carbon emissions despite pledges have increased (through exporting energy requirements) carbon trading and the future | Wider Farming & Environment |
441 | The Carbon Farming Solution | Eric Toensmeier | 344 | No | 5 | 2 | A global overview of high agriculture is the answer to reducing CO2 levels back to 350ppm with some excellent tables and information, very good resource book | Wider Farming & Environment |
442 | The Carbon fields | Graham Harvey | 216 | No | 3 | 2 | Looking at grass and livestock, like so many others as a way of reversing climate change | Wider Farming & Environment |
443 | The chilling stars a new theory of climate change | Henrik Svensmark et al | 230 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking at cosmic rays and there role in cloud formation and an earths cooling effect, less cosmic rays, less clouds, warmer world | Wider Farming & Environment |
444 | The choice is clear | Allen Bank | 45 | No | 2 | 3 | OK at best! | Wider Farming & Environment |
445 | The Economist’s tale | Peter Griffiths | 249 | No | 2 | 2 | A look at a diary of how Sierra Leone was driven to famine by the world bank and the promise of a free market. | Wider Farming & Environment |
446 | The End of Plenty | J Bourne | 318 | No | 3 | 1 | The role of the agronomist amongst others in feeding a shrinking planet and growing population. | Wider Farming & Environment |
447 | The Farm | Richard benson | 229 | Yes | 3 | 2 | An account of farming in Yorkshire, the trails and tribulations, a good and enjoyable read with many points about the difficulties faced of a small farm in a growing world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
448 | The Farm community | Emma & Tom Lane | 219 | No | 4 | 1 | Australian family farm that has connected with the community to show and grow food with a more social responsibility. | Wider Farming & Environment |
449 | Collapse | Jared Diamond | 528 | No | 3 | 2 | Society based book on how or why the succeed or fail | Wider Farming & Environment |
450 | The Man who Fed the World | L Hesser | 213 | No | 3 | 2 | Probably best read after learning about Nikolay Vavilov, this book is about Norman Borlaug who developed the US wheat breeding program and rolled it out across the world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
451 | The Neolithic Revolution | Sonia Cole | 60 | No | 3 | 2 | How farming and domestication began and was influenced during the Neolithic times. | Wider Farming & Environment |
452 | The One Straw Revolution | Masanobu Fukuoka | 184 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Linking Regen ag to society, farming and mother nature | Wider Farming & Environment |
453 | The Resilient Farmer | D Avery | 278 | No | 5 | 1 | A book about mental health, whilst quite obviously seen as a fringe book, this is the first book I would recommend when changing to regenerative ag, It’s a book that opens your mind, eyes and soul. | Wider Farming & Environment |
454 | The Solar Revolution | Steve McKevitt Tony Ryan | 298 | Yes | 4.5 | 1 | How if we captured just 1 hours worth of suns energy would provide enough food and energy to meet the needs of the planet for an entire year. | Wider Farming & Environment |
455 | The Taste of America | John Hess | 354 | No | 4 | 2 | Published in 1977, a book that looks at the rapidly declining nutrition loading of food in place of high calorie diets - not much has changed in 40 years…. | Wider Farming & Environment |
456 | The Third Plate | Dan Barber | 445 | Yes | 5.1 | 2 | Tiny typeface book, better to listen than read but a fascinating book that looks into the why chefs need to change the way they serve meals and what they will be requiring from food producers in the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
457 | The Turning Point | Fritjof Capra | 466 | No | 3 | 2 | An overview of modern science and how it fits in systems approaches, whilst not looking at soil or regen ag essentially, it does explain the importance of system thinking rather than obsession with small parts. | Wider Farming & Environment |
458 | The Unsettling of America | Wendell Berry | 228 | No | 2 | 1 | Good read, more on the fringe for our requirement | Wider Farming & Environment |
459 | Two percent solutions for the Planet | Courtney White | 214 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A really good book showing 50 low cost, low tech nature based practices for combatting hunger, drought and climate change. | Wider Farming & Environment |
460 | Community farm | John Middleton murry | 249 | No | 3 | 2 | Published in 1952 about the purchase of a community farm within a village, what happened, how it worked, parish meetings, arguments, fall outs and the day profits made the whole project worthwhile. | Wider Farming & Environment |
461 | Water water everywhere | Trevor Bevis | 38 | No | 2 | 2 | A book looking at the draining of the Fens in the UK and it’s impact over a 900 year history. | Wider Farming & Environment |
462 | Where our food comes from | G Nabhan | 212 | No | 4 | 2 | A fringe book, but if you have never heard of, or don’t know anything about Nikolay Vavilov then this is an essential read! | Wider Farming & Environment |
463 | Where the water goes | David Owen | 259 | Yes | 3 | 2 | A fascinating read about the Colorado river in the US and tracing it from its head waters and then whilst everyone owns a piece of it, by the time it should form a delta, the river terminate into an every growing desert. | Wider Farming & Environment |
464 | Whereby we thrive (A History of American farming 1607-1972) | John Schlebecker | 320 | No | 2 | 2 | A very fringe book, obviously US based and now dated too! | Wider Farming & Environment |
465 | Why we love dogs eat pigs and wear cows | Melanie joy | 155 | Yes | 4 | 2 | A fascinating read as to why we eat some animals, yet would think is absurd not to eat others! | Wider Farming & Environment |
466 | Wild harvest | Hope Bourne | 134 | No | 3 | 2 | A tricky typeface, however a book documenting the life of Hope and how on a small income made the most of her natural surroundings. | Wider Farming & Environment |
467 | You can Farm | Joel Salatin | 447 | No | 3 | 1 | A very much, farming guide to those looking to get into regenerative farming, written in a true Joel Salatin style! | Wider Farming & Environment |
468 | Conscious food | Jim Pathfinder Ewing | 114 | No | 3 | 2 | 2012 UK book looking at the spiritual reconnection of the consumer with their food | Wider Farming & Environment |
469 | Cows save the planet | Judith Schwartz | 240 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Quite possibly the best book justifying livestock, but also ties in soil health AMF and lots of really interesting case studies from around the world, a few of whom I visited on my Nuffield. | Wider Farming & Environment |
470 | Dark Emu | Bruce Pascoe | 233 | Yes | 4 | 1 | An Australian book of the year winner looking at Aboriginal agriculture, dispelling the myth that they were hunter gatherers only and how they bolt dams and cultivated crops. | Wider Farming & Environment |
471 | Farm Conservation Guide | Schering | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | 1988 book, surprising publication for the age and the Author (although written by FWAG) | Wider Farming & Environment |
472 | Conflicts in the Countryside | David Bellamy | 221 | No | 3 | 1 | 2005 book, showing the successes and failures in the British countryside and what can be done to improve things in the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
473 | Conflict and Change in the Countryside | Guy Robinson | 405 | No | 3 | 1 | Text book (1996) How urban sprawl and a growing population demand for food has and can come into conflict with the countryside. | Wider Farming & Environment |
474 | The Weather Companion | Gary Lockhart | 215 | No | 5 | 1 | A dull title to what is a fascinating book, looking at all aspects of legend and folklore in weather, such as oak before ash etc | Wider Farming & Environment |
475 | Weather | Andrew Revkin | 199 | No | 5 | 1 | A really good book demonstrating the history of climate and weather from the formation of earth through all the discoveries and learnings an looking far into the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
476 | The Vertical Farm | Dickson Despommien | 268 | No | 4 | 1 | A look in to how vertical farming could feed the world and what is already being achieved and the science behind it. | Wider Farming & Environment |
477 | The 200 year History and Heritage of Pembrokeshire Farmers Club | Various | 315 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book detailing the history (and write up of every show) members and stories of a long established farmers club. | Wider Farming & Environment |
478 | Farming in the 1920’s and 30’s | Jonathan Brown | 62 | No | 4 | 1 | Fascinating little book, showing the massive transformation in farming during probably the era of most technological advancement, tractors, machinery, medicine, fertilisers and pesticides. | Wider Farming & Environment |
479 | Iron Harvests of the Field | Peter Dewey | 322 | No | 3 | 1 | The making of farm machinery in Britain since 1800. A good book when the UK was at the forefront of innovation and manufacturing of the worlds best farm machinery, who and how it was developed. | Wider Farming & Environment |
480 | The Missing Lynx | Ross Barnett | 317 | No | 4 | 1 | A book based on re-wilding, what the UK would have looked like before humans landed on the island and builds a case for the re-introduction of species. | Wider Farming & Environment |
481 | The World Ending Fire | Wendell Berry | 351 | No | 4 | 2 | A lovely book by a great author using different chapters for different years of his life all about the world, the land and nature and how our food could and should be produced | Wider Farming & Environment |
482 | Stalking the Wild Asparagus | Euell Gibbons | 295 | No | 2 | 3 | A US based book, where the author spent a huge part of his life devoted to living off the land on the wild side, what could be foraged etc. | Wider Farming & Environment |
483 | Leaflets No 101-200 | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 550 | No | 5 | 2 | The sequel to the book of leaflets 1-100 printed in 1909 looking all aspects of farming with various leaflets giving the latest advice, animal husbandry right through to plants and machinery. | Wider Farming & Environment |
484 | Changing the Face of the Earth | I G Simmons | 396 | No | 3 | 2 | 1990 UK book so could do with a 30 year update, however it plots the history of human impact on the earth . | Wider Farming & Environment |
485 | Leaflets No 1 - 100 | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 550 | No | 5 | 2 | The book of leaflets 1-100 printed in 1908 looking all aspects of farming with various leaflets giving the latest advice, animal husbandry right through to plants and machinery. | Wider Farming & Environment |
486 | The Farm | Wendell Berry | 38 | No | 3 | 1 | Wendell Berry’s book long poem. | Wider Farming & Environment |
487 | The Art of the Commonplace | Wendell Berry | 327 | No | 3 | 2 | A collection of 21 essays by the author where he looks at farming as the integral part of society and how it should become that one more. | Wider Farming & Environment |
488 | Guide to Methods of Insect Life | E A Ormerod | 159 | No | 4 | 2 | A fascinating 1884 book published by an economic entomologist of the time Eleanor Ormerod. The lifecycle of many of the insect ‘pests’ we face now and the treatment at the time. | Wider Farming & Environment |
489 | Eleanor Ormerod Economic Entomologist Autobiography and Correspondence | E A Ormerod | 335 | No | 4 | 2 | A modern reprint (2005) of Elenaors classic work looking at the insect pests of UK agriculture, horticulture and forestry and their impact, control and effect on crops and the wider environment. | Wider Farming & Environment |
490 | Fire Season | Philip Conors | 238 | No | 2 | 2 | I nearly didn’t include this book as it really is at the edge of the study of regen farming if at all - but the information of the wilderness, the observations of wild fires and all that go with it are a useful lesson. | Wider Farming & Environment |
491 | The Clifton Park System of Farming and Laying Down Land to Grass | Robert Elliot | 88 | No | 4 | 3 | The smallest of Typeface makes for a difficult read at best, but the information s well worth persevering with. The appendix is as big as the book and pretty much describes the title. Useful reference tables for seed size, germination and weights. | Wider Farming & Environment |
492 | Sapiens A brief History of Humankind | Yuval Noah Harari | 466 | Yes | 3 | 2 | A book that looks at us as a race, what we have achieved, what we have done and in context how long we’ve done it. It also looks at where we’re going | Wider Farming & Environment |
493 | Homo Deus | Yuval Noah Harari | 462 | Yes | 3 | 2 | The sequel to Sapiens a brief history of humankind, where it explores what the future holds in the 21st century and how we can protect the planet from our own destructive capabilities | Wider Farming & Environment |
494 | The Lean Farm | Ben Hartman | 221 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A book looking at the Japanese theory of cutting down on all waste aspects whilst therefore increasing profitability. | Wider Farming & Environment |
495 | Introduction to Agronomy | Craig Sheaffer et al | 628 | No | 5 | 1 | A really good book and understanding of what agronomy actually is, looking through all aspects from basic seed and seedling illustrated growth, through to weeds, pests, diseases, crops and cover crops (US based) | Wider Farming & Environment |
496 | Native - Life in a Vanishing Landscape | Patrick Laurie | 243 | No | 4 | 1 | A book more like a story of the author and his farming in Galloway Scotland, about the connection between people, farming and nature. | Wider Farming & Environment |
497 | Water Soil and the Plant | E J Winter | 128 | No | 3 | 3 | 1976 reprint of a text book designed for those taking a National diploma in Horticulture - UK based and some really interesting ideas and concepts | Wider Farming & Environment |
498 | Plant Nematology | MAFF | 167 | No | 3 | 3 | 1959 book and very detailed of all aspects of nematodes that effect agriculture in the UK, in the most part the book is very good, however this book was written when the chemical ‘nasty’ were available and incredible the rates and types used for their control! | Wider Farming & Environment |
499 | The Ages of Gaia | James Lovelock | 240 | No | 4 | 2 | The second book looking in more detail of the environmental aspects of Gaia such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. | Wider Farming & Environment |
500 | Homage to Gaia | James Lovelock | 407 | No | 4 | 3 | 100th anniversary (of Birth) of the author looking at the travels and discoveries which led to the publication of the first book and the discoveries which it has now become the mainstream. | Wider Farming & Environment |
501 | Gaia a New Look at Life on Earth | James Lovelock | 132 | Yes | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of books in which the author understands that the planet is and functions as a single huge organism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
502 | The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management | Norman Myers | 259 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A great text book with great illustrations (slightly dated now 1994) but a very good and well set out read of the discoveries made by James Lovelock | Wider Farming & Environment |
503 | Manual of Nutrition (10th ed) | MAFF | 125 | No | 3 | 2 | A book looking at the nutritional contents of foods for human consumption | Wider Farming & Environment |
504 | Gaia a New Look at Life on Earth (reprint) | James Lovelock | 132 | Yes | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of books in which the author understands that the planet is and functions as a single huge organism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
505 | Gaia in Action Science of the Living Earth | James Lovelock | 338 | No | 4 | 2 | A Fascinating book which looks at a series of scientists who individually put together the pieces of Gaia | Wider Farming & Environment |
506 | The Revenge of Gaia | James Lovelock | 159 | No | 5 | 2 | How Gaia and climate change will have huge impacts on the planet | Wider Farming & Environment |
507 | The Vanishing Face of Gaia | James Lovelock | 162 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The sequel to the revenge of Gaia which shows the ‘final warning’ to the world if nothing is done about climate change | Wider Farming & Environment |
508 | A Small Farm Future | Chris Smaje | 267 | No | 4 | 2 | A book where the author (a social scientist) looks at the future of farming and how social interactions on small farm units might be the way in which farms become more diverse and preform far better for humanity and the planet. | Wider Farming & Environment |
509 | Rotations | MAFF | 18 | No | 4 | 1 | 1950 booklet, explaining the need for rotations, what suits what soil type and how to change rotations for better management | Wider Farming & Environment |
510 | Back from the Brink | Peter Andrews | 238 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at Australia, the way European farming methods have created longer hotter droughts and many problems, the author looks at the thought of farming alongside the natural environment. | Wider Farming & Environment |
511 | Residual Value of Applied Nutrients | MAFF | 333 | No | 3 | 2 | A useful reference book for the major elements of NPK in the UK agriculture/horticulture world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
512 | Soil Potassium and Magnesium | MAFF | 193 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the relationship in UK arable systems between Mg and K | Wider Farming & Environment |
513 | Soil Phosphorus | MAFF | 159 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the UK arable/horticultural systems of P | Wider Farming & Environment |
514 | Trace Elements in Soils and Crops | MAFF | 216 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the UK arable/horticultural systems of trace emlements | Wider Farming & Environment |
515 | From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming | Frank Lessiter | 416 | No | 5 | 1 | A collection of stories and photographs that document (albeit not always in chronological order) the development of No-Till from a single trial plot by Harry Young in Kentucky in 1962 | Wider Farming & Environment |
516 | The New organic grower | Elliot Coleman | 236 | No | 3 | 1 | Good book, based around market gardening but as with most books very much US based | Organic Production |
517 | The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook | P Wheeler et al | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good book interpreting soil results, looking at paramagnetic and using nutrition for crop health | Organic Production |
518 | Tommorow's Table | Pamela Ronald | 167 | No | 4 | 2 | Organic farming, genetics and the future of food, written by 2 professors of genetics at the University of California, part memoir, part instruction. | Organic Production |
519 | Truth about organic food | Alex Avry | 223 | No | 3 | 2 | Fringe book, but helps justify regenerative agriculture over organic. | Organic Production |
520 | Grassland management for organic farmers | David younie | 186 | No | 5 | 2 | UK book 2012, very good resource into all aspects of grassland for organic farmers. | Organic Production |
521 | One size fits none | Stephanie Anderson | 266 | No | 4 | 2 | Regenerative agriculture | Organic Production |
522 | Organic farming | Organic farming | 335 | No | 5 | 1 | A Rodale book written in 1977 looking at yesterday’s and tomorrow’s agriculture, how to farm organically in the future, biological and physical weed control, insects and building soil fertility | Organic Production |
523 | Organic Futures | Adrian Myres | 238 | No | 4 | 2 | UK book where the author makes the case for organic farming as of course this where most of the science has been based for the past 4000 years! | Organic Production |
524 | Organic Manifesto | Maria Rodale | 187 | Yes | 4 | 2 | An interesting read from the CEO of the Rodale Institute in the US, can organic farming really be the answer to the food production of the world? | Organic Production |
525 | Organic no till faming | Jeff Moyer | 200 | No | 3 | 2 | Rodale manager of longest organic research fam in world | Organic Production |
526 | Potato Growing (organic) | Clavering organic | 32 | No | 4 | 1 | Nice little booklet on the subject and looks to explain the main pest issues with potatoes. | Organic Production |
527 | Profitable Organic Farming | Jon Newton | 170 | No | 3 | 3 | A more scientific Jon Nix for the organic sector, 2nd ed (2004) UK based. | Organic Production |
528 | Crop Rotation and cover Cropping | Seth Kroeck | 56 | No | 4 | 1 | First few chapters are really useful, then tilts wholly towards North Eastern US production as it might from the books author and purpose. | Organic Production |
529 | The Market Gardener | Jean-Martin Fortier | 145 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Great book showing how micro farms work and well illustrated on 1.5 acres of ground - similar book to “Miraculous abundance”. | Organic Production |
530 | The Origins of the Organic Movement | Philip Conford | 218 | No | 3 | 3 | Not the easiest read but a useful understanding as to the history of the organic movement in the US and UK from around the 1920’s tracing through the reasons for the movements direction and state. | Organic Production |
531 | Grape Grower A Guide to Organic Viticulture | Lon Rombough | 262 | No | 5 | 2 | A very informed book, lots of information and experience of how to grow and maintain an organic orchard. | Organic Production |
532 | The Organic Method Primer | Bargyla & Gylver Rateaver | 488 | No | 3 | 4 | A strange book in the way it is laid out and for all the complexity it is presented is a real shame because the information is absolute quality! | Organic Production |
533 | The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution | Andrew Mefferd | 312 | No | 4 | 1 | A slightly misleading title, depending on the definition of farm and therefore size - this is much more a no-till market garden or micro farm as they have now been coined | Organic Production |
534 | Miraculous Abudance | Perrine Herve-Gruyer | 221 | Yes | 5 | 1 | A great book and story of how a french couple with no gardening experience embarked on a permaculture/regenerative lifestyle to produce huge quantities of food on 1/4 of an acre! | Organic Production |
535 | The Organic Tradition | Philip Conford | 221 | No | 3 | 3 | A tricky book and typeface, looking at the history and the start of the movement of organic farming 1900-1950 | Organic Production |
536 | Compost Teas | Eric Fisher | 176 | No | 5 | 1 | A rather misleading title to a very good book, which looks at plant nutrition, reading deficiencies, soil and plant microbial life and much much more - well worth a read! | Worms & Compost |
537 | Harnessing the earthworm | Thomas barrett | 179 | No | 5 | 2 | A photocopy of the 1950’s publication, harnessing the earthworm; a practical inquiry into the soil-building, soil conditioning and plant nutrition through the action of earthworms. | Worms & Compost |
538 | The Earth Moved | Amy Stewart | 212 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Book dedicated to the role of earthworms | Worms & Compost |
539 | The Earthworm Book | Jerry Minnich | 298 | No | 4 | 2 | 1977 US based book on the earthworm, a bigger, longer book than the farmers earthworm handbook, yet seems to have no more information. | Worms & Compost |
540 | The Farmers Earthworm Handbook | David Ernst | 108 | No | 5.2 | 1 | A reprint (1995) of a book written in 1958 - The only slight drawback is the fact it is US based. | Worms & Compost |
541 | The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms | C Darwin | 313 | No | 4 | 3 | Original copy of Darwins work, some of the english not as we would read or understand it today! | Worms & Compost |
542 | Worms at Work | Crystal Stevens | 104 | No | 3 | 1 | A fairly basic book, explains the worms uses and then a section on explain worms to school children. | Worms & Compost |
543 | Compost, Vermicompost and Compost Teas | Grace Gershuny | 64 | No | 4 | 1 | A (US) nice introduction into compost and all aspects relating to it, Appendix is larger than the book with various recipes | Worms & Compost |
544 | Composting with worms | George Pilkington | 118 | No | 5 | 1 | A book with a great first few chapters on all thing compost and what lives within it, more garden based than agriculture but a good concise read. | Worms & Compost |
545 | Darwin on Humus and earthworms | C Darwin | 148 | No | 5 | 4 | Reprint of his work from 1881, not the easiest to read, but very interesting interactions of earthworms, soil and humus and vegetable moulds | Worms & Compost |
546 | Dissection of the earthworm | Whitehouse | 71 | No | 5 | 2 | 1949 reprint of the fascinating insight into the earthworm to understand its features - quite a remarkable little book | Worms & Compost |
547 | Earthworm Biology | Jhon A. Wallwork | 52 | No | 5 | 2 | UK 1983 booklet that details the marvels of the earthworms anatomy - how complicated? | Worms & Compost |
548 | Earthworms dirt and rotten leaves | Molly Mclaughlin | 74 | No | 5 | 1 | 1986 US book, very well written and even better illustrations - a really good book on the earthworm | Worms & Compost |
549 | Ecology of soil animals | J A Wallwork | 258 | No | 4 | 3 | 1970 UK graduate book, describing by chapter the different orders of animals found in the soil, from the smallest to the largest | Worms & Compost |
550 | Friend earthworm | George Oliver | 168 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A lifetimes work in a relatively short book, essential reading how worms can build an inch of soil in 5 years! | Worms & Compost |
551 | Worms Eat My Garbage | Mary Appelhof | 141 | No | 5 | 1 | Simplified look at earthworms, what they do, how to set up a worm bin etc (a best selling book in the mainstream) | Worms & Compost |
552 | The Worm Forgives the Plough | John Stewart Collis | 291 | No | 5 | 1 | Fascinating title to a book written in 1973, John is a scientist, ecologist, poet and farm worker, in this book (combination of 2) he talks about his life on the farm. | Worms & Compost |
553 | Bokashi Composting | Adam Footer | 127 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Looking at how to produce compost in an anaerobic environment. | Worms & Compost |
554 | The Compost Tea Brewing Manual | Elaine Ingham | 68 | No | 5 | 1 | A Free to download manual of the latest (5th edition) compost tea, how to make, what to look for and types of really useful information. | Worms & Compost |
555 | The Regenerative Grower’s Guide to Garden Amendments | Nigel Palmer | 178 | No | 5 | 1 | Great new and modern book, highlighting how to get the best out of and make quality compost, extracts and ferments naturally. | Worms & Compost |
556 | Best Management Practices: Johnson-Su Composting Bioreacors | USDA | 19 | No | 5 | 1 | For those looking to make simple compost and not needing to turn it, this is the ultimate solution. | Worms & Compost |
557 | Earth User’s Guid to Permaculture | Rosemary Morrow | 141 | No | 4 | 2 | An Australian based permaculture book, not given any more marks for it, because there are so many great UK books written on the subject. | Permaculture |
558 | The Permaculture Plot | Permanent Publications | 92 | No | 4 | 1 | A useful guide to permaculture in the UK where it lists 50 places where permaculture is practiced and are willing to demonstrate to visitors what they are doing (most privately owned) | Permaculture |
559 | The Permaculture Way | Graham Bell | 226 | No | 4 | 2 | Another permaculture book 1992 based in the UK a very good guide, although in terms of ease of reading, the more modern books are better illustrated. | Permaculture |
560 | The Permaculture Way | Graham Bell | 213 | No | 5 | 2 | A Permaculture book written in the UK (Scottish author) looking at a way of life and how to maximise your land whilst minimising waste at every venture - a worthy read. | Permaculture |
561 | The Resilient Farm and Homestead | Ben Falk | 260 | No | 4 | 1 | A US based text book style book about innovative permaculture and a whole systems design approach - a far more in depth look at the UK equivalent of River cottage! | Permaculture |
562 | Trees for gardens, orchards and permaculture | Martin Crawford | 224 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A great UK book about trees and orchards, how they fit into the classified USDA zones when looking at the UK - essential reading for anyone involved in trees in the UK | Permaculture |
563 | Edible forest gardens 2 | Dave Jacke | 457 | No | 5 | 2 | The second in a series of 2 books looking at all aspects of permaculture and design - quite simply an encyclopaedia of permaculture. | Permaculture |
564 | Permaculture and climate change adaption | Thomas Henfrey | 93 | No | 2 | 2 | A brief look at the philosophy’s behind permaculture. | Permaculture |
565 | Permaculture Design | Aranya | 183 | No | 5 | 1 | A fascinating hand book, showing how to and demonstrating how to set up your own permaculture in the UK - an essential book for those looking to set up a permaculture garden/farm. | Permaculture |
566 | Permaculture in a nutshell | Patrick White Field | 75 | No | 3 | 2 | Despite the title, there are far better and more concise books than this! | Permaculture |
567 | Permaculture promise | Jono Neiger | 151 | No | 4 | 1 | US based book on permaculture, really easy to read, lots of examples and diagrams. Enjoyable although there are plenty of good UK books on the subject | Permaculture |
568 | Restoration Agriculture | Mark Shepard | 298 | Yes | 5.1 | 2 | A truly great read, permaculture in the real world, what it means, how to create it and how to live in the permaculture mindset, full of fascinating facts and a book I loved. | Permaculture |
569 | The basics of permaculture design | Ross Mars | 158 | No | 4 | 2 | Another UK permaculture book, seem to be spoilt in the UK for good books about permaculture and its design. | Permaculture |
570 | The bio-intergrated farm | Shawn Jadrnicek | 343 | No | 3 | 1 | Good book, mainly focusing on permaculture and market gardening, but a useful insight and some great ideas and diagrams. | Permaculture |
571 | Edible forest gardens 1 | Dave Jacke | 303 | No | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of 2 books looking at all aspects of permaculture and design - quite simply an encyclopaedia of permaculture. | Permaculture |
572 | The Earth Care Manual | Patrick Whitefield | 421 | No | 5 | 2 | Another book from the permaculture author, looking at all aspects of setting up permaculture in the UK. | Permaculture |
573 | The permaculture Student 1 | Matt Powers | 81 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Hard to decide the age group this is set out for, my best guess is teenagers, but the book is fascinating and full of illustrations and makes a great introduction to permaculture. | Permaculture |
574 | The permaculture Student 2 | Matt Powers | 349 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Far more in depth and bolder look at permaculture, but written in a really easily and enjoyable way of understanding. | Permaculture |
575 | The Advanced Permaculture Student Teachers Guide | Matt Powers | 81 | No | 2 | 2 | Of no real use, unless setting out a teaching course for permaculture and how to structure the lessons. | Permaculture |
576 | Forest Gardening | Graham Burnett | 24 | No | 5 | 1 | A very well designed little pamphlet explaining the basics of a permaculture forest garden. A greater starter read | Permaculture |
Book title | Author | Pages | Audio Book Available? | Interest (1 – 5.5) | Difficulty (1 – 5) | Notes | Category |
A Short history of farming | Ralph Whitlock | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | Old book, author from the field magazine – worth a reading tracing agriculture through the ages until the 1960’s | Soil |
Building soils for better crops 2nd edition | Fred Magdoff et al | 214 | No | 5 | 1 | Like this book, well set out, easy to read, enjoyable and a good insight into regen ag in a really good well written order *must read! | Soil |
Call of nature | Richard Jones | 274 | No | 5 | 1 | A UK based book about the secret life of dung, how it is produced and then how it is recycled, a truly fascinating book and so relevant in the search of complete recycling. | Soil |
Chemistry of soil Analysis | D Storer | 68 | No | 4 | 3 | Book looking at how and how to replicate soil nutrient testing | Soil |
Comeback Farms | Greg Judy | 275 | No | 4 | 2 | Rejuvenating soils, pastures and profits with livestock grazing management, a follow on from ‘No risk ranching’ Based on Allan Savoury’s work of holistic management. | Soil |
Cultivating reality | R Sutterfield | 113 | No | 2 | 1 | A look at agrarianism, how theology and soils can interact. | Soil |
Dirt | David Montgomery | 245 | No | 4 | 2 | Prequel to Growing a revolution | Soil |
Dirt to soil | Gabe Brown | 201 | Yes | 5.5 | 1 | Great book, Great introduction to regen ag. I met Gabe back in 2016 on his farm in North Dakota – the most fascinating farm and the most incredible soil! All built by him and his family | Soil |
Food power from the sea | Lee Freya | 193 | No | 4 | 2 | 1977 book in need of modification because at this time the sea was being utilised for land fertility, through seaweed, fishmeal, sea water and/or all the energy stored within it – a worthy read | Soil |
For the love of soil | Nicole Masters | 271 | Yes | 5.3 | 1 | Right up there with the essential reads, a very modern 2019 book, based in New Zealand, but absolutely essential reading. | Soil |
Foundations of natural farming | Harold Willis | 346 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good book explaining the principles of regenerative agriculture – highly recommended | Soil |
A soil owners Manual | Jon Stika | 79 | Yes | 5.5 | 1 | Short concise book, with pretty much every fact and figure needed to understand Regen ag and soil, how so much information is found in such a small book (and audio) is nothing short of genius | Soil |
From the Soil up | Donald Schriefer | 268 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A John Kempf recommendation – need I say more? The reason why soil is the answer to agriculture and how to make best use of it. | Soil |
Fundamentals of soil ecology | David coleman | 312 | No | 5 | 2 | A text book/reference book for graduates on all aspects and descriptions/diagrams of life that occurs in the soil – very expensive resource! | Soil |
Good soil | Brade Birks | 276 | No | 3 | 2 | 1946 Wye college book looking at how to assess soil for texture, structure and how to farm it. | Soil |
Grow your soil | Diane Miessler | 155 | No | 5 | 1 | A well illustrated, top facts, concise introduction into how a soil works and why it works like that, designed for gardeners, but a useful addition to any farming bookshelf. | Soil |
Growing a revolution | David Montgomery | 284 | yes | 4 | 1 | Great author and read, 2 other books highly recommended (Dirt) (The hidden half of nature) | Soil |
Healthy soils, sick soils | Margareth Sekera | 136 | No | 4 | 2 | Very good book, modern book of work done in Germany in 1943 overall v good book | Soil |
Holy shit, managing manure to save mankind | Gene Logson | 195 | No | 4 | 1 | Great little book, does exactly what is says in the title! | Soil |
How Soil Works | Paul Syltie | 137 | No | 5.3 | 1 | An incredible book, detailed knowledge but demonstrated in a way that explains it easily, certainly in my top 10 of books to read. | Soil |
Humusphere | Herwig Pommeresche | 209 | No | 5.3 | 2 | A John Kempf recommendation – A great book that looks at the tricky subject of humus and its role in the humusphere in the soil and yet explains it extremely well. | Soil |
Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes | P M Huang | 585 | No | 2 | 5 | AN almost impossible read? aimed I guess at serious soil scientists, can’t think of anyone else that could read it? | Soil |
Albrecht on Calcium | W Albrecht | 278 | No | 5 | 4 | 278 pages dedicated to Calcium! No wonder S Townsend finds it so important | Soil |
Introduction to soil Physics | Daniel Hillel | 320 | No | 3 | 5 | An introduction if you are already a Physics genius! Otherwise a book that gives all the formulas required to work things out accurately such as evapotranspiration rates. | Soil |
Life in a bucket of soil | Alvin Silverstein | 93 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A reprint of a 1972 Book, different and a worthy read because it focusses on the macro animals rather than the micro fungi and bacteria of which there is so much written. | Soil |
Life in the soil | R Jackson | 59 | No | 4 | 1 | A useful books in old methods to measure the life within soils | Soil |
Managing soils without using Chemicals | Jo Readman | 43 | No | 3 | 1 | Very basic, but a useful quick read, mainly focussing on gardens, tillage and mulches. | Soil |
Mother earth (Letters on soil) | G W Robinson | 201 | No | 4 | 2 | 1937 book UK based, useful read (explains here the difference between soil organic matter and humus) | Soil |
Nitrogen and soil organic matter | MAFF | 166 | No | 3 | 4 | 1969 when UK ag research was best in the world. A very scientific led book looking at how to feed a crop amongst other. | Soil |
No Tillage, Agriculture principles | R Philips | 319 | No | 4 | 2 | 1984 book on No till (very few books or publications written about no till) based in Netherlands so more relevant to a UK climate than those books written in the Americas | Soil |
Pioneers of fertility | Crichton Porteous | 125 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An old book tracing the history of the understanding of soil fertility from the mid 14th century to the early 20th century. | Soil |
Ploughing a new furrow | Malcolm Smith | 215 | No | 5.1 | 1 | 2018 UK book – looking at BREXIT and the interactions between nature and farming – loved this book and needs promotion | Soil |
Ploughmans Folly | Edward Faulkner | 142 | No | 5 | 1 | 1945 book questioning the use of plough, fantastic look at cover crops and the primitive understanding of soil biology. | Soil |
Albrecht on Pastures | W Albrecht | 235 | No | 5 | 4 | More pastureland advice | Soil |
Radical Regenerative gardening and farming | Frank Holzman | 198 | No | 3 | 3 | US book, not the easiest of reads, much better books written on the subject. | Soil |
Remediation engineering of contaminated soils | Donald L. Wise | 979 | No | 2 | 4 | Essential reference book, for those looking at solving contamination of soils with researched science. | Soil |
Sea energy agriculture | Maynard Murray M.D | 104 | No | 4 | 2 | 2003 US book looking at the research of Maynard Murray, who studied extensively the minerals found in sea water would benefit plants and animals | Soil |
Seaweed in Agriculture and Horticulture | W A Stephenson | 193 | No | 4 | 2 | A 1960’s? book based on Seaweed and its applications, not the easiest of reads, but useful for understanding the role of seaweed and improving plants. | Soil |
Secrets of Fertile Soils | Erhard Henning | 170 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book outlining and detailing how soils work and their importance (translated from the original German book of the same name) originally written in 1995 | Soil |
Secrets of the Soil | Peter Tompkins | 329 | No | 4 | 3 | Claimed as a sequel to ‘silent spring’ by Rachel Carson? A much more difficult read because of typeface, I wouldn’t rush to read it again! | Soil |
Sewage solutions | Nick Grant | 177 | No | 5 | 2 | 2005 UK book, not the easiest typeface and the book could be bigger for ease of use, but very informative and some good ideas | Soil |
Soil | Charlie Ryrie | 58 | No | 3 | 1 | A very basic understanding of soil written on behalf of the soil association. | Soil |
Soil Analysis | Keith Smith | 504 | No | 2 | 5 | A look at the instrumental techniques and related procedures to making soil analysis – not sure this is meant to be read or used as a reference, but doing the latter! | Soil |
Soil and Sense | Michael Graham | 264 | No | 4 | 2 | 1941 Rothamsted book delving into a huge bank of knowledge that has been mostly forgotten and now needs relearning – well worth the read | Soil |
Albrecht on Soil balancing | W Albrecht | 216 | No | 5 | 4 | How to make nutrients available | Soil |
Soil and your health | Beatrice Trum Hunter | 111 | No | 2 | 1 | Much like Albrecht’s book, the link between how you grow something and your own health – worthy of a quick read | Soil |
Soil care and management | Jo Readman | 45 | No | 4 | 1 | A nice little UK booklet, albeit dated now | Soil |
Soil Chemistry | D Strawn | 392 | No | 4 | 3 | V good soil chemistry text book ref | Soil |
Soil chemistry and its applications | M Cresser | 208 | No | 5 | 2 | 1995 UK book, very good, well structured and informative book | Soil |
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth | E Walter Russell | 658 | No | 5 | 3 | A huge resource (9th ed) UK based, but looks at all aspects of soils from around the world and what’s in them and how to manage them. | Soil |
Soil Conservation | N Hudson | 300 | No | 3 | 1 | 1971 really a look back at how sticky plasters were advised as a way of controlling erosion. | Soil |
Soil Ecology | Ken Killham | 211 | No | 5 | 2 | A small text book style book written in 1994 and a surprising amount of information and accuracy when looking at the functionality of the soil. A worthy read. | Soil |
Soil Erosion and Conservation | RPC Morgan | 164 | No | 3 | 2 | Another A level text book, some useful parts in it if required. | Soil |
Soil Fertility & Human and Animal health | W Albrecht | 283 | No | 5 | 4 | Final book of the series, linking a healthy soil, to a healthy plant, a healthy plant to a healthy animal and in turn healthy human. | Soil |
Soil fertility and animal health | W Albrecht | 187 | No | 5 | 4 | self explanatory | Soil |
Albrecht’s Enduring vision | W Albrecht | 297 | No | 5 | 4 | Pastures and animals and connection with soils | Soil |
Soil in their souls | Rex Sly | 160 | No | 3 | 3 | A history of Fenland farming in the UK | Soil |
Soil management | Bryan Davies et al | 245 | No | 3 | 2 | 1972 look at ploughing, when ploughing was still a very different thing than it is today | Soil |
Soil Mechanics | R F Craig | 77 | No | 2 | 5 | If you need formulas to work out how soils will behave on a slope for instance, this is your book! | Soil |
Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry | Paul Clark | 327 | No | 2 | 5 | Scientific book, aimed at graduates minimum, but a useful resource when needing to look at scientific evidence. | Soil |
Soil organic matter | P Bjorklund | 137 | No | 4 | 5 | World scientific view on the role and need to rebuild soil organic matter | Soil |
Soils and Environment | S Ellis and A Mellor | 316 | No | 5 | 2 | Written by one of my University lecturers, a book aimed at graduate students that need to understand the principles of soils and a changing environment. | Soil |
Sun, soil and survival | K Berger | 371 | No | 2 | 2 | 1972 USA book and introduction to soils and how and why they are so important | Soil |
Teach yourself farming ‘good soil’ | S G Brade-Birks | 295 | No | 4 | 2 | 1944 UK book (Wye college) good explanations of soil basics and formation from rocks and weathering | Soil |
The Biological Farmer 2nd ed | Gary Zimmer | 360 | No | 4 | 1 | Good book, hard to get hold of, now been updated and expanded by his follow up book. | Soil |
The biology of soil | Richard Bardgett | 189 | No | 5 | 2 | V good general soil book, Good technical knowledge explained pretty well throughout. | Soil |
Albrecht’s foundation concepts | W Albrecht | 507 | No | 5 | 4 | The source of much of Neal Kinsey’s work | Soil |
The Drought resilient Farm | Dale Strickler | 176 | No | 4 | 1 | Good read, useful diagrams and tables to backup data claims. Like most books US based and livestock taking a large chunk of the book, but very useful all the same. | Soil |
The Farming Ladder | G Henderson | 170 | No | 5 | 1 | Farming ‘bible’ of the 1940’s lots of great information on livestock, cropping and the value of mucking and manures | Soil |
The Greatest Invention Dung Beetles & a cowman’s profits | Charles Walters | 186 | No | 4 | 1 | A fascinating look into the importance of dung beetles, what they do, how they work and the necessity of them in the soil food web to contribute manure into smaller parts for the soil biology to work on. | Soil |
The Humannure handbook | Joseph Jenkins | 270 | No | 4 | 1 | A book that looks into making the most of human ‘bi-products’ urine and faeces and describes how best to utilise this precious commodity. | Soil |
The Ideal Soil v2.0 A Handbook for the New Agriculture | Michael Astera | 171 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An acres US book, that everyone should own for a great point of reference. | Soil |
The Independent Farmsead | Shawn and Beth Dougherty | 303 | No | 3 | 2 | A smallholding growing soil, biodiversity and nutrient dense food with grassland animals and intensive pasture management | Soil |
The Nature and Properties of Soil | Nyle Brady, Ray Weil | 900 | No | 5 | 3 | V expensive, excellent text book style guide and understanding of soils | Soil |
The Soul of Soil | Grace Gershuny | 100 | No | 5 | 3 | 1986 Canadian book, looking at all aspects of soil health in need of updating in a better typeface and pictures/tables/diagrams | Soil |
The Story of the Soil from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life | Cyril Hopkins | 267 | No | 2 | 3 | Not the greatest read… | Soil |
Albrecht’s hidden lessons | W Albrecht | 385 | No | 5 | 4 | follow on from above | Soil |
The Study of the Soil in the Field 2nd and 3rd Additions | G Clarke | 188 | No | 3 | 2 | 1941 book, notebook size, defining the parameters of measuring soils (nothing new today!) US | Soil |
The waste products of agriculture | Albert Howard et al | 125 | No | 4 | 1 | Albert Howard – just read it! | Soil |
The worlds greatest Fix | G J Leigh | 220 | No | 5.1 | 2 | Not the easiest read, but a fascinating journey through the role of nitrogen, it’s history, it’s manufacturing and the current understanding. | Soil |
Understanding Roots | Robert Kourik | 187 | No | 5.1 | 1 | US book, but is worth of a read, so much knowledge about what happens under the surface! | Soil |
Water in plain sight | Judith Schwartz | 224 | Yes | 5 | 2 | Here Judith uses the works of Alan Savory to explain how areas of desertification can be converted back to green and prosperous lands | Soil |
World Soils | E.M Bridges | 164 | No | 4 | 2 | Geology under graduate text book about the soils from around the world, what they consist of and their management and formation. | Soil |
An agricultural testament | Sir Albert Howard | 258 | No | 5 | 2 | Essential reading from the godfather of soil health, of which much of modern day understanding is based | Soil |
The World of the Soil | John Russell | 227 | No | 5 | 2 | First published by the lead scientist of Rothamsted research in 1957, John Russell, looks into the life of the soil and shows just what we did know 70 years ago – fascinating read | Soil |
Food 5.0 How we feed the future | Robert D Saik | 233 | No | 5 | 1 | Great book on the future of food combining technology and the environment and the awesome authors Rob’s rants throughout the book. | Soil |
Soil Biology Primer | Soil and Water conservation society (USA) | 47 | No | 5 | 1 | A very simply put together booklet and well illustrated about the life found in the soil, very hard to get hold of, and not sure if it’s worth the hassle! | Soil |
Cultivation Systems at Drayton | MAFF | 12 | No | 4 | 1 | 1977 booklet, looking at various cultivation trials conducted by MAFF at their Stratford site. | Soil |
Basic Soil Mechanics | R Whitlow | 531 | No | 2 | 5 | A reference book and more to do with construction industry and the way soils behave, rather than from a biological point of view. | Soil |
Massey Ferguson 797 Reversible plough | MF | 15 | No | 4 | 1 | Plough manual, how to set up etc | Soil |
No Till seeding in Conservation Agriculture | C J Baker et al | 300 | No | 5 | 2 | An essential book for those looking at going in to No Till farming, a collection of papers by various authors put in a very easily and well guided book through all of the research (download of the book available FOC) | Soil |
Manures and Manuring | MAFF | 99 | No | 3 | 2 | 1937 book, interesting enough looking at the use of artificial fertiliser to compliment the use of manures. | Soil |
Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture | Graham Stirling | 234 | No | 5.3 | 1 | Essential reading for anyone starting along the soil health or regenerative agriculture route – that simple! | Soil |
Regenerative Soil – The Science and Solutions | Matt Powers | 270 | Yes | 5.4 | 1 | Brand new book at the time of writing (Nov 2020) and the best diagrammatic explanation of soils ever written, absolutely essential reading and point of reference. | Soil |
7 Myths about Aquaponics | Michelle Booth | 102 | No | 3 | 1 | A simple instructional book focussing on the main reasons people do not subscribe to aquaponics. | Livestock |
Equine Nutrition and Feeding | David Frape | 505 | No | 3 | 4 | Graduate level of equine nutrition, first few chapters useful for nutrient requirement. | Livestock |
Feed your Horse like a Horse | Juliet Getty | 392 | No | 3 | 3 | Not the easiest (US) read, nor the most informative about paddocks and what to plant/grass etc. | Livestock |
For the love of land | Jim Howell | 462 | No | 5 | 1 | World case studies of grazing alongside nature and how it work, answering the question often asked, it works there, but never would here! | Livestock |
Grass Productivity, an introduction to rational grazing | Andre Voisin | 481 | No | 5 | 1 | Essential reading by the godfather of grass – must read | Livestock |
Grass-fed nation | Graham Harvey | 254 | No | 3 | 1 | Pro grazing/livestock book | Livestock |
Grassland ecology and wildlife management | E Duffey et al | 244 | No | 3 | 2 | Dated book, pretty much does what is says on the title | Livestock |
Grassland restoration and management | David Blakesley | 231 | No | 4 | 2 | Essential reading for those looking after grassland with the intention of enhancing all aspects of biodiversity. | Livestock |
Happy pigs taste better | Alice Percy | 216 | No | 4 | 1 | A complete guide to organic and holistic pasture based pork system. Great read and information on how to include pigs in an holistic management program. | Livestock |
Healthy Land, Healthy Pasture, Healthy Horses | Jane Myers | 245 | No | 5 | 1 | Another Australian book out of the top drawer for equine nutrition and using pastures, nature and the understanding of evolution to provide equiculture solutions | Livestock |
Herdmanship | Newman Turner | 157 | No | 3 | 2 | The fourth of his works, looks more at animal husbandry. Read the other 3 first! | Livestock |
A Healthy Horse the Natural Way | Catherine Bird | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | An Australian book that goes far on from nutrition, but explains how health can heal many ailments – I enjoyed this book | Livestock |
Holistic management Handbook 3rd ed | Jody Butterfield et al | 245 | No | 3 | 4 | Using Allan Savory’s work and using the handbook to work alongside his Holistic management book (not to be confused) pretty useless without the text book | Livestock |
Holistic resource managment | Allan Savory | 508 | No | 5 | 2 | “The bible” of regenerative ag. Allans work in the former country of Rhodesia saw him oversee the culling of 40,000 elephants due to perceived ‘overgrazing’ the problem worsened and led to the great revolution that animals were the solution rather than the problem. | Livestock |
Horse Feeding and Nutrition | Tony Cunha | 423 | No | 3 | 2 | Hard work for a 2002 printed book (US)! | Livestock |
Horse Nutrition and Feeding | Sarah Pilliner | 176 | No | 3 | 1 | Another UK book (mid 1990’s) about basic horse nutrition of mainly grass! | Livestock |
Horse Pasture Management | Paul Sharpe | 367 | No | 4 | 2 | A good book (Canadian written, mainly based in North America) but gets to the grips of achieving correct nutrition in pastures rather than relying on bought in amendments. | Livestock |
How to not go broke ranching | Walt Davis | 312 | No | 4 | 1 | A great look at 50 years experience in the US of learning that biological farming would enhance his livestock – no running seminars across the world | Livestock |
Humane livestock handling | Temple Grandin | 217 | No | 2 | 1 | One of those books by a great author who has written so much about livestock management and handling that at least one of his books is worth reading, especially when considering regen ag | Livestock |
Managing pasture | Dale Strickler | 266 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Despite being US based, yet again Dale has written a fantastic (published 2019) modern book on all aspects of sustainable grazing – a must read! | Livestock |
Meat a Benign Extravagance | Simon Fairlie | 300 | No | 3 | 1 | A look at why we should lower our meat consumption because of the way our meat is produced and its effect on the planet. | Livestock |
No risk ranching | Greg Judy | 231 | No | 3 | 1 | A USA based book looking at making a profit on leased or rented grazing land. Useful read | Livestock |
Aquaponic Gardening | Sylvia Bernstein | 208 | No | 4 | 2 | A really informative book, a little more investment in the quality of paper, typeface, pictures and diagrams would have made it a much more interesting and captivating read. | Livestock |
Nutrition and Feeding of Horses | Beth Maloney | 202 | No | 3 | 1 | Fairly straight forward (now dated) UK boo on horse nutrition | Livestock |
Practical Horse and Pony Nutrition | Gillian McCathy | 255 | No | 3 | 1 | UK book, plenty of others, most better! | Livestock |
Salad Bar Beef | Joel Salatin | 346 | No | 5 | 2 | A 1995 book by Joel, showing that small beef operations can be profitable and then how this can be extended in later chapters. | Livestock |
The art and science of grazing | Sarah Flack | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book, where the integration of livestock needs to be far more understood by the the agronomist, I would consider this as a bible to grass and soil health. | Livestock |
The Forgiveness of Nature (The story of grass) | Graham Harvey | 333 | No | 4 | 2 | A History of grass, In need of modernisation, because it is actually a really good read. | Livestock |
The Horse Nutrition Bible | Ruth Bishop | 177 | No | 3 | 1 | 2003 UK book, look at the feed requirement and nutritional needs of the horse – better books written on the subject! | Livestock |
The Horse Nutrition Handbook | Melyni Worth | 211 | No | 3 | 1 | More modern (2010) book and therefore easier to read book on the basics and principles of equine nutrition (USA) | Livestock |
The Marvellous Pigness of Pigs | Joel Salatin | 257 | No | 3 | 1 | As a typical Joel book, the ethics of animal keeping within his firm Christian beliefs, means the book is as much about faith and the bible as is about farming, processing and purchasing food. | Livestock |
The Miracle of Milk | Bernarr Macfadden | 204 | No | 2 | 2 | 1924 book, highlighting the benefits of milk in your diet and even the whole milk diet – useful read when debating dairy farming etc. | Livestock |
Aquaponics systems | Bowe Packer | 77 | No | 3 | 1 | Simple introduction to aquaponics with very easy to follow diagrams and pictures. | Livestock |
The Secret Life of Cows | Rosamund Young | 136 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Fringe book, good read | Livestock |
The vegetarian Myth | Lierre Keith | 271 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Looking at the case of a once vegan which documents a personal life but also one of politics in a food system at the point of breaking. | Livestock |
Big Chicken | Maryn McKenna | 308 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Only a 3 as its slightly off subject, however a great read about how antibiotics created modern agriculture and changed the way the world eats | Livestock |
Cure your own cattle | Newman Turner | 77 | No | 4 | 1 | A look through Newmans experience of how to treat all of the cattle aliments, without needing to rely on antibiotics and medicines. | Livestock |
Defending beef | Nicolette Hahn Niman | 241 | Yes | 4 | 2 | why livestock is so important! | Livestock |
Electric fencing handbook | Ann Hansen | 93 | No | 5 | 1 | A great book and useful resource for those looking at including livestock on any kind of mob grazed system and how to plan and get the best out of it. | Livestock |
Epic Impact journal 2017 | Various | 111 | No | 3 | 1 | A book that gives an overview of animals, case studies and region ag, different from many of the other books and well worth a quick read | Livestock |
The Aquaponic Farmer | Adrian Southern | 259 | No | 5 | 1 | A very well laid out book detailing the whole process and business of aquaponic farming – best book on the subject so far in my opinion. | Livestock |
Nourishment | Fred Provenza | 325 | No | 5 | 2 | A book that looks at how and why animals choose to balance their diets and then looks at humans and their ability to still do this. | Livestock |
Where do Camels Belong? | Ken Thompson | 223 | No | 3 | 2 | A look at the story and science of invasive species and what it means in terms of history and the future. | Livestock |
Dirt Hog | Kelly Klober | 304 | No | 4 | 2 | US produced book looking at all aspects of raising pasture reared (Range-produced) pigs looking at all aspects of the pigs natural husbandry | Livestock |
Complete Guide to Raising Animals Organically | Paul Dettloff | 411 | No | 4 | 3 | Pretty much does what it says in the title! US based book, focusing mainly on cattle, but does look at all animals, from soil health right through animal biodynamics, DC voltage and reading animals through to natural treatments. | Livestock |
The Art and Science of Shepherding | Michel Meuret | 404 | No | 5 | 1 | An book originally written in French and based in that country, it is a fascinating resource that delves into the depths of the animals, diets, nutrition, reading the signs as well as the social and economic implications | Livestock |
Natural Sheep Care | Pat Coleby | 195 | No | 5 | 1 | Fascinating and well written book looking at the more natural husbandry of sheep care to give a much better understanding of how and what to do to manage sheep in a more holistic way. | Livestock |
Chicken Tractor | Andy Lee & Patricia Foreman | 293 | No | 5 | 1 | Love this book – all about chickens, chicken tractors, great illustrations, how to make, build (US based figures for the economics) building soils etc etc | Livestock |
The Lean Dairy Farm | Jana Hocken Mat Hoken | 396 | No | 4 | 1 | A book thats quite hard to review, it’s a great manual for those looking at managing a dairy and making sure things are done right with minimum of waste, waste being time, management as well as waste products | Livestock |
Natural Horse Care | Pat Coleby | 152 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Pat Coleby book, like all the books in his series on natural animal care, the simplest of approaches learning from lessons of days gone by. | Livestock |
Natural Cattle Care | Pat Coleby | 199 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Pat Coleby book, like all the books in his series on natural animal care, the simplest of approaches learning from lessons of days gone by. | Livestock |
Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding | Wilson Pond et al | 558 | No | 3 | 4 | Scientific based book however useful as a point of reference | Livestock |
Pig Feeding and Management | MAFF | 66 | No | 2 | 4 | 1963 Book, not the easiest read and not that relevant to anything regenerative – a timing really when animals were seen as nothing more than meat! | Livestock |
Anatomical and Physiological Models of the Horse, Cow, Sheep, Pig and Chicken | N/A | 32 | No | 5 | 1 | An incredibly detailed short book showing the inside of the most common farm animals, an excellent reference book. | Livestock |
British Breeds of Livestock | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 146 | No | 3 | 2 | 1913 book showcasing everything that is good and the characteristics of all of the UK native breeds of livestock – a useful reference. | Livestock |
Fertility and Animal Breeding | MAFF | 44 | No | 3 | 2 | Interesting read to understand how reproduction and breeding in farm animals is detailed and understood to get the best out of an animal – including a useful section on AI | Livestock |
Hybrid Chickens | MAFF | 39 | No | 3 | 2 | 1959 booklet looking at the commercial side of hybrid chickens and how they provide more economic gain, yet again designed in a time where science ruled and nature was something that was ignored | Livestock |
The Culling of Poultry | MAFF | 17 | No | 3 | 2 | The process of preparing, catching and dispatching of chickens 1950’s style – useful for home producers looking to cull a few of their own poultry for consumption | Livestock |
The Shepherd’s Life | James Rebanks | 293 | Yes | 3 | 2 | Better to listen than to read, as much as biography, but good and the interactions between the social, farming and environmental life that all become intertwined. | Livestock |
Green Meat? | Ryan M Katz-Rosene | 224 | No | 5 | 2 | The scientific look at how meat production can be green in regenerative systems compared with the awful environmental footprint that is meat production currently. | Livestock |
The Illustrated Herdwick Shepard | James Rebanks | 171 | No | 3 | 1 | The Life of the author taken through the lens of a camera – beautiful pictures and short passages | Livestock |
Sheep husbandry and diseases | Allan Fraser | 339 | No | 2 | 2 | Useful resource book on husbandry of sheep and how to keep them healthy before resorting to medicines in a vibrant pasture system. | Livestock |
Aquaponics for Beginners | Brian Ian | 60 | No | 4 | 1 | Simple book, looking into aquaponics | Livestock |
A Biodynamic manual | Pierre Masson | 299 | No | 3 | 2 | A french based book where the author has practiced, then demonstrates and explains what and how he farms – a very good book on the subject. | Biodynamics |
The Anatomy of life & Energy in Agriculture | Arden Andersen | 107 | No | 5 | 1 | A great introduction into energy and agriculture and how a different kind of focus on the right energy can provide healthy, sustainable crops. | Biodynamics |
The water wizard | Viktor Schauberger | 211 | No | 5.1 | 3 | Another John Kempf recommended book so essential reading looking into the force and energy contained within water, a tricky read at best, but essential | Biodynamics |
The wizard and the prophet | C Mann | 462 | No | 4 | 1 | Fringe but essential reading for anyone, the look at 2 scientists in the 1960’s-70’s their vision for feeding the planet as relevant today as it was then – shame its not available as an audio book (yet) | Biodynamics |
Water Spirits of the world | Alanna Moore | 129 | No | 1 | 2 | Far to weird and mostly irrelevant! | Biodynamics |
Biodynamics in practice | Tom Petherick | 127 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely illustrated UK book following tablehurst and plaw hatch – a worthy and easy read. | Biodynamics |
Biophilia | Edward Wilson | 145 | No | 3 | 2 | A very left field book, looking at the bonds between humans and other species and how we interact or effect each other. | Biodynamics |
Fertile Earth | Victor Schauberger | 193 | No | 5 | 3 | Book 3 of the excellent work by Victor, here he looks at trees, biodynamics and energies in nature | Biodynamics |
Gardening and planting by the moon | N Kollerstrom | 60 | No | 2 | 1 | An obvious fringe book, however a useful insight into previous cultures and what they believed and the results they saw | Biodynamics |
Paramagnetism | Philip S Callahan | 90 | No | 4 | 1 | An interesting insight into the fascinating world of paramagnetic (something that is included in many products sold in S Africa) | Biodynamics |
Pfeiffer’s guide to Biodynamics | Ehrenfried Pfeiffer | 84 | No | 4 | 1 | A nice short introduction before taking on some of his larger books and information about the concepts, principles and practice of biodynamics. | Biodynamics |
Sacred Medicine | Linda Star Wolf | 217 | No | 2 | 3 | Very left field, looking at the Shamanic teachers of the install medicine wheel to understand insects and their role with ‘mother earth’ | Biodynamics |
Social farming | Karl kong | 224 | No | 4 | 2 | Hard to describe what this book actually is! looking at the connections between biodynamics, animals and farming. | Biodynamics |
The Invisible Rainbow | Arthur Firstenberg | 392 | No | 4 | 3 | A History of electricity and life, a book that has as many references as it does pages! The book fascinatingly looks at how electricity has changed the planet. | Biodynamics |
The Earths Face | Ehremfried Pfeiffer | 123 | No | 4 | 2 | Another great book on biodynamics by the author who 40 years ago predicted the way modern ‘big ag’ was and is destroying the planet. | Biodynamics |
Living Rainbow H2O | Mae-Wan Ho | 281 | No | 4 | 4 | A tricky read, and sequel to the Rainbow and the Worm where the author looks in to the latest science and evidence based around the most simple thing – water! | Biodynamics |
Cosmos Earth and Nutrition | Richard Thornton Smith | 260 | No | 4 | 3 | A very useful book on biodynamics and well explained to the beginner, a complete introduction and explanation into how all things from the original Steiner concept are linked. | Biodynamics |
The Secret Teachings of Plants | Stephen Buhner | 272 | Yes | 3 | 4 | A book I struggled with to be honest, I am yet to listen to it on audiobook where it might be an easier read | Biodynamics |
The Lost Language of Plants | Stephen Buhner | 288 | No | 4 | 3 | A fascinating read about the disconnect we now have from plants as natural healers, chemists and all sorts of things in favour of the artificial pharmaceuticals and pesticides that we so much more rely on now. | Biodynamics |
The Rainbow and the Worm | Mae-Wan Ho | 250 | No | 3 | 3 | Another book by the author which is highly unusual and a book that requires time and space to read and ingest. It looks at the simple sentence – what does it mean to be alive? and tries to answer it. | Biodynamics |
A Buzz in the meadow | Dave Goulson | 252 | No | 4 | 1 | A wonderful insight into the secret lives of insects and the importance of their protection. | Farm Nature |
Farming in natures image | Judith Soule et al | 229 | No | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest read! but good and looking back in the 1990’s at the USA and how many were looking at the organic/regen model for improving soils and health etc | Farm Nature |
Farming on the wild side | Hayden N | 240 | No | 3 | 1 | Informative book about the evolution of regenerative small holding and nursery (based in the US) Biodiversity and perennial plants | Farm Nature |
Farming the Woods | Ken Mudge et al | 400 | No | 5 | 1 | Understanding the role of forestry and its products as part of a regenerative plan across not only arable land and grazing, but also woodlands and forests. | Farm Nature |
Farming, Forestry and Natural heritage | Richard Davison | 304 | No | 4 | 2 | Printed in 2006 and in need of an update as the world is ever changing, but a very good albeit not the easiest read into the integrated future of policy, farming and natural capital | Farm Nature |
Feeding and Greening the world | Derek tribe | 258 | No | 4 | 3 | An interesting perspective from a scientific point of view of how the starving of scientific funding is preventing the research that needs to be done to change non sustainable habits | Farm Nature |
Feral | George Monbiot | 268 | No | 3 | 1 | Rewilding, keep your friends close and enemies closer! Tiny typeface so a hard read! but looking at how we farm, the way we farm and how re-wilding should be implemented | Farm Nature |
Fields | Bill Laws | 219 | No | 3 | 1 | The importance of the very thing we grow our crops in, looking at different fields from around the world, what role they play, what their boundaries mean to wildlife etc. | Farm Nature |
Fifty plants that changed the course of history | Bill Laws | 217 | No | 3 | 1 | Interesting book, mainly not directly relevant, but shows how plants and some weeds have shaped history. | Farm Nature |
Flowers of the field | Steve Nicholls | 453 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of meadow, moor and wood, a beautifully illustrated and informative book about all things wild flowers of the UK. | Farm Nature |
Folks, this ain’t normal | Joel Salatin | 351 | No | 3 | 3 | A good book where Joel looks at how far removed from nature the farming process is. It’s not an easy read (typeface etc) so would recommend waiting for the audiobook! | Farm Nature |
A sting in the tale | Dave Goulson | 241 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The story of Dave’s passion to reintroduce the short-haired bumble bee back into the UK after going extinct. | Farm Nature |
Foot loose | Jane Holmes | 122 | No | 3 | 1 | A lovely look through the diary of nature in Wiltshire from 1936 – 1950, the photographs really do bring it home. | Farm Nature |
Givendale a farm in harmony with nature | Richard Fuller | 143 | No | 3 | 1 | A mainly photograph book – as its title suggests | Farm Nature |
Green and prosperous land | Dieter Helm | 268 | Yes | 4 | 1 | The problems associated with UK ag, well worth a listen/read a blueprint for rescuing the countryside | Farm Nature |
Hidden Nature | Alick Bartholomew | 270 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Essential reading by the Austrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) way ahead of his time of how nature works and how to address sick water, ailing forests and renewable energy. | Farm Nature |
How to catch a mole | Marc Hamer | 240 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Another great read about how molecatchers learnt so much about the soil, the countryside and the environment. | Farm Nature |
How to read the landscape | Patrick Whitefield | 216 | No | 4 | 1 | UK book! looking at how to understand how the landscape and its functions interact together to look at a whole ‘landscape’ understanding of the environment, rather than individual farms. | Farm Nature |
Invasive aliens | Dan Eatherley | 296 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Only a 4 as slightly off topic, but fascinating insight into the UK species that have invaded and thrived, how, when, where and what are the consequences to the UK | Farm Nature |
Moles | Rob Atkinson | 130 | No | 4 | 1 | The best book written and illustrated (that I have found) on the mole and its life in the soil. Are they are indicator of soil health? | Farm Nature |
Natural Capital | Dieter Helm | 247 | No | 4 | 2 | The critically acclaimed author of many books, but this in particular looks to balance the economic v environment trade off | Farm Nature |
Nature as a measure | Wes Jackson | 226 | No | 5 | 1 | Here Wes publishes a series of essays where he seeks to integrate food production with nature in a way that sustains both | Farm Nature |
Bee Quest | Dave Goulson | 220 | No | 4 | 1 | A book which traces Dave’s travels around the world and also closer to home in search of all species of bee and where and why they are found where they are | Farm Nature |
Natures architect | Jim Crumley | 189 | No | 3 | 1 | Beavers, the answer to flood management if allowed to do what they do naturally. | Farm Nature |
Natures Matrix | Ivette Perfecto et al | 248 | No | 5 | 2 | Linking agriculture, biodiversity, conservation and food security. A really good book, but just something I found hard to read, not sure why? | Farm Nature |
Playing God In Yellowstone | Alston Chase | 375 | No | 2 | 2 | Based in 1987, this book is a critical overview of everything that is wrong with the management of Yellowstone national park, it is important to understand that this has somewhat changed since it was written. | Farm Nature |
Rebirding | Benedict Macdonald | 226 | No | 4.5 | 1 | Essentially a look at rewilding the U.K with emphasis on bird species which have been huge decline over the previous 2 centuries due to human interference. | Farm Nature |
Rewild the art of returning to nature | Nick Baker | 271 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK based book 2017 about the need to re-wild and what it would mean to the UK to allow nature to return as it would want to. | Farm Nature |
Rewilding | David wood fall | 270 | No | 3 | 1 | A lovely book based int he UK on what species do and how best to preserve them. | Farm Nature |
Seventy Summers | Tony Harman | 255 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of Tony and is farm in Buckinghamshire, where in 70 years Tony went from hand milking and horses through the huge green revolution, here he explains the changes he has witnessed. | Farm Nature |
Silent fields | Roger Lovegrove | 301 | No | 4 | 2 | An incredibly well researched book, look at the persecution of UK wildlife since Tudor times using history of taxes and game books to use this information to demonstrate how these animals have been driven from the UK countryside. | Farm Nature |
Silent Spring | Rachel Carson | 363 | Yes | 3 | 2 | Needs little to no explanation I hope! However in any debate, reading both sides of the story makes you educated I believe | Farm Nature |
Soils, Vegetation, Ecosystems | Greg O’Hare | 194 | No | 4 | 2 | Pretty sure this was my A level geography text book, a useful resource and worthy of ownership. | Farm Nature |
Britains wild harvest | Hew Prendergast | 82 | No | 2 | 1 | Looking at the uses of native plants and how to live off the land in the UK | Farm Nature |
Songs of Increase | Jaqueline Freeman | 170 | No | 3 | 2 | An interesting book, looking at working with honey bees, rather than maximise them for their output (honey farming) | Farm Nature |
Talking with nature | Michael Roads | 151 | No | 3 | 1 | A quite fascinating book (v left field) about an Australian man who literally ‘talks’ to nature | Farm Nature |
The Ecology Book | Tony Juniper | 331 | Yes | 5 | 1 | I have given this a 5, not so much farming related (totally) but a wider look at the planet and the effects all sorts is having on it. | Farm Nature |
The ecology of hedgerows and field margins | J Dover | 272 | No | 2 | 2 | Obviously fringe, but highlights through science the nature of biological pest control contribution backed up with science. | Farm Nature |
The Eurasian Beaver Handbook | Campbell-Palmer | 118 | No | 3 | 1 | For those estates looking at going above and beyond the realms of regen ag, the introduction of the beaver sits as a high priority, this handbook sets out a complete understanding of the beaver | Farm Nature |
The Farm as an Ecosystem | Jerry Brunetti | 317 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A modern (2014) Acres published book, which is essential reading for agronomists and farmers as well as policy makers to understand the whole ecosystem approach to farming. | Farm Nature |
The Golden Spruce | John Vaillant | 239 | No | 2 | 2 | A book written in BC Canada about the sabotage of one of its greatest assets (A huge spruce) the understanding of the connection and then the mysterious disappearance of the saboteur. | Farm Nature |
The history of British Vegetation | Winifred Pennington | 138 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1969 UK text book looking at how vegetation has changed and established over millennia, until man had a huge influence over it in the past 5000 years. | Farm Nature |
The Molecatcher says | Henry Tegner | 146 | No | 3 | 1 | UK book from 1964 when soils were ‘stuffed’ with moles….. but a book much more than moles, bats, hedgehogs, badgers and weasels | Farm Nature |
The Moth Snowstorm | Michael McCarthy | 246 | Yes | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface, a useful reference to the decline in the UK natural capital, the authors relationship with nature and what we might be able to reverse the decline. | Farm Nature |
Buzz | Thor Hanson | 216 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The nature and necessity of bees and how 125 million years ago, a wasp began the process of feeding pollen to it’s offspring – a great read | Farm Nature |
The Natural History of Moles | Martyn Gorman | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | Useful reference and pictures of the work of moles, what they eat, how they live and impact on society. | Farm Nature |
The Spirit of Rewilding | Peter Taylor | 271 | No | 3 | 4 | A tricky read, with Isabella Tree or George Monbiot’s writing, far more understandable. | Farm Nature |
Three against the wilderness | Eric Collier | 286 | No | 3 | 1 | Great book, based in BC Canada, where a beaver trapper reintroduced beaver dams and tuned back into nature and were able to farm when the land had been restored. | Farm Nature |
Tuning in to nature | Philip Callahan | 220 | No | 4 | 3 | A tricky read, but looks at the reasons and experiments as to why insects are attracted to crops and plants, through infrared, solar energy, insect communication systems and hormones. | Farm Nature |
Where the birds sing | The game conservancy trust | 62 | No | 4 | 2 | A booklet looking into the first 10 years of the Allerton project, using conservation and farming hand in hand. | Farm Nature |
Wild flowers of Britain | Michael W Davison | 439 | No | 3 | 2 | reference book (readers digest) with lots of colourful illustrations of all the wild flowers in the UK. | Farm Nature |
Wilding | Isabella Tree | 384 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A look at the re-wilding experiment at the Knepp castle estate, interesting as an understanding to how re-wilding works and what they aim to achieve. | Farm Nature |
Creating a flower meadow | Yvette Verner | 121 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely read documenting the creation of a wild flower meadow and beyond in the UK | Farm Nature |
Eager The surprising secret lives of beavers and what they matter | Ben Goldfarb | 243 | Yes | 3 | 1 | A great and thorough book and knowledge behind beavers, chapter 9 about the UK. The natural hydrological engineers. | Farm Nature |
Farming and Birds | R O’Connor | 244 | No | 4 | 2 | 1986 UK book, looking then at the then realised decline in Births birds in farming and how to conserve them! | Farm Nature |
Farming and Birds | Ian Newton | 573 | No | 4 | 3 | 2017 much more detailed of the book with the same title, typeface is incredibly small which is a real shame! | Farm Nature |
On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin | 427 | Yes | 5.2 | 2 | Not sure this needs any introduction? | Farm Nature |
Insects (A Comprehensive Guide) | Paul Brock | 507 | No | 3 | 1 | Reference book looking at all of the UK insects and how to identify them. | Farm Nature |
Wild Flowers of the Meadows | National Audubon Society | 64 | No | 3 | 2 | A fairly god book, but printed in the days when colour photos were expensive, so a lot of black and white means tricky for identification. | Farm Nature |
Some Beneficial Insects | MAFF | 26 | No | 4 | 1 | 1939 MAFF booklet, nice illustrations and useful information of the main beneficial insects. | Farm Nature |
Beneficial Insects | MAFF | 11 | No | 5 | 1 | Old book with a new cover, pretty useful guide of the main UK beneficial insects | Farm Nature |
Insects of Britain & Western Europe | Collins | 307 | No | 4 | 1 | Pocket identification guide as much as it says in the title. | Farm Nature |
The Serengeti Rules | Sean B Carrol | 201 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Much like chasing the red queen book, this is an essential early reading book, looking at the bigger picture of biology on earth and how things have come to being – very thought provoking | Farm Nature |
The Nature Fix | Florence Williams | 258 | Yes | 4 | 2 | The author looks at the connection between nature, the natural world and our health an wellbeing, why nature makes happier, healthier and more creative as well as have better relationships. | Farm Nature |
Farming with Native Beneficial Insects | The Xerces Society guide | 233 | No | 4 | 1 | A very useful book (would have been a 5 had it not been USA based) but very applicable to the UK | Farm Nature |
Rewilding | Paul Jepson | 170 | Yes | 4 | 2 | Scientific look at the purpose, creation and ideas behind rewilding proving full support and scientific knowledge. | Farm Nature |
Wild Mammals and the Land | MAFF | 56 | No | 4 | 1 | 1951 book looking at all of the common mammals found on farmland, the positives and the negatives of their impact | Farm Nature |
A potted history of vegetables | Lorraine Harrison | 117 | No | 4 | 1 | A great book showing the historical location and habitat of vegetables which would be essential knowledge the trying to understand the bacterial fungi relationship of their ideal soil | Plants & Trees |
Farm Woodland Management | John Blyth | 169 | No | 3 | 2 | UK book, now dated (1991) but a good resource for trees, planting, management and their uses on the farm | Plants & Trees |
Farm woodland practice | BG Hibbered | 101 | No | 3 | 2 | 1988 book, describing the then farm woodland scheme and how to use it, full of good information | Plants & Trees |
Fortress plant | Dale Walters | 175 | No | 5 | 2 | UK 2017 book, how to survive when everything is trying to eat you book! How evolution continues to allow plants t defend themselves through their own chemicals, insect allies or advanced communication systems. | Plants & Trees |
Gathering Moss | Robin Kimmerer | 162 | Yes | 5 | 1 | An essential read to understand one of the fundamental parts of soil and biology. | Plants & Trees |
Good Companions | Josie Jeffery | 126 | No | 4 | 2 | An interesting ‘flip’ book layout that didn’t work for me to be honest | Plants & Trees |
Grazing ecology and forest history | Frans Vera | 425 | No | 4 | 3 | A v expensive book (north of £100) but looks into the mind of Frans Vera who is synonymous with the wilding project of the Oostvaardersplassen, who first looked at livestock as a way to properly re-wild part of the Netherlands | Plants & Trees |
How to grow Great Alfalfa | Harold Willis | 44 | No | 4 | 2 | More and more people in the UK are looking at growing Lucerne for soil health, this is a US book that focuses exactly on this aspect. | Plants & Trees |
How to grow potatoes | R.J Ruppenthal | 20 | No | 4 | 3 | Awful typeface (tiny) but a small concise US book about the joys of growing potatoes | Plants & Trees |
Managing cover crops profitably | Sustainable ag network (USA) | 162 | No | 5 | 2 | Explains every type of cover and how and what they do, although written for US audience. | Plants & Trees |
New roots for agriculture | Wes Jackson | 148 | No | 4 | 2 | Wendell Berry acclaimed book on the faults of previous agriculture and how to put them right in a sustainable system | Plants & Trees |
Agroforestry in the UK | Forestry commission | 118 | No | 4 | 2 | 2000 UK book, dated but well researched with plenty of data and science. | Plants & Trees |
Nutrition of the oilseed rape crop | M R J Holmes | 141 | No | 4 | 3 | 1985 book, well researched book with lots of science taking each individual element and discussing its role in Oilseed rape. | Plants & Trees |
Pollination of Fruit crops | Hort Ed Ass | 53 | No | 5 | 2 | 1969 UK book – essential reading if you are looking at understanding the role pollinators make to orchards and what to do to enhance them | Plants & Trees |
Roses love Garlic | Louise Riotte | 221 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at Companion cropping and biodynamics, how garlic prevents roses rust, marigolds drive away nematodes and hot peppers drive away virus carrying insects. | Plants & Trees |
Silvopasture | Steve Gabriel | 288 | No | 5 | 1 | An excellent introduction into the integration of trees, grazing and livestock in a mutually beneficial way | Plants & Trees |
Spade, skirt and parsnip | Bill Laws | 205 | No | 4 | 1 | A History of vegetables, a great look at their origins and husbandry | Plants & Trees |
Straw for fuel feed & fertiliser | A Staniforth | 143 | No | 3 | 1 | Interesting book looking back at the use of straw back in 1982 and way before the eventual ban would come into place. | Plants & Trees |
Sunflower for food fodder & fertility | E F Hurt | 149 | No | 4 | 2 | Another old, but UK book, looking at sunflowers and how to grow them on a farming scale here in the UK, looking at all aspects of their husbandry. | Plants & Trees |
The A-Z of Companion Planting | Jayne Neville | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | A more gardening book but with greta tips on how to get the best from more than just companion crops. | Plants & Trees |
The Agroforestry handbook | Ben Raskin | 141 | No | 5.2 | 1 | Essential reading from anyone that is looking to do any form of agroforestry in the UK | Plants & Trees |
The apple grower, a guide for the organic orchardist | Michael Phillips | 320 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good fruit book, showing how holistic management can be used to mange orchards, the book is US based, but can be extrapolated. | Plants & Trees |
Carrots love tomatoes & roses love garlic | Louise Riotte | 441 | No | 3 | 2 | US book, not the easiest of reads with all of the other selection books available on the subject. | Plants & Trees |
The Biodynamic Orchard Book | Ehremfried Pfeiffer | 95 | No | 3 | 1 | A USA based book looking at the growing of orchards through a year, the expected problems and the organic mixtures that can be used to combat these issues. | Plants & Trees |
The complete book of Potatoes | Hielke De jong | 252 | No | 5 | 1 | A more modern approach (compared to most) 2011 about the growing, cultivating and management of potato crop | Plants & Trees |
The Holistic Orchard | Michael Phillips | 340 | No | 5 | 1 | Another great Tree book, but based in the US do not all relevant to the UK, but essential reading all the same, very well illustrated. | Plants & Trees |
The Potato in Health and Disease | Whitehead Mcintosh Findlay | 591 | No | 4 | 3 | A huge resource (this edition printed in 1953) and first printed in 1927 an essential reference book looking at every aspect of potatoes, growing, weeds, disease, pests, harvest, breeding and storage. | Plants & Trees |
The Value of Weeds | Ann Cliff | 123 | No | 5 | 1 | UK based book on weeds, worthy of a read and understanding, what they do for the soil, environment and wildlife. | Plants & Trees |
Weed Control | G H Bates | 215 | No | 3 | 2 | 1955 helps explain weeds on pasture, cultivated and uncultivated land as well means to control them. | Plants & Trees |
Weeding without chemicals | Bob Flowerdew | 110 | No | 5 | 1 | Interesting read, looking at all types of weed and what they indicate, do for the soil and how to eradicate them | Plants & Trees |
Weedless gardening | Lee Reich | 184 | No | 4 | 1 | Great book, based on gardening but nothing really preventing a lot of the ideas and concepts being scaled up and being applied to farms. | Plants & Trees |
Weeds, Guardian of the soil | Joseph Coannouer | 128 | No | 4 | 1 | If this book was written in the UK it would have made the top 10 of my books to read, it looks at all aspects of why, what and how help soils function and why we should use them on a farm to our benefit. | Plants & Trees |
Community Orchards | Common Ground | 223 | No | 4 | 1 | A book dedicated to setting up your own community orchard, benefiting everyone for fruit and nature. | Plants & Trees |
Companion planting | Richard Bird | 137 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking from a UK gardeners perspective, a look into the world of using plant diversity to benefit and synergise each other. | Plants & Trees |
Companion planting | James Paris | 62 | No | 3 | 1 | Handy little companion crop booklet | Plants & Trees |
Companion planting | Bob Flowerdew | 101 | No | 4 | 1 | 2010 UK book, describing so much more than just companion plants, but plants that will attract predators to their companions too and so much more | Plants & Trees |
Companion planting | M. Grande | 177 | No | 4 | 1 | A straight forward to use manual looking at companion crops and how each plant could be assisted by another, what are good and bad neighbours. | Plants & Trees |
Establishing farm woodlands | DR Williamson | 39 | No | 3 | 1 | 1992 now dated book, but good all the same with plenty of information, diagrams and pictures on how to establish farm trees. | Plants & Trees |
Farm Weeds | NF Young Farmers | 47 | No | 4 | 1 | 1950 booklet (In a series of booklets written at the time for young farmers) Some great wisdom and even a chapter titled ‘the battle’ and gives the choice of ‘weapons’ against the weeds | Plants & Trees |
The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov | Peter Pringle | 311 | No | 4 | 1 | A name that everyone should be aware of and the history explained so well in this book of a man desperate to feed the world, but political upheaval in under Stalin led to his premature death. | Plants & Trees |
Grow your own drugs | James Wong | 213 | No | 3 | 1 | How and what to grow and mix to make medicines, lotions and various repellents. | Plants & Trees |
Atlas of Weed Mapping | Hansjorg Krahmer | 461 | No | 4 | 4 | A highly well organised collection of Hansjorg’s work looking at the detailed science of weeds. | Plants & Trees |
Weeds of Arable Land | MAFF | 139 | No | 4 | 2 | 1929 Book, a fascinating introduction into weeds, seeds etc before a very good field identification guide | Plants & Trees |
Grow for Flavour | James Wong | 217 | No | 4 | 1 | Another of James’s books looking at all aspects of improving/changing flavours and how best to grow various fruit and vegetables to achieve the desired flavour. | Plants & Trees |
Homegrown Revolution | James Wong | 265 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking at growing all aspects of fruit/veg and salad on a garden scale, some excellent tips on growing the more exotic species. | Plants & Trees |
When Weeds Talk | Jay L McCaman | 138 | No | 5.1 | 1 | An essential book (based in the USA) however relevant to the UK, what do weeds do, why they occur and how to use them as a beneficial, what controls them, what are their properties. | Plants & Trees |
Trees of Power | Akiva Silver | 254 | No | 5 | 1 | An agroforestry essential, taking the most important 10 trees in a permaculture environment, how to grow, propagate and manage each, what benefits they bring to humans, animals and the environment. | Plants & Trees |
The Forest Unseen | David Haskell | 245 | No | 4 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface, but a fainting read whereby the author visits the same 1m square of forest every day for a year and describes and explains what he see. | Plants & Trees |
Endophytes: Crop Productivity and Production | Dinesh Maheshwari | 286 | No | 4 | 3 | As it says in the title, a scientific book, looking at the latest (2017) understanding into the roles of endophytes and how they might be used in agriculture. | Plants & Trees |
Grow the Best Asparagus | Michael Higgins | 32 | No | 3 | 1 | A very traditionalist leaflet about the growing of asparagus, but also gives reasons why those methods have been adopted. | Plants & Trees |
Tree Crops A Permanent Agriculture | J Russell Smith | 357 | No | 4 | 3 | A book showing that agroforestry is nothing new! written almost a century ago, this book describes the early ideas of permaculture, although not the easiest typeface! | Plants & Trees |
Orchard A Year in Englands Eden | Benedict Macdonald | 243 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A fascinating diary looking at organic, rewilding of orchards, how these ecosystems now so rare can support such a huge abundance of biodiversity. | Plants & Trees |
Good Grassland | Robinson | 178 | No | 3 | 2 | 1949 book, interesting content albeit re written in easier to read formats. | Plants & Trees |
How to Grow more Vegetables | John Jeavons | 199 | No | 4 | 2 | Getting dated, although maybe newer versions of my own copy? (9th ed) a useful look at how to maximise vegetable production | Plants & Trees |
Taming the Truffle | Ian R Hall | 229 | No | 4 | 1 | A fascinating read about the latest research into cultivating truffles, it is a great book outlining everything about this most prized fungus and the attempts and failures to ‘grow your own’ | Plants & Trees |
Grassland and Grassland Products | Stephen J Watson | 193 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1951 book on all aspects of pulling together the latest scientific research of the day into a comprehensive grassland book | Plants & Trees |
Agroforestry an Ecological Tool | Prabha Shastri Ranade | 181 | No | 4 | 3 | A book of science and global uses of agroforestry, on a social level, food security and how it benefits the environment. | Plants & Trees |
Grassland Management for the Practical Farmer | W R Peel | 175 | No | 4 | 1 | 1938 book, well set out for its age although the more ‘herbal’ elements are cast aside somewhat in favour of clover and grasses for high biomass productivity. | Plants & Trees |
The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables | Ben Hartman | 198 | No | 4 | 1 | An easy to follow book with great pictures and diagrams, however the title farm is yet again designed towards a more market gardener or ‘microfarm’ good for those keen on organic gardening. | Plants & Trees |
Grass and Grassland | MAFF | 109 | No | 4 | 1 | 1966 Book, useful information on the Forbes and Herbs that can be added to herbal leys including ideal soil types etc | Plants & Trees |
Grassland Husbandry | H I Moore | 136 | No | 4 | 2 | Really interesting 1950 book describing the importance of grassland, their formation, the breaking up of grassland and the problems associated with it. | Plants & Trees |
Kick the Hay Habit | Jim Gerrish | 218 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A great book, looking at the huge cost of producing hay and housing livestock during the winter and how this can be avoided by grassland management. | Plants & Trees |
The Organic Backyard Vineyard | Tom Powers | 169 | No | 5 | 1 | A really well written and set out easy to read book expelling everything in the title. | Plants & Trees |
Cereal Diseases their Recognition and Control | MAFF | 36 | No | 4 | 1 | 1948 booklet – All of the major diseases noted, but interestingly enough, of no economic importance is Septoria, what have we done to wheat/environment whereby septoria is now the number one disease? | Plants & Trees |
Ensilage | MAFF | 60 | No | 3 | 1 | The days before plastic sheeting was used to cover silage clamps and more than just grass/maize was used for silage – a useful read for those interested in ensiling anything other than maize or grass. | Plants & Trees |
Hay and Silage Conservation | MAFF | 47 | No | 4 | 1 | Quite a useful book on grass based on some simple case studies – a worthy read for those involved in Grassland 1974 work | Plants & Trees |
Crops and Cropping | H I Moore | 260 | No | 4 | 2 | 1949 book, looking at and well explained all the different crops grown in the UK – interestingly buckwheat was gown commercially then and yet we seem to be only growing it again in cover crops now! Same with sainfoin. | Plants & Trees |
Crop Husbandary | J.A.R Lockhart | 256 | No | 4 | 2 | The bible that was given to me 25 years ago as I started my Agronomy career, a text book I am sure Lockhart and Wiseman that most agricultural students have studies from. | Plants & Trees |
Fruit bud development | MAFF | 12 | No | 4 | 1 | A lovely series of photographs showing how the fruit buds of many trees develop | Plants & Trees |
Disease of Cultivated Plants 1957-1968 | MAFF | 302 | No | 3 | 2 | A useful reference book for plant diseases of the UK agriculture/horticulture world. | Plants & Trees |
A Precautionary tale. How one small town banned pesticides, preserved its food heritage and inspired a movement | Philip Ackerman-Leist | 199 | Yes | 4 | 1 | An Italian town, that did exactly what it says in the title, a worthy read. | Chemical Inputs |
P is for Pesticides | Tim Lang | 233 | No | 4 | 3 | 1991 dated UK book, reference mainly for what can be sprayed on various plants, what LD50’s are and how and when they are measured | Chemical Inputs |
Pesticides and Pollution | Kenneth Mellanby | 203 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK book written in 1967 of the early warnings to land, water and air the problems created by all forms of pollution including pesticides and what they would likely cause in the future (and he was spot on!) | Chemical Inputs |
Poisoned Harvest | Christopher Robbins | 313 | No | 3 | 2 | A 1991 UK book, looking at all aspects of pesticides which can be understood. What they do, effects on environment, testing procedure, politics, legislation and a now dated approval of current active ingredients and crop clearances. | Chemical Inputs |
The world according to Monsanto | Marie Monique Robin | 329 | No | 3 | 1 | Follow up and modern book to ‘silent spring’ a useful look from the ‘other side’ into GMO and the company that was Monsanto | Chemical Inputs |
World according to Monsanto | MM Robin | 372 | No | 3 | 1 | Definitely not balanced, looking at pollution, corruption and control of the food supply! | Chemical Inputs |
Banned a history of pesticides and the science of toxicology | Frederick Rowe Davis | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | Modern update really of ‘silent spring’ | Chemical Inputs |
Basic guide to pesticides | Shirley A. | 283 | No | 3 | 3 | A mainly reference book that follows up Rachel Carsons book ‘Silent Spring’ which documents all the known pesticides and explains their effect on the environment. | Chemical Inputs |
Chasing the red Queen | Andy Dyer | 192 | No | 5 | 1 | A quiet excellent book that anyone involved in ‘conventional’ agriculture needs to read. The race between ag pests and poisons. | Chemical Inputs |
Circle of poison | David weir | 72 | No | 3 | 2 | A US book 1962 almost a very early predecessor of extinction rebellion! | Chemical Inputs |
Food Inc, Mendle to Monsanto the promises and perils of a biotech harvest | P Pringle | 272 | No | 3 | 1 | Fringe book, useful read and balanced! | Chemical Inputs |
Interactions between herbicides and the soil | R.J Hance | 311 | No | 3 | 4 | A tricky read at best, but UK research (1980) a series of papers looking at the interactions of herbicides and the soil. | Chemical Inputs |
Monsanto vs the world | Jason Louv | 42 | No | 1 | 1 | An absolute battering of Monsanto! | Chemical Inputs |
Not on the label | Felicity Lawrence | 340 | No | 3 | 2 | A UK book written in the wake of the ‘horse meat’ scandal, that goes on to discuss salad, chicken beans, asparagus, coffee, bread and fruit | Chemical Inputs |
Whitewash | Carey Gillam | 248 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Glyphosate… The story of a weed killer, cancer and the corruption of science (as the full title of the book) interesting read about the ‘Monsanto papers’ | Chemical Inputs |
Fertilizers for the Farm | MAFF | 77 | No | 3 | 2 | 1963 booklet, when it seems the answers to everything in farming was bought in a bottle or a bag! | Chemical Inputs |
The Alchemy of Air | Thomas Hager | 278 | Yes | 5.3 | 2 | Essential reading of the story behind the 2 men that took air and turned it into plant food and explosives! | Chemical Inputs |
Are Chemical Fertilizers Ruining our Soil and Our Health | Organic Gardening Magazine | 8 | No | 5 | 1 | Great little pamphlet 1950’s talking about soil health | Chemical Inputs |
Advancing Biological farming | Gary Zimmer | 236 | No | 4 | 2 | Update and expands on his earlier book biological farming | Biological Farming |
Crop and seed improvement a history of NIAB | PS Wellington | 292 | No | 2 | 3 | Not the most dynamic of reads! however a useful insight into the UK plant breeding program throughout history and how we are where we are today! | Biological Farming |
Crop Nutrition and fertiliser use | J Archer | 255 | No | 4 | 2 | 1984 ADAS a very good book, well written and easy to read despite the science, looking at all aspects of crop nutrition and fertilisers in an orderly way. | Biological Farming |
Crop Nutrition, principles & practices | R Prasad | 259 | No | 5 | 2 | Very good book, well written and well structured, discussing chapter by chapter the role of each of a plants critical nutrient, what it does and how they work, backed up with science. | Biological Farming |
Darwinian Agriculture – How understanding evolution can improve agriculture | R Ford Denison | 215 | No | 5 | 3 | A book that takes “chasing the red queen” to a scientific level – very good but read the above first! | Biological Farming |
Eco-Farm | Charles Walters | 415 | No | 5.3 | 2 | Essential reading from an author that contributed to so many great books (John Kempf reading list too) | Biological Farming |
Enduring seeds | Gary Nabhan | 197 | No | 2 | 2 | Overview of the philosophy of the need for conversation ag | Biological Farming |
Fertility farming | Newman Turner | 231 | No | 5 | 1 | One of a series of 3 books written by one of the founders of ecological farming UK based and another essential reading book | Biological Farming |
Fertility pastures | Newman Turner | 185 | No | 5 | 2 | An old book of the 1950’s bought back to life with the support of some of the most revered people in the regen ag world – well worth a read | Biological Farming |
Hands on Agronomy | Neal Kinsey | 380 | No | 5 | 5 | Incredible book, needs to be read 3-4 times, there are inaccuracies, however a real insight into the works of Albrecht. Must read! | Biological Farming |
Management of nitrogen and water in potato production | A.J Haverkort | 309 | No | 3 | 3 | 2000 Netherlands printed book, a complicated read at best, but essential for those growing potatoes. | Biological Farming |
Agricultural Botany | John Percival | 818 | No | 5.2 | 2 | UK 8th edition (1949) of a 1900 book of essential reading on the understanding, diagrams and a really well thought out layout and easy to follow – despite the age, it is a great read and would if reprinted today, be the top of my reading list! | Biological Farming |
Micro Organisms in the soil | Alan Burges | 173 | No | 4 | 2 | 1958 UK book, describes in detail, soil organisms and where they are found in the soil | Biological Farming |
Microbial control of weeds | D TeBeest | 272 | No | 3 | 5 | A Hard read, very science based, but a useful fringe resource. | Biological Farming |
Microcosmos | Lynn Margulis | 276 | No | 5 | 2 | A thorough investigation of 4 billion years of evolution, how the microbial ancestors developed into the diverse species we have and see today – a fascinating read. | Biological Farming |
Mineral Nutrition and plant disease | Lawrence Datnoff | 259 | No | 5.2 | 3 | For a book based on Science, it is well laid out, by each individual element and pulls together well all of the latest research (v expensive!) | Biological Farming |
Mineral nutrition of crops | Zdenko Rengel | 363 | No | 4 | 4 | A much more scientific and citations aplenty look at crop nutrition. | Biological Farming |
Moth and Wasp, Soil and Ocean | Sigrid Schmalzer | 30 | No | 3 | 1 | A very simple book, looking at the Chinese professor Pu Zhelong combining nature and farming in China | Biological Farming |
Mycelium Running (How mushrooms can help save the world) | Paul Stamets | 302 | No | 5.1 | 2 | A phenomenal book about Fungi of all types, in the soil and above ground and their remarkable ability to save the planet! | Biological Farming |
Mycorrhizal planet | Michael Phillips | 200 | No | 3 | 1 | A look at AMF, more from a gardeners point of view, lots of photographs and illustrations, a useful background read. | Biological Farming |
Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm | Stephen Buhner | 464 | No | 3 | 3 | A tricky book to read and comprehend about the fact all living things on earth have intelligence if we spend enough time looking for it and understanding it. Wouldn’t want to read it again! | Biological Farming |
Plant nutrition and crop production | E J Russell | 115 | No | 5 | 2 | 1926 book, I love this book, despite its age is timeless, looking at Broadbalk, manure, soil organisms and much more at the dawn of chemical fertilisers. | Biological Farming |
Agricultural Botany 1 Dicotyledonous Crops | Gill & Vear | 235 | No | 4 | 2 | 1980 book UK based looking at all of the Dicot crops grown in the UK, how they function and perform best. | Biological Farming |
Plant nutrition and soil fertility manual 2nd ed | J Benton Jones Jnr | 231 | No | 5 | 3 | A v expensive book (£70+) excellent in describing the interactions between elements and crops (basically a full explanation of the Mulder chart) | Biological Farming |
Principles of Soil-Plant Interrelationships | VV Rendig | 238 | No | 4 | 4 | 1989 (US) book showing the modelling for understating the relationships, plenty of tricky maths/physics, but in a more readable and understandable format than a lot of high end scientific books. | Biological Farming |
Science in agriculture | Dr. Arden | 350 | No | 5.1 | 3 | John Kempf advising this to be read, so should be a priority, a tricky read though, so don’t make this a first read! | Biological Farming |
Soil plant relationships an ecological approach | David W. Jeffery | 276 | No | 4 | 3 | 1997 style textbook for under graduates, written in the US but applicable to the UK, plenty of graphs, data and supporting evidence to back up the claims and information. | Biological Farming |
Stress tolerance through plant, Mycorrhizal associations | Sawsan Addellatif | 91 | No | 3 | 2 | Interesting little study looking at plant interaction examples from around the world and how AMF through experiments show to aid the plant. | Biological Farming |
Teaming with fungi | Jeff lowenfels | 154 | No | 5.2 | 1 | One of a series of 3 ‘teaming’ books which is essential reading to understand the role of fungi and especially Mycorrhizae. | Biological Farming |
Teaming with Fungi, the organic growers guide to Mycorrhizae | J Lowenfels | 154 | No | 4 | 1 | Author also of Teaming wit microbes, explanation of the importance of AMF in all types of systems and soils | Biological Farming |
Teaming with microbes | Jeff Lowenfels | 198 | Yes | 5.2 | 1 | Quite simply amongst the other 3 in the series – essential reading. | Biological Farming |
Teaming with Nutrients | Jeff lowenfels | 227 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Essential reading along with the other 2 of the ‘teaming’ books | Biological Farming |
The biochemistry of Energy Utilization in Plants | Dennis | 131 | No | 4 | 5 | A book written for degree level chemists and biologists – but an important one all the same looking at the energy and transfer of energy within a plant and what id does with it. | Biological Farming |
Agricultural Botany 2 Monocotyledonous Crops | Gill & Vear | 228 | No | 4 | 2 | 1980 book UK based looking at all of the Monocot crops grown in the UK, how they function and perform best. | Biological Farming |
The chemistry of Soil Analysis | Donald Storer | 58 | No | 4 | 2 | A text book style look at the ways and science behind how soil samples are analysed. | Biological Farming |
The Fourth Phase of Water | Gerald Pollack | 341 | Yes | 5.2 | 1 | Absolutely essential to understand the chemical and physical properties of water, it is simply taken for granted that it is a benign substance – how wrong! | Biological Farming |
The Hidden Half of Nature | D Montgomery | 257 | Yes | 5 | 2 | Part of the trilogy of Davids work, a look into the root zone of soil and plants, a great read. | Biological Farming |
The Revolutionary Genius of Plants | Stefano Mancuso | 202 | Yes | 5.1 | 1 | Read it! | Biological Farming |
The Soil and Water Balance | GW&CT | 89 | No | 5 | 1 | A really nice simple booklet, showing the results from Loddington and the Allerton project when it comes to soil conservation practices and the more traditional practices. | Biological Farming |
Agriculture in Transition | Donald Schriefer | 234 | No | 5.2 | 1 | US based book, but essential reading from an author that should have already explained the soil, air, water, decay in previous book, moves on to plant and soil interactions. | Biological Farming |
Ask the plant | Charles Walters | 256 | No | 5 | 3 | Another very good book, covering all aspects of a plants requirement for nutrients, carbon and water and how to measure them | Biological Farming |
Biological Ionization as applied to farming and soil management | Dr A F Beddoe | 196 | No | 5 | 2 | V good book explaining amongst lots of things, the roles of plant nutrients, brix, fertilisers and biology. | Biological Farming |
Botany for Gardeners | Braian Capon | 245 | No | 5 | 2 | Excellent diagrams and pictures explaining the process of various plant functions, a really useful reference book. | Biological Farming |
Call of the reed warbler | Charles Massy | 446 | No | 5 | 2 | Modern look at regen ag (2017) should be on audiobook! | Biological Farming |
Fertility from the Ocean Deep | Charles Walters | 164 | No | 5 | 1 | A fascinating book on the works of Dr Maynard Murray and all of his work looking at solids, liquids and plants from the sea and using them to improve plant and animal health. | Biological Farming |
Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope | Usborne | 91 | No | 4 | 1 | A great start and introduction into the world of microscopes, what to look for when purchasing one, how to use and get the best out of it and what you are likely to find when you peer through the lens. | Biological Farming |
Nutrient Disorder Guide | Schering | 134 | No | 4 | 1 | Reference book provided by Schering agriculture back in the day! | Biological Farming |
The Future-Proof Farm | Steve Groff | 178 | No | 5 | 1 | A very modern book – here Steve (followed on Twitter) dedicates many chapters to many questions asked when talking about regenerative farming, such as d cover crops pay? | Biological Farming |
Regenerative Agriculture A Practical Whole Systems Guide to Making Small Farms Work | Richard Perkins | 734 | No | 5.3 | 1 | An incredible resource book that everyone should have, ultra modern in its layout, full of photos, diagrams and explanations on almost everything a regenerative farm needs to know and understand, from building soils, ponds and agroforestry to slaughter house and compost facilities. | Biological Farming |
Quality Agriculture | John Kempf | 270 | No | 5.2 | 1 | The Godfather of modern regenerative agriculture interviews a host of experts to explore all aspects of regen ag. | Biological Farming |
Nutrition Rules | Graeme Sait | 297 | No | 5.3 | 1 | A book of great interviews by the nutritional regenerative specialist that is Graeme Sait from all the major nutritional consultants from around the world. | Biological Farming |
Seaweed and Plant Growth | T L Senn | 165 | No | 5 | 1 | The science behind the use of seaweed in agriculture 1987 book in real need of updating but very useful all the same. | Biological Farming |
Healthy Crops | Francis Chaboussou | 209 | No | 5.3 | 2 | An essential book for anyone looking at regenerative agriculture | Biological Farming |
An earthworms life | John Himmelman | 22 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s illustrated worm book. | Children’s Book |
The Life Cycle of an Earthworm | Bobbie Kalman | 31 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book, well illustrated. | Children’s Book |
Food & farming | Heinemann | 29 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book tracing food over 2500 years | Children’s Book |
Fred the Chaffinch, the history of farming | John Miles | 32 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book about the Chaffinch and it’s interaction with farms. | Children’s Book |
Microlife that rots things | Raintree | 26 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, great illustrations of microbes! | Children’s Book |
Scary Creatures of the Soil | Gerard Cheshire | 30 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, great illustrations of all things in the soil | Children’s Book |
Seed soil sun | Chris Peterson | 24 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, showing how crops are produced using the soil and the sun | Children’s Book |
Soil | Robin Nelson | 22 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book explaining soils in a very simple typeface. | Children’s Book |
Soil (see for yourself) | Karen Bryant-Mole | 23 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, yet again playing soils and their importance. | Children’s Book |
What’s in the soil ? | Martha E.H Rustad | 21 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, well illustrated aimed at 5 years old | Children’s Book |
Farmer Phil’s permaculutre | Phil Williams | 18 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book explaining in a very clever way, the idea of permaculture | Children’s Book |
There’s a Hair in my Dirt | Gary Larson | 36 | No | 4 | 1 | Children’s book (slightly older) of a tale of a worm with good fun illustrations. | Children’s Book |
Fun Facts about Carbon | Baby Professor | 36 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, nice facts, useful resource | Children’s Book |
Fun Facts about Nitrogen | Baby Professor | 36 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, nice facts, useful resource | Children’s Book |
Under the Microscope Earth’s Tiniest Inhabitants | Baby Professor | 38 | No | 4 | 1 | Nice Children’s book, lots of good information. | Children’s Book |
The Simple Science of Dirt | Emily James | 29 | No | 3 | 1 | Children’s book, very basic, good illustrations as usual for a child’s book. | Children’s Book |
Enid Blyton nature books Springtime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Springtime | Children’s Book |
Enid Blyton nature books Wintertime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Wintertime | Children’s Book |
Enid Blyton nature books Summertime | Enid Blyton | 96 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book (modernised) of what can be seen in the Summertime | Children’s Book |
Burn – Using Fire to Cool the Earth | Albert Bates | 236 | Yes | 5 | 1 | A great book looking into future solutions for pulling carbon down from the atmosphere and returning it to the soil – focuses on biochar as an example | Wider Farming & Environment |
Drawdown the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. | Paul Hawken | 225 | No | 5.2 | 1 | Brilliant book (text book layout), looking at sectors, their contribution to Co2, what are the options and solutions to get greenhouse gas accumulation to start declining | Wider Farming & Environment |
Ecovillages | Jonathon Dawson | 87 | No | 2 | 2 | A look at villages from around the world, where eco design has made for a more sustainable future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Enough why the worlds poorest starve in an age of plenty | Roger Thurow | 283 | Yes | 5 | 1 | I guess i have included this book if you believe we need to produce more and more food for a growing world population, we don’t! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Family Friendly Farming | Joel Salatin | 388 | No | 2 | 2 | I actually loved this book, not that important when it comes to a learning resource, but reminds the reader to enjoy what to do, involve the family and making the most of a wonderful life. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farmer’s Glory | A G Street | 221 | No | 3 | 2 | The author, bought up on a farm in 1911 UK moved to Canada during the green revolution, only to return to the UK and start farming again. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farmers of 40 centuries | F H King | 464 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at how the orientals have managed to continue farming through 4000 years, whilst many of the other civilisations | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farming and Gardening for health or disease | Albert Howard | 274 | No | 5 | 2 | An essential read, purely because it is written by the godfather of soil “Sir Albert Howard” a book of an age that is not the easiest read due to the lack of pictures, drawings etc – but essential to anyone that wants to know about growing food. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farming for better profitability | W J Davies | 205 | No | 4 | 1 | Friend of mine from west wales, interesting read and really interesting tips written down as he has learnt them, sometimes the hard way. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farming for the long Haul, Resilience and the lost art of agricultural inventiveness | Michael Foley | 217 | Yes | 2 | 1 | Personally found this book rather dull, interesting as a a recap I guess to what farmers have done through the ages? | Wider Farming & Environment |
Fast Food Nation | Eric Schlosser | 289 | No | 3 | 2 | Not the easiest typeface to read, looking at the UK as the largest food consumers in Europe and goes on to explain the true cost of the food rather than the price paid off the menu. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Carbon Finance, the financial implications of climate change | Sonia Labatt | 239 | No | 4 | 1 | 10 years old and in the world of climate, that means the book is becoming rather dated. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Feeding Britain | Tim Lang | 469 | No | 5 | 2 | Post Brexit and now post Coronavirus, this book looks at why policy makers need to look at food security differently than they currently do. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Feeding the ten billion | L T Evans | 227 | No | 3 | 2 | History of food development and domestication over the history of mankind. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Food and drink in Britain | C. Anne Wilson | 376 | No | 2 | 3 | Tracing food and drink in the UK from the stone age to recent times – in need of modification! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Food Farming and Society | Soil Association | 56 | No | 4 | 2 | Papers published proceeding the soil association conference of 1993, various contributors and a worthy read of their vision for the future back then. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Forty chances | Howard Buffett | 411 | No | 3 | 2 | Fringe book about world food security | Wider Farming & Environment |
French dirt | Richard Goodman | 203 | No | 2 | 2 | The story of a garden in the south of France and its development by an Englishman | Wider Farming & Environment |
Grain by Grain | Bob Quinn | 230 | No | 5 | 1 | A quest to revive ancient wheat, rural jobs and healthy food – a worthy read of correcting mass produced food in all sectors of the industry. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Grass, Soil, Hope, a journey through Carbon county | Courtney White | 225 | No | 5 | 2 | A book describing the process by which an increase of soil carbon storage could save the planet. | Wider Farming & Environment |
How to make soil and save the earth | Allan Shepherd | 98 | No | 2 | 2 | Not sure what the point of printing such a small book? perhaps for ones pocket? Odd at best! | Wider Farming & Environment |
In search of cheddar man | Mich aston | 149 | No | 1 | 2 | Looking at the 9000 history of the cheddar man skeleton and comparing it to an ancestor of the same region | Wider Farming & Environment |
Climate change and trade, taxing carbon at the border? | Daniel Gros | 101 | No | 4 | 2 | Understanding of the EU’s ETS and then arguing whether this places the EU at a disadvantage and whether carbon tax should be implemented at the border | Wider Farming & Environment |
Iron-age farm | Peter Reynolds | 109 | No | 2 | 2 | A book looking at the history of Iron age farming in the UK | Wider Farming & Environment |
Let them eat Carbon | Matthew Sinclair | 300 | No | 4 | 1 | How governments are failing the climate change policy agenda and how big business are profiting from these failures | Wider Farming & Environment |
Making Charcoal and Biochar | Rebecca Oaks | 167 | No | 5 | 1 | UK best book written on the subject, easy to follow, plenty of photos and diagrams showing how to make it and use it. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Predicting the price of Carbon | Richard Clarke | 235 | No | 5 | 1 | A really interesting read on how to measure and then ultimately trade carbon in a carbon price mechanism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Pricing Carbon | A Denny Ellerman et al | 328 | No | 4 | 2 | Understanding and explaining the EU ETS | Wider Farming & Environment |
Pure white and deadly | John Yudkin | 188 | No | 3 | 2 | Typeface of my book is awful making it a hard read, but a very useful insight into wondering where all disease stems and it’s not animal fat/protein etc – but sugar! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Seasons and prices | E. L Jones | 187 | No | 5 | 2 | UK book, far more interesting than the title suggests! written in 1964 the book explains the influence of the weather on farming and how to try and combat these. It finishes with a great history of weather from 1728 by year in the UK of farm life. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Slow money | Woody Tasch | 204 | No | 3 | 2 | Invest as if food, farms and fertility mattered! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Storing carbon in agricultural soils | Norman J Rosenberg | 115 | No | 3 | 3 | series of papers describing how and why carbon should and could be stored in the soil, later driven by policy | Wider Farming & Environment |
Terra Preta | Ute Scheub | 202 | No | 5 | 1 | A far more in depth look into the Amazon and how they created highly fertile soil with biochar and what this could mean to the world and climate change. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Climate change From science to sustainability | Stephen Peake | 264 | No | 2 | 2 | Text book style educational learning of climate change and mitigation ideas – 10 years old and becoming dated! | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Biochar solution | Albert Bates | 196 | No | 4 | 2 | Using Charcoal as soil replenisher | Wider Farming & Environment |
The carbon crunch, how we are getting climate change wrong and how to fix it | Dieter Helm | 246 | No | 5 | 2 | Looking at how carbon emissions despite pledges have increased (through exporting energy requirements) carbon trading and the future | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Carbon Farming Solution | Eric Toensmeier | 344 | No | 5 | 2 | A global overview of high agriculture is the answer to reducing CO2 levels back to 350ppm with some excellent tables and information, very good resource book | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Carbon fields | Graham Harvey | 216 | No | 3 | 2 | Looking at grass and livestock, like so many others as a way of reversing climate change | Wider Farming & Environment |
The chilling stars a new theory of climate change | Henrik Svensmark et al | 230 | No | 4 | 1 | Looking at cosmic rays and there role in cloud formation and an earths cooling effect, less cosmic rays, less clouds, warmer world | Wider Farming & Environment |
The choice is clear | Allen Bank | 45 | No | 2 | 3 | OK at best! | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Economist’s tale | Peter Griffiths | 249 | No | 2 | 2 | A look at a diary of how Sierra Leone was driven to famine by the world bank and the promise of a free market. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The End of Plenty | J Bourne | 318 | No | 3 | 1 | The role of the agronomist amongst others in feeding a shrinking planet and growing population. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Farm | Richard benson | 229 | Yes | 3 | 2 | An account of farming in Yorkshire, the trails and tribulations, a good and enjoyable read with many points about the difficulties faced of a small farm in a growing world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Farm community | Emma & Tom Lane | 219 | No | 4 | 1 | Australian family farm that has connected with the community to show and grow food with a more social responsibility. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Collapse | Jared Diamond | 528 | No | 3 | 2 | Society based book on how or why the succeed or fail | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Man who Fed the World | L Hesser | 213 | No | 3 | 2 | Probably best read after learning about Nikolay Vavilov, this book is about Norman Borlaug who developed the US wheat breeding program and rolled it out across the world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Neolithic Revolution | Sonia Cole | 60 | No | 3 | 2 | How farming and domestication began and was influenced during the Neolithic times. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The One Straw Revolution | Masanobu Fukuoka | 184 | Yes | 3 | 1 | Linking Regen ag to society, farming and mother nature | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Resilient Farmer | D Avery | 278 | No | 5 | 1 | A book about mental health, whilst quite obviously seen as a fringe book, this is the first book I would recommend when changing to regenerative ag, It’s a book that opens your mind, eyes and soul. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Solar Revolution | Steve McKevitt Tony Ryan | 298 | Yes | 4.5 | 1 | How if we captured just 1 hours worth of suns energy would provide enough food and energy to meet the needs of the planet for an entire year. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Taste of America | John Hess | 354 | No | 4 | 2 | Published in 1977, a book that looks at the rapidly declining nutrition loading of food in place of high calorie diets – not much has changed in 40 years…. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Third Plate | Dan Barber | 445 | Yes | 5.1 | 2 | Tiny typeface book, better to listen than read but a fascinating book that looks into the why chefs need to change the way they serve meals and what they will be requiring from food producers in the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Turning Point | Fritjof Capra | 466 | No | 3 | 2 | An overview of modern science and how it fits in systems approaches, whilst not looking at soil or regen ag essentially, it does explain the importance of system thinking rather than obsession with small parts. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Unsettling of America | Wendell Berry | 228 | No | 2 | 1 | Good read, more on the fringe for our requirement | Wider Farming & Environment |
Two percent solutions for the Planet | Courtney White | 214 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A really good book showing 50 low cost, low tech nature based practices for combatting hunger, drought and climate change. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Community farm | John Middleton murry | 249 | No | 3 | 2 | Published in 1952 about the purchase of a community farm within a village, what happened, how it worked, parish meetings, arguments, fall outs and the day profits made the whole project worthwhile. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Water water everywhere | Trevor Bevis | 38 | No | 2 | 2 | A book looking at the draining of the Fens in the UK and it’s impact over a 900 year history. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Where our food comes from | G Nabhan | 212 | No | 4 | 2 | A fringe book, but if you have never heard of, or don’t know anything about Nikolay Vavilov then this is an essential read! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Where the water goes | David Owen | 259 | Yes | 3 | 2 | A fascinating read about the Colorado river in the US and tracing it from its head waters and then whilst everyone owns a piece of it, by the time it should form a delta, the river terminate into an every growing desert. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Whereby we thrive (A History of American farming 1607-1972) | John Schlebecker | 320 | No | 2 | 2 | A very fringe book, obviously US based and now dated too! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Why we love dogs eat pigs and wear cows | Melanie joy | 155 | Yes | 4 | 2 | A fascinating read as to why we eat some animals, yet would think is absurd not to eat others! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Wild harvest | Hope Bourne | 134 | No | 3 | 2 | A tricky typeface, however a book documenting the life of Hope and how on a small income made the most of her natural surroundings. | Wider Farming & Environment |
You can Farm | Joel Salatin | 447 | No | 3 | 1 | A very much, farming guide to those looking to get into regenerative farming, written in a true Joel Salatin style! | Wider Farming & Environment |
Conscious food | Jim Pathfinder Ewing | 114 | No | 3 | 2 | 2012 UK book looking at the spiritual reconnection of the consumer with their food | Wider Farming & Environment |
Cows save the planet | Judith Schwartz | 240 | Yes | 5 | 1 | Quite possibly the best book justifying livestock, but also ties in soil health AMF and lots of really interesting case studies from around the world, a few of whom I visited on my Nuffield. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Dark Emu | Bruce Pascoe | 233 | Yes | 4 | 1 | An Australian book of the year winner looking at Aboriginal agriculture, dispelling the myth that they were hunter gatherers only and how they bolt dams and cultivated crops. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farm Conservation Guide | Schering | 125 | No | 3 | 1 | 1988 book, surprising publication for the age and the Author (although written by FWAG) | Wider Farming & Environment |
Conflicts in the Countryside | David Bellamy | 221 | No | 3 | 1 | 2005 book, showing the successes and failures in the British countryside and what can be done to improve things in the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Conflict and Change in the Countryside | Guy Robinson | 405 | No | 3 | 1 | Text book (1996) How urban sprawl and a growing population demand for food has and can come into conflict with the countryside. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Weather Companion | Gary Lockhart | 215 | No | 5 | 1 | A dull title to what is a fascinating book, looking at all aspects of legend and folklore in weather, such as oak before ash etc | Wider Farming & Environment |
Weather | Andrew Revkin | 199 | No | 5 | 1 | A really good book demonstrating the history of climate and weather from the formation of earth through all the discoveries and learnings an looking far into the future. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Vertical Farm | Dickson Despommien | 268 | No | 4 | 1 | A look in to how vertical farming could feed the world and what is already being achieved and the science behind it. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The 200 year History and Heritage of Pembrokeshire Farmers Club | Various | 315 | No | 3 | 1 | A nice book detailing the history (and write up of every show) members and stories of a long established farmers club. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Farming in the 1920’s and 30’s | Jonathan Brown | 62 | No | 4 | 1 | Fascinating little book, showing the massive transformation in farming during probably the era of most technological advancement, tractors, machinery, medicine, fertilisers and pesticides. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Iron Harvests of the Field | Peter Dewey | 322 | No | 3 | 1 | The making of farm machinery in Britain since 1800. A good book when the UK was at the forefront of innovation and manufacturing of the worlds best farm machinery, who and how it was developed. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Missing Lynx | Ross Barnett | 317 | No | 4 | 1 | A book based on re-wilding, what the UK would have looked like before humans landed on the island and builds a case for the re-introduction of species. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The World Ending Fire | Wendell Berry | 351 | No | 4 | 2 | A lovely book by a great author using different chapters for different years of his life all about the world, the land and nature and how our food could and should be produced | Wider Farming & Environment |
Stalking the Wild Asparagus | Euell Gibbons | 295 | No | 2 | 3 | A US based book, where the author spent a huge part of his life devoted to living off the land on the wild side, what could be foraged etc. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Leaflets No 101-200 | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 550 | No | 5 | 2 | The sequel to the book of leaflets 1-100 printed in 1909 looking all aspects of farming with various leaflets giving the latest advice, animal husbandry right through to plants and machinery. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Changing the Face of the Earth | I G Simmons | 396 | No | 3 | 2 | 1990 UK book so could do with a 30 year update, however it plots the history of human impact on the earth . | Wider Farming & Environment |
Leaflets No 1 – 100 | Board of Agriculture and Fisheries | 550 | No | 5 | 2 | The book of leaflets 1-100 printed in 1908 looking all aspects of farming with various leaflets giving the latest advice, animal husbandry right through to plants and machinery. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Farm | Wendell Berry | 38 | No | 3 | 1 | Wendell Berry’s book long poem. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Art of the Commonplace | Wendell Berry | 327 | No | 3 | 2 | A collection of 21 essays by the author where he looks at farming as the integral part of society and how it should become that one more. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Guide to Methods of Insect Life | E A Ormerod | 159 | No | 4 | 2 | A fascinating 1884 book published by an economic entomologist of the time Eleanor Ormerod. The lifecycle of many of the insect ‘pests’ we face now and the treatment at the time. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Eleanor Ormerod Economic Entomologist Autobiography and Correspondence | E A Ormerod | 335 | No | 4 | 2 | A modern reprint (2005) of Elenaors classic work looking at the insect pests of UK agriculture, horticulture and forestry and their impact, control and effect on crops and the wider environment. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Fire Season | Philip Conors | 238 | No | 2 | 2 | I nearly didn’t include this book as it really is at the edge of the study of regen farming if at all – but the information of the wilderness, the observations of wild fires and all that go with it are a useful lesson. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Clifton Park System of Farming and Laying Down Land to Grass | Robert Elliot | 88 | No | 4 | 3 | The smallest of Typeface makes for a difficult read at best, but the information s well worth persevering with. The appendix is as big as the book and pretty much describes the title. Useful reference tables for seed size, germination and weights. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Sapiens A brief History of Humankind | Yuval Noah Harari | 466 | Yes | 3 | 2 | A book that looks at us as a race, what we have achieved, what we have done and in context how long we’ve done it. It also looks at where we’re going | Wider Farming & Environment |
Homo Deus | Yuval Noah Harari | 462 | Yes | 3 | 2 | The sequel to Sapiens a brief history of humankind, where it explores what the future holds in the 21st century and how we can protect the planet from our own destructive capabilities | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Lean Farm | Ben Hartman | 221 | Yes | 4 | 1 | A book looking at the Japanese theory of cutting down on all waste aspects whilst therefore increasing profitability. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Introduction to Agronomy | Craig Sheaffer et al | 628 | No | 5 | 1 | A really good book and understanding of what agronomy actually is, looking through all aspects from basic seed and seedling illustrated growth, through to weeds, pests, diseases, crops and cover crops (US based) | Wider Farming & Environment |
Native – Life in a Vanishing Landscape | Patrick Laurie | 243 | No | 4 | 1 | A book more like a story of the author and his farming in Galloway Scotland, about the connection between people, farming and nature. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Water Soil and the Plant | E J Winter | 128 | No | 3 | 3 | 1976 reprint of a text book designed for those taking a National diploma in Horticulture – UK based and some really interesting ideas and concepts | Wider Farming & Environment |
Plant Nematology | MAFF | 167 | No | 3 | 3 | 1959 book and very detailed of all aspects of nematodes that effect agriculture in the UK, in the most part the book is very good, however this book was written when the chemical ‘nasty’ were available and incredible the rates and types used for their control! | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Ages of Gaia | James Lovelock | 240 | No | 4 | 2 | The second book looking in more detail of the environmental aspects of Gaia such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Homage to Gaia | James Lovelock | 407 | No | 4 | 3 | 100th anniversary (of Birth) of the author looking at the travels and discoveries which led to the publication of the first book and the discoveries which it has now become the mainstream. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Gaia a New Look at Life on Earth | James Lovelock | 132 | Yes | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of books in which the author understands that the planet is and functions as a single huge organism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management | Norman Myers | 259 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A great text book with great illustrations (slightly dated now 1994) but a very good and well set out read of the discoveries made by James Lovelock | Wider Farming & Environment |
Manual of Nutrition (10th ed) | MAFF | 125 | No | 3 | 2 | A book looking at the nutritional contents of foods for human consumption | Wider Farming & Environment |
Gaia a New Look at Life on Earth (reprint) | James Lovelock | 132 | Yes | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of books in which the author understands that the planet is and functions as a single huge organism. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Gaia in Action Science of the Living Earth | James Lovelock | 338 | No | 4 | 2 | A Fascinating book which looks at a series of scientists who individually put together the pieces of Gaia | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Revenge of Gaia | James Lovelock | 159 | No | 5 | 2 | How Gaia and climate change will have huge impacts on the planet | Wider Farming & Environment |
The Vanishing Face of Gaia | James Lovelock | 162 | Yes | 5 | 1 | The sequel to the revenge of Gaia which shows the ‘final warning’ to the world if nothing is done about climate change | Wider Farming & Environment |
A Small Farm Future | Chris Smaje | 267 | No | 4 | 2 | A book where the author (a social scientist) looks at the future of farming and how social interactions on small farm units might be the way in which farms become more diverse and preform far better for humanity and the planet. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Rotations | MAFF | 18 | No | 4 | 1 | 1950 booklet, explaining the need for rotations, what suits what soil type and how to change rotations for better management | Wider Farming & Environment |
Back from the Brink | Peter Andrews | 238 | No | 4 | 2 | A look at Australia, the way European farming methods have created longer hotter droughts and many problems, the author looks at the thought of farming alongside the natural environment. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Residual Value of Applied Nutrients | MAFF | 333 | No | 3 | 2 | A useful reference book for the major elements of NPK in the UK agriculture/horticulture world. | Wider Farming & Environment |
Soil Potassium and Magnesium | MAFF | 193 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the relationship in UK arable systems between Mg and K | Wider Farming & Environment |
Soil Phosphorus | MAFF | 159 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the UK arable/horticultural systems of P | Wider Farming & Environment |
Trace Elements in Soils and Crops | MAFF | 216 | No | 3 | 3 | Highly scientific look at the UK arable/horticultural systems of trace emlements | Wider Farming & Environment |
From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming | Frank Lessiter | 416 | No | 5 | 1 | A collection of stories and photographs that document (albeit not always in chronological order) the development of No-Till from a single trial plot by Harry Young in Kentucky in 1962 | Wider Farming & Environment |
The New organic grower | Elliot Coleman | 236 | No | 3 | 1 | Good book, based around market gardening but as with most books very much US based | Organic Production |
The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook | P Wheeler et al | 220 | No | 5 | 1 | Really good book interpreting soil results, looking at paramagnetic and using nutrition for crop health | Organic Production |
Tommorow’s Table | Pamela Ronald | 167 | No | 4 | 2 | Organic farming, genetics and the future of food, written by 2 professors of genetics at the University of California, part memoir, part instruction. | Organic Production |
Truth about organic food | Alex Avry | 223 | No | 3 | 2 | Fringe book, but helps justify regenerative agriculture over organic. | Organic Production |
Grassland management for organic farmers | David younie | 186 | No | 5 | 2 | UK book 2012, very good resource into all aspects of grassland for organic farmers. | Organic Production |
One size fits none | Stephanie Anderson | 266 | No | 4 | 2 | Regenerative agriculture | Organic Production |
Organic farming | Organic farming | 335 | No | 5 | 1 | A Rodale book written in 1977 looking at yesterday’s and tomorrow’s agriculture, how to farm organically in the future, biological and physical weed control, insects and building soil fertility | Organic Production |
Organic Futures | Adrian Myres | 238 | No | 4 | 2 | UK book where the author makes the case for organic farming as of course this where most of the science has been based for the past 4000 years! | Organic Production |
Organic Manifesto | Maria Rodale | 187 | Yes | 4 | 2 | An interesting read from the CEO of the Rodale Institute in the US, can organic farming really be the answer to the food production of the world? | Organic Production |
Organic no till faming | Jeff Moyer | 200 | No | 3 | 2 | Rodale manager of longest organic research fam in world | Organic Production |
Potato Growing (organic) | Clavering organic | 32 | No | 4 | 1 | Nice little booklet on the subject and looks to explain the main pest issues with potatoes. | Organic Production |
Profitable Organic Farming | Jon Newton | 170 | No | 3 | 3 | A more scientific Jon Nix for the organic sector, 2nd ed (2004) UK based. | Organic Production |
Crop Rotation and cover Cropping | Seth Kroeck | 56 | No | 4 | 1 | First few chapters are really useful, then tilts wholly towards North Eastern US production as it might from the books author and purpose. | Organic Production |
The Market Gardener | Jean-Martin Fortier | 145 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Great book showing how micro farms work and well illustrated on 1.5 acres of ground – similar book to “Miraculous abundance”. | Organic Production |
The Origins of the Organic Movement | Philip Conford | 218 | No | 3 | 3 | Not the easiest read but a useful understanding as to the history of the organic movement in the US and UK from around the 1920’s tracing through the reasons for the movements direction and state. | Organic Production |
Grape Grower A Guide to Organic Viticulture | Lon Rombough | 262 | No | 5 | 2 | A very informed book, lots of information and experience of how to grow and maintain an organic orchard. | Organic Production |
The Organic Method Primer | Bargyla & Gylver Rateaver | 488 | No | 3 | 4 | A strange book in the way it is laid out and for all the complexity it is presented is a real shame because the information is absolute quality! | Organic Production |
The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution | Andrew Mefferd | 312 | No | 4 | 1 | A slightly misleading title, depending on the definition of farm and therefore size – this is much more a no-till market garden or micro farm as they have now been coined | Organic Production |
Miraculous Abudance | Perrine Herve-Gruyer | 221 | Yes | 5 | 1 | A great book and story of how a french couple with no gardening experience embarked on a permaculture/regenerative lifestyle to produce huge quantities of food on 1/4 of an acre! | Organic Production |
The Organic Tradition | Philip Conford | 221 | No | 3 | 3 | A tricky book and typeface, looking at the history and the start of the movement of organic farming 1900-1950 | Organic Production |
Compost Teas | Eric Fisher | 176 | No | 5 | 1 | A rather misleading title to a very good book, which looks at plant nutrition, reading deficiencies, soil and plant microbial life and much much more – well worth a read! | Worms & Compost |
Harnessing the earthworm | Thomas barrett | 179 | No | 5 | 2 | A photocopy of the 1950’s publication, harnessing the earthworm; a practical inquiry into the soil-building, soil conditioning and plant nutrition through the action of earthworms. | Worms & Compost |
The Earth Moved | Amy Stewart | 212 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Book dedicated to the role of earthworms | Worms & Compost |
The Earthworm Book | Jerry Minnich | 298 | No | 4 | 2 | 1977 US based book on the earthworm, a bigger, longer book than the farmers earthworm handbook, yet seems to have no more information. | Worms & Compost |
The Farmers Earthworm Handbook | David Ernst | 108 | No | 5.2 | 1 | A reprint (1995) of a book written in 1958 – The only slight drawback is the fact it is US based. | Worms & Compost |
The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms | C Darwin | 313 | No | 4 | 3 | Original copy of Darwins work, some of the english not as we would read or understand it today! | Worms & Compost |
Worms at Work | Crystal Stevens | 104 | No | 3 | 1 | A fairly basic book, explains the worms uses and then a section on explain worms to school children. | Worms & Compost |
Compost, Vermicompost and Compost Teas | Grace Gershuny | 64 | No | 4 | 1 | A (US) nice introduction into compost and all aspects relating to it, Appendix is larger than the book with various recipes | Worms & Compost |
Composting with worms | George Pilkington | 118 | No | 5 | 1 | A book with a great first few chapters on all thing compost and what lives within it, more garden based than agriculture but a good concise read. | Worms & Compost |
Darwin on Humus and earthworms | C Darwin | 148 | No | 5 | 4 | Reprint of his work from 1881, not the easiest to read, but very interesting interactions of earthworms, soil and humus and vegetable moulds | Worms & Compost |
Dissection of the earthworm | Whitehouse | 71 | No | 5 | 2 | 1949 reprint of the fascinating insight into the earthworm to understand its features – quite a remarkable little book | Worms & Compost |
Earthworm Biology | Jhon A. Wallwork | 52 | No | 5 | 2 | UK 1983 booklet that details the marvels of the earthworms anatomy – how complicated? | Worms & Compost |
Earthworms dirt and rotten leaves | Molly Mclaughlin | 74 | No | 5 | 1 | 1986 US book, very well written and even better illustrations – a really good book on the earthworm | Worms & Compost |
Ecology of soil animals | J A Wallwork | 258 | No | 4 | 3 | 1970 UK graduate book, describing by chapter the different orders of animals found in the soil, from the smallest to the largest | Worms & Compost |
Friend earthworm | George Oliver | 168 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A lifetimes work in a relatively short book, essential reading how worms can build an inch of soil in 5 years! | Worms & Compost |
Worms Eat My Garbage | Mary Appelhof | 141 | No | 5 | 1 | Simplified look at earthworms, what they do, how to set up a worm bin etc (a best selling book in the mainstream) | Worms & Compost |
The Worm Forgives the Plough | John Stewart Collis | 291 | No | 5 | 1 | Fascinating title to a book written in 1973, John is a scientist, ecologist, poet and farm worker, in this book (combination of 2) he talks about his life on the farm. | Worms & Compost |
Bokashi Composting | Adam Footer | 127 | Yes | 4 | 1 | Looking at how to produce compost in an anaerobic environment. | Worms & Compost |
The Compost Tea Brewing Manual | Elaine Ingham | 68 | No | 5 | 1 | A Free to download manual of the latest (5th edition) compost tea, how to make, what to look for and types of really useful information. | Worms & Compost |
The Regenerative Grower’s Guide to Garden Amendments | Nigel Palmer | 178 | No | 5 | 1 | Great new and modern book, highlighting how to get the best out of and make quality compost, extracts and ferments naturally. | Worms & Compost |
Best Management Practices: Johnson-Su Composting Bioreacors | USDA | 19 | No | 5 | 1 | For those looking to make simple compost and not needing to turn it, this is the ultimate solution. | Worms & Compost |
Earth User’s Guid to Permaculture | Rosemary Morrow | 141 | No | 4 | 2 | An Australian based permaculture book, not given any more marks for it, because there are so many great UK books written on the subject. | Permaculture |
The Permaculture Plot | Permanent Publications | 92 | No | 4 | 1 | A useful guide to permaculture in the UK where it lists 50 places where permaculture is practiced and are willing to demonstrate to visitors what they are doing (most privately owned) | Permaculture |
The Permaculture Way | Graham Bell | 226 | No | 4 | 2 | Another permaculture book 1992 based in the UK a very good guide, although in terms of ease of reading, the more modern books are better illustrated. | Permaculture |
The Permaculture Way | Graham Bell | 213 | No | 5 | 2 | A Permaculture book written in the UK (Scottish author) looking at a way of life and how to maximise your land whilst minimising waste at every venture – a worthy read. | Permaculture |
The Resilient Farm and Homestead | Ben Falk | 260 | No | 4 | 1 | A US based text book style book about innovative permaculture and a whole systems design approach – a far more in depth look at the UK equivalent of River cottage! | Permaculture |
Trees for gardens, orchards and permaculture | Martin Crawford | 224 | No | 5.1 | 1 | A great UK book about trees and orchards, how they fit into the classified USDA zones when looking at the UK – essential reading for anyone involved in trees in the UK | Permaculture |
Edible forest gardens 2 | Dave Jacke | 457 | No | 5 | 2 | The second in a series of 2 books looking at all aspects of permaculture and design – quite simply an encyclopaedia of permaculture. | Permaculture |
Permaculture and climate change adaption | Thomas Henfrey | 93 | No | 2 | 2 | A brief look at the philosophy’s behind permaculture. | Permaculture |
Permaculture Design | Aranya | 183 | No | 5 | 1 | A fascinating hand book, showing how to and demonstrating how to set up your own permaculture in the UK – an essential book for those looking to set up a permaculture garden/farm. | Permaculture |
Permaculture in a nutshell | Patrick White Field | 75 | No | 3 | 2 | Despite the title, there are far better and more concise books than this! | Permaculture |
Permaculture promise | Jono Neiger | 151 | No | 4 | 1 | US based book on permaculture, really easy to read, lots of examples and diagrams. Enjoyable although there are plenty of good UK books on the subject | Permaculture |
Restoration Agriculture | Mark Shepard | 298 | Yes | 5.1 | 2 | A truly great read, permaculture in the real world, what it means, how to create it and how to live in the permaculture mindset, full of fascinating facts and a book I loved. | Permaculture |
The basics of permaculture design | Ross Mars | 158 | No | 4 | 2 | Another UK permaculture book, seem to be spoilt in the UK for good books about permaculture and its design. | Permaculture |
The bio-intergrated farm | Shawn Jadrnicek | 343 | No | 3 | 1 | Good book, mainly focusing on permaculture and market gardening, but a useful insight and some great ideas and diagrams. | Permaculture |
Edible forest gardens 1 | Dave Jacke | 303 | No | 5 | 2 | The first in a series of 2 books looking at all aspects of permaculture and design – quite simply an encyclopaedia of permaculture. | Permaculture |
The Earth Care Manual | Patrick Whitefield | 421 | No | 5 | 2 | Another book from the permaculture author, looking at all aspects of setting up permaculture in the UK. | Permaculture |
The permaculture Student 1 | Matt Powers | 81 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Hard to decide the age group this is set out for, my best guess is teenagers, but the book is fascinating and full of illustrations and makes a great introduction to permaculture. | Permaculture |
The permaculture Student 2 | Matt Powers | 349 | No | 5.1 | 1 | Far more in depth and bolder look at permaculture, but written in a really easily and enjoyable way of understanding. | Permaculture |
The Advanced Permaculture Student Teachers Guide | Matt Powers | 81 | No | 2 | 2 | Of no real use, unless setting out a teaching course for permaculture and how to structure the lessons. | Permaculture |
Forest Gardening | Graham Burnett | 24 | No | 5 | 1 | A very well designed little pamphlet explaining the basics of a permaculture forest garden. A greater starter read | Permaculture |